Your thoughts on the WoW Corrupted Blood Plague

I think its great. I would like if we of the [H]ard guild could head to ZG get the plague from Hakkar then hearth back to Org and spread it around.

It is kinda sad, that a bug introduced in the last patch, is the best world event that Blizzard has managed to implement into the game.
LOL!!! That is a good one. The post hasn't shown up yt (give it a minute or two) but there is also a movie of it in action which is pretty funny...well, funny to people who aren't paying $15 a month to play a game they paid $50 for. If I was them...I'd be pissed. ;)
Draax said:
It is kinda sad, that a bug introduced in the last patch, is the best world event that Blizzard has managed to implement into the game.

Definately true, this is the type of stuff that people want to see.. Not a traveling circus with some vendors :p
I thought it was funny myself. Does not make me mad at all and would love to see this stay in the game...just not as lethal to everyone :D

Your right tho draax, best world event so far and its a bug
I think it is really interesting in just how real some of these online worlds can be at times. There have been articles about the economies of these online there are actually virtual pandemics :D
just goes to show how truly amazing it is that mmo's can so realistically mimic real life (even when we're dealing with elves and the undead), epecially when the events taking place are byproducts of the world itself and natural human interactions instead of scripted events being pushed along by game developers and designers.
the next evolution will be true viruses, plagues, what have you that REALLY kill your player, deleted database entires and all heehee :p
It's an amusing quirk.

Almost as funny as when warlocks/hunters would dismiss their pets when the baron in MC made them the bomb. The pet went away but the effect stay on the pet. They respawned their pet in the AH or a crowed area and hilarity occurs. Everybody in the area taking about 4k damage....lowbies get killed instantly. Just funny.

Another fun thing to do is to drag world bosses into towns and watch the carnage. I know there is one boss that becomes more powerful everytime he kills a few people. Eventually he becomes so powerful that nothing other than a GM can kill/remove it.

These things while maybe being called "bugs" are VERY amusing as long as you don't take the game too seriously. The people who get all up in arms and start cussing and swearing really need to log off and go outside.

However though..fixing this quirk will be hard because they can't make a global change like "if you leave an instance all debuffs are removed" because things like "mother's milk" in LBRS would break. They'll figure out....but it might take a bit of brainpower.
Trepidati0n said:
Almost as funny as when warlocks/hunters would dismiss their pets when the baron in MC made them the bomb. The pet went away but the effect stay on the pet. They respawned their pet in the AH or a crowed area and hilarity occurs. Everybody in the area taking about 4k damage....lowbies get killed instantly. Just funny.

I have a video of is funny. I'm sure no one else in the auction house thought it was funny when they dropped over dead, but watching the video is comedy gold.
I'll sound crazy, but there will be a vitrtual world. I'm not saying matrix or anything, but wit some of the articles about technology and science I've read, it will be possible to input ones consciousness (spelling) into a computer. Especially with organic computer systems that are being experimented with.
Trepidati0n said:
It's an amusing quirk.

Almost as funny as when warlocks/hunters would dismiss their pets when the baron in MC made them the bomb. The pet went away but the effect stay on the pet. They respawned their pet in the AH or a crowed area and hilarity occurs. Everybody in the area taking about 4k damage....lowbies get killed instantly. Just funny.

Another fun thing to do is to drag world bosses into towns and watch the carnage. I know there is one boss that becomes more powerful everytime he kills a few people. Eventually he becomes so powerful that nothing other than a GM can kill/remove it.

These things while maybe being called "bugs" are VERY amusing as long as you don't take the game too seriously. The people who get all up in arms and start cussing and swearing really need to log off and go outside.

However though..fixing this quirk will be hard because they can't make a global change like "if you leave an instance all debuffs are removed" because things like "mother's milk" in LBRS would break. They'll figure out....but it might take a bit of brainpower.

LOL would love to see a vid about the pet thing ... suicide bomber ... iraq meets AH.
Trepidati0n said:
It's an amusing quirk.
These things while maybe being called "bugs" are VERY amusing as long as you don't take the game too seriously. The people who get all up in arms and start cussing and swearing really need to log off and go outside.

