Your Thoughts on x600pro?


Limp Gawd
Mar 15, 2004
ok i'm looking to upgrade my Onboard x200 video, saw a nice x600PRO with s-video a HUGE must to have S-Video because i got a new Sony Trinitron 32" tv that i wouldnt mind playing some TFC on ahha. anyways. what are your thoughts on this exact card?

SAPPHIRE 587L Radeon X600PRO 128MB 128-bit DDR PCI Express x16 Video Card


ABIT RX600 XT-PCIE Radeon X600XT 128MB 128-bit DDR PCI-Express x16 Video Card

I really dont feel like making another post in the Nvida section but... what about this card?

Albatron PC5750 Geforce PCX5750 128MB 128-bit DDR PCI-Express x16 Video Card
a x700pro will be much better.But if you can snag the x600 go ahead it will treat ya good.
What kind of price range are you looking at? My guess is about $65 -70. Maybe you could buy a geforce 6200 PCI-E and then maybe unlock it :)
ABIT RX600 XT-PCIE Radeon X600XT 128MB 128-bit DDR PCI-Express x16 Video Card

is what i'm reallly leaning towards... just the clocks are crazy high, 750 for the Mem clock and 500 for the core... dont seem bad for under 80$...

Yes my price range is about 50-90$ but for 90$ this better be a kicken card, i'm a cheap bastard.
i have an x600pro and i just have to say that its a pretty damn good card for the price. with some aftermarket cooling i was able to OC the ram 40mhz and the core by 200mhz. Raised my 3dmark about 400 so now i'm in the 2000 3dmark05 range. Not shabby. I'm thinkin itll play BF2
Elian said:
i have an x600pro and i just have to say that its a pretty damn good card for the price. with some aftermarket cooling i was able to OC the ram 40mhz and the core by 200mhz. Raised my 3dmark about 400 so now i'm in the 2000 3dmark05 range. Not shabby. I'm thinkin itll play BF2

It does play BF2. I have one as well. I can do medium settings if I put the view distance down to 50% though. I have it running on a Intel 520 Processor with 512 MB of ram also. Framerates are in the 40's most of the time. If you run it on low, you should get pretty darn good framerates.
I got a refurb x700pro from newegg for $100. Had a Zalman fan on my 9700 that I used on it as well for better cooling and OC. I highly reccommend it. Just do instant checking of memory and clocks when you get it b/c you have 3 days to return once you recieve :D
The X600 cards are just 9600 series cards on PCIe, I would go with a vanilla 6600 especially if you're going to go TV out.
Lazy_Moron said:
It does play BF2. I have one as well. I can do medium settings if I put the view distance down to 50% though. I have it running on a Intel 520 Processor with 512 MB of ram also. Framerates are in the 40's most of the time. If you run it on low, you should get pretty darn good framerates.

50%?! Holy crap do you know what draw distance does. Yikes!
Use atitool to scan for artifacts and OCability. Use Everest to make sure that all the specs are what they say they are and check the voltages to the card. Just amke sure everything is requlating well. Do a few passes of 3dmark and make sure they are consistent. THat is what I did to make sure mine was just fine and shonuff it is! I am VERY happy with my refurb buy.