You're putting WHAT inside a 690?


Sep 22, 2004
Last update: 2/28/2008 - content at the end of first post


The premise is simple: all internal water cooling with no compromises. A silent rig with a factory look (possibly minus the tacky LED fan and slight tweaks on the side panels), and LOTS of cooling capacity for the option of a solid overclocking rig without the noise.

The concept: front mounted PSU leaves room for LOTS of radiator capacity in the 690 without lots of case cutting (not counting the floor). It also makes the wire routing for the motherboard power very short and gorgeously clean.

This work log will be incredibly slow moving, as my projected completion date is some time near the end of the semester, so be patient if there aren't updates for a week or two. My budget is a slow trickle, so I'm delaying the motherboard/RAM/CPU/GPU purchase until the end. The money is budgeted, but not here yet. Best to wait for as many rounds of price cuts as I can... Most of the layout issues should be pretty generic though, so I'm not too worried about that. It'll just make things more exciting!

I haven't decided on guts, as my budget is a slow but steady trickle. I don't know how many water blocks I'll be running (probably two), but I'd really like to have an excuse to "need" more than a triple radiator. I will definitely be floor mounting an MCR320. There is the possibility of roof mounting an additional MCR220. I really want an excuse to "need" the capacity just because it would make the project a lot more fun (and possibly challenging with the clearance issues at the top).

Parts I've got:
DDC2 with Petra's top
Fuzion CPU block
MCW60 GPU block
Swiftech micro-res. (I may end up just going the T-line route depending on how the layout goes).
1/2" barbs all 'round, and probably going with 7/16" MK tubing

Parts I'm on the verge of ordering:
6 S-Flex SFF21F fans

Parts I might use as well:
other water blocks (SLI/X-fire, NB, etc.)
Maybe some copper tubing, but we'll see. The deciding factor will be aesthetics - and my limited tool selection.

And now the reason I'm starting this work log so early (prematurely even?):
I'm having trouble finding some basic parts that I'll need for the PSU mod. I need an extension piece that will let me mount a female power cord plug on the back of the case, with a lead that plugs into the PSU, as the PSU will not be exposed. (The back of the PSU will be facing the front of the case, about an inch or two back from the bay covers, so the master power switch will be accessible from the front.) Ideally, I'd like the end that plugs into the PSU to have a 90 degree elbow plug on it. Is there a place I can get such a beast? Something in the 18"-24" long ballpark. It doesn't seem to be a standard monoprice type product... Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated!

Also, I will be rewiring the PSU to shorten the motherboard plug a LOT (and maybe some/all the other leads too), but I think I'll be able to get the help I need just browsing the forums on my own. That's a job I know many have done before me. I don't have much experience but I've got patience, I'm not a COMPLETE idiot, and I'm not afraid to break things. :D

edit: Now for forum rules compliance, pic #1:

Needless to say, the HD cage is coming out - at least aprtially.

I plan on elevating the 320 off the floor. Not quite as much as the picture has it, but at least an inch. I'll be cutting a long horizontal (~13") cut in the left side of the case about 3/4" from the bottom, and making two short cuts (~2") up at each end of this cut. I'll be bending that flap inwards to make a long intake vent on the side of the case to help the airflow that's coming in from the floor. I don't want to cut the whole floor out, as I don't really trust the case to hold enough rigidity with all that gone. I'll be leaving one or two 3/4" wide spars across the floor roughly between the fan positions (although the fans will be on top of the radiator in pull configuration). Also, the 320 will be about an inch or two forward from the back of the case, so I can use the entire PSU cutout as another intake hole. All this extra ventilation is because I might have the case on carpet, and I don't want to have to redo the factory feet with something taller. Wheels just aren't my thing, and anything that would look really good is probably going to be more trouble than it's worth. After all, this isn't exactly a Lian-Li!

Update 2/25/2008:

Ordered MCR320, MCR220, and 6xScythe S-flex SFF21F fans. Should arrive later this week... :)

This guarantees prenly of headroom for a toasty warm processor and one GPU heavilly overclocked, or possibly a dual GPU setup witha moderate overclock. I'm not a heavy gamer (and the games I do play tend to be non-0FPS anyways), so I'm not going to be pushing the OC very high on my GPU(s) whatever I choose. I will be interested in cranking the CPU overclock pretty well though for work, folding, and just plain good old fashioned fun.

Update 2/28/2008:

Rads and fans are on the delivery truck. They should be waiting for me when I get home from work today, so i can start laying things out in detail, and marking for cuts. I can't wait!
I'll be putting progress updates into the top posts, as they aren't really "discussion".