It's kinda funny that a bug that simple "slipped" by Blizzard (if it actually did slip by), but i'd be kinda bent if i just started playing, and kept dying because someone's idea of fun was to get other players killed. I'd be off looking for another mmorpg at that point. I dunno, something about having fun by ruining other people's fun just doesn't do it for me. =P
Steve said:
I have a video of is funny. I'm sure no one else in the auction house thought it was funny when they dropped over dead, but watching the video is comedy gold.

My GAWD that is pretty damn funny! Its tough to read but you can see in the communication section. Some of the players calling it a hack and telling others "If youre naked it wont hurt you" and then someone else calling the player a fag. LOL Geez get a life. If youve been playing it that long it cant take you much time to get back where you were. Course since I have a life and dont play those games what the hell do I know? :D
hahaha, funny stuff. Course I don't play, so it might not be funny if I'm dying, but it sure would if I'm the one causing death!
beast said:
It's kinda funny that a bug that simple "slipped" by Blizzard (if it actually did slip by), but i'd be kinda bent if i just started playing, and kept dying because someone's idea of fun was to get other players killed. I'd be off looking for another mmorpg at that point. I dunno, something about having fun by ruining other people's fun just doesn't do it for me. =P

Don't take this the wrong way...THEN QUIT. One thing about MMO's is acknowledging and accepting BUGS for a short term and even in some cases the long term. The game is freaking huge w/ people always experimenting (sometimes w/o knowledge) with the rules. The laws of Murphy say eventually somebody will figure out a unique quirk and exploit it (intentionally or not). It will happen...PERIOD.

Bugs for a game will be fixed based upon two major criteria 1) server stabilty 2) revenue. The third is "general bugs". That is why certain quests will NEVER get fixed. Boo hoo if you can't finish one of a gazzilion quests that results in a crappy item which can be replaced by something 2x better in the AH for 1G.

I remember the last time I scanned the AH...went to get a drink..came back and was dead. Somebody trained a dragon into Org :p

$15/month does not guarantee any rights to a flawless guarantees the ability to have access to play the game. If you don't like it...there are many other excellent MMO style games out there that may be to your liking. Just don't expect any of them to be bug free :D

I'm suprised Bonko hasn't chimed in...called me a !!!! and said for "for $15/month the game beter damn well be perfect". :p

Trepidati0n said:
$15/month does not guarantee any rights to a flawless guarantees the ability to have access to play the game. If you don't like it...there are many other excellent MMO style games out there that may be to your liking. Just don't expect any of them to be bug free :D

To be fair, WoW has a monthly fee which is substantially higher then other MMORPGs. It is fair to expect a premium level of service from a company that charges a premium for its service. Blizzard clearly fails in this department.
Draax said:
To be fair, WoW has a monthly fee which is substantially higher then other MMORPGs. It is fair to expect a premium level of service from a company that charges a premium for its service. Blizzard clearly fails in this department.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Their prices are about the same for other games. Look up the word sustantial, see what you get.

Blizzard fails in what department? Making the most popular game ever, drawing in the most people in the history of MMO's?

Your like a blind man telling me what color the rainbow is.
Jinx_player said:
You have no idea what you are talking about. Their prices are about the same for other games. Look up the word sustantial, see what you get.

Blizzard fails in what department? Making the most popular game ever, drawing in the most people in the history of MMO's?

Your like a blind man telling me what color the rainbow is.

1. Try Decaf
2. "Sustantial" is not in the dictionary
3. The level of service of WoW is not up to basic MMORPG standards. (read: world events, GMs, patch releases)
4. The faults of WoW do not make it a bad game. It is a very entertaining and addicting game, overall it is a very fun game. Not acknowledging any faults in WoW, clearly puts you in one camp.
Draax said:
1. Try Decaf
2. "Sustantial" is not in the dictionary
3. The level of service of WoW is not up to basic MMORPG standards. (read: world events, GMs, patch releases)
4. The faults of WoW do not make it a bad game. It is a very entertaining and addicting game, overall it is a very fun game. Not acknowledging any faults in WoW, clearly puts you in one camp.
How many MMO's have you played kid? Im not a very big fan of WoW at all, but the service that blizzard puts forth in the stead of EQ, UO, and DAoC, is amazing. The fact there there is only one or two substantial bugs that you know of in WoW is proof-positive that they are doing something right.

Just becuase you read the 2nd or 3rd persons post doesnt give you enough information to make a judgement about anything.

P.S. Decaf sucks..
Jinx_player said:
How many MMO's have you played kid?
When you start posting like this I am done conversing with you, as it clearly shows your level of maturity.

Just becuase you read the 2nd or 3rd persons post doesnt give you enough information to make a judgement about anything.

I have no idea where you are going with this part of your post. I am judging WoW by my personal experience, not someone else's post.
Making the most popular game ever, drawing in the most people in the history of MMO's?

most popular game ever? not even close

most people in a mmorpg?
lineage and lineage 2 own that helm
I have 2 lvl 60 characters..and I pretty much thought it sucked.

I was on my priest and literally had people following me on purpose to try to make me die faster. Blacklisted for sure. And I messaged a few other priests. Might suck for those guys to get into groups now.
kinda old news and blizzard did a hot fix on the server end within a few days to keep the plague bound to only the zone. So could all the tech news site stop having a hey day with this
Deviationer said:
kinda old news and blizzard did a hot fix on the server end within a few days to keep the plague bound to only the zone. So could all the tech news site stop having a hey day with this
the reason they are reporting it is that the hot fix, being typical blizzard, didnt work.
This is a great thing. you know, after ultima online, MMORPGS started having so many rules and penned in zones, that nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. people play the game and know exactly what to expect. a virtual playpen.

i don't play WOW but im glad that some players could get a taste of what its like to have something unexpected and dynamic happen to them. in early ultima online, because of the lack of rules, everyone had to adapt and expect anything. so you had very complex characters, skillful players and an exciting world to interact in. its a shame all of these mmorpgs are so predictable today. but of course im in the minority.
Reading the chat in the video is pretty funy.

Deviationer said:
kinda old news and blizzard did a hot fix on the server end within a few days to keep the plague bound to only the zone. So could all the tech news site stop having a hey day with this

I thought the hotfix didn't work, that why its still being reported.
I wonder how long it will be before we see online STD's in an MMO?
i have never played a MMRPG yet (more fps player,, hell dont have time for that as is) but do get a kick out of reading about events like this. Anybody remember reading about the guy that killed the king in UO?

From what the player said, The king was making an anouncement, so they all were in a group. He looked in the players sack in front of him, saw a firescroll and stole it. Cast it and the king was like YOU CANT KILL ME. Next thing you know hes dead. That player was banned for like 3 months.

Just a prime example of bugs and flaws in a game. The king did have some type of god mode on but it just didnt work for that instance. Hilarious.

Hmmm.l whats a solid mmrgp to get into?
a plauge that kills everyone who isnt naked, I guess all of the people outside the auction house on the server I play on wouldnt be infected....
Zohar78 said:

From what the player said, The king was making an anouncement, so they all were in a group. He looked in the players sack in front of him, saw a firescroll and stole it. Cast it and the king was like YOU CANT KILL ME. Next thing you know hes dead. That player was banned for like 3 months.

LFM [62+] Assasinate Thrall The Warchief!
dl337 said:
haha STDs in MMO's reminds me of this here

i have a friend he's a 17 year old guy, he says he's an 18 year old girl in WoW, and has a elf caracter. Turns out he has like 10 cyber boyfriends, and they pay him like 10G for a strip...

He just finds it amusing ("They're such fucking loosers hahahahahha"), i find him worrying, but from what i saw it's a common thing...
Trepidati0n said:
However though..fixing this quirk will be hard because they can't make a global change like "if you leave an instance all debuffs are removed" because things like "mother's milk" in LBRS would break. They'll figure out....but it might take a bit of brainpower.
It is an easy fix. Rogues Poisons are removed when they enter or leave an instance.