Currently, I'm soliciting opinions/advice on color. I'm torn over what to do with the interior. I'm a pretty mellow understated guy, and I don't want a super blingtastic case - hence keeping the outside mostly stock looking. On the inside my favorite idea right now is to completely chrome the interior and have a few black accents. Kind of a reverse of the "black with chrome accent" exterior. My only problem is finding a chrome spray paint that actually looks GOOD. Is there such a thing? I can't get the parts properly chromed, as I'm on a pretty tight budget. However, I don't mind taking my time (that's the one thing I have lots of) and, if necessary, doing lots of coats to get it right.

My fallback plan is to do the (apparently) trendy thing and do complete black on the interior. I'd be very happy with that scheme too, but I'd really like to do a chrome look on the interior if possible. Any suggestions of specific chrome paints (and clear coats), and maybe some pics of what the finished product looks like would be greatly appreciated.

If I end up doing the chrome interior, a window would be mandatory of course! :cool:
The nice thing about using say, a flat black color scheme is that it makes chrome stand out such as the screws that ornate the side of the 5 1/4" bays. I've been working on a similar mod and I am just about complete on my 690 case. One thing you will want to do before painting the interior is to make all your cuts first, including any pass through cable holes. With the holes cut, use c-strip to protect the wiring from the edges, and, paint in multiple thin coats. Make sure to use gray primer first, and, make sure you paint the insides of both side panels. It looks great.
The nice thing about using say, a flat black color scheme is that it makes chrome stand out such as the screws that ornate the side of the 5 1/4" bays. I've been working on a similar mod and I am just about complete on my 690 case. One thing you will want to do before painting the interior is to make all your cuts first, including any pass through cable holes. With the holes cut, use c-strip to protect the wiring from the edges, and, paint in multiple thin coats. Make sure to use gray primer first, and, make sure you paint the insides of both side panels. It looks great.

Thanks for the input. Black really is the best choice I think (after ruling out chrome due to budget). I'll definitely be doing all my cutting first. The really nice thing about the front mounted PSU is the short power cable run. It also makes it very easy to (almost) completely hide every other power cable - other than the fan wires which will have to be tucked away very carefully.

As for the black helping the chrome accents to "pop", I think it's definitely a good look. It carries the external theme inside in a nice consistent tasteful way. I just really liked the idea of having the scheme reversed on the inside. Too bad it isn't that practical.

Do you have any specific paint/primer recommendations? I'd like a matte black on the interior - not glossy.
Sorry about the late update. I used Rustoleum gray primer (3 coats) followed up by two cans of flat black (8 coats). I made sure to sand in between each coat using 400 grit sand paper and nice even sanding strokes. Once I got down to the final two coats, I switched to a finer sand paper and lightly "scuffed" the paint in order to adhere better. I'm really happy with the results.

Edit: Here are a couple of shots of the case if you are curious


That looks great man. One of the better interior paint jobs I've seen. All those coats of paint really create a smoooooth even look. I like a satin/semi-gloss finish as opposed to a totally flat finish, but you made this look really nice.
great looking paint job. makes me want to paint the interior of my case that much more.
To be clear, the interior paint job pics are samples of someone else's case, not the project of this thread. They are definitely nice though. And they have convinced me that a matte black interior is definitely the way to go with my 690 as well.

Thanks MrE!
No problem. I can remove the pictures if they are too distracting as this is your thread. I don't want to take anything away from your work log.
No problem. I can remove the pictures if they are too distracting as this is your thread. I don't want to take anything away from your work log.

We'll see how it goes. I'm not close to painting yet, and I might find them handy for some unforseen details. I'm definitely going to be doing a few different things though i.e. removing all or part of the HDD cage, etc.

I'll let you know via PM if the pics are "in the way". For now, they can stay where they are.
To be clear, the interior paint job pics are samples of someone else's case, not the project of this thread. They are definitely nice though. And they have convinced me that a matte black interior is definitely the way to go with my 690 as well.

Thanks MrE!

Sorry, I missed that due to my drooling. Follow this man's example! lol
Sorry, I missed that due to my drooling. Follow this man's example! lol

I will be, don't worry! I've got to design and build a platform/shroud for the bottom radiator first, and get the top radiator's mount sorted out too. I might also end up building an offset shroud for the top rad to avoid clearance issues with the motherboard. Needless to say, painting is a little ways off yet, especially at the pace that this build will be progressing.
Damn if you pull this off I won't be the one with the most crap in their 690 anymore :( :p
dedwards said:
Hey nonlinear,

Your design sounds similar to mine. Check out my worklog and let me know if you have any questions -

Good luck with your build - I had a lot of fun with mine and I'm really happy with the result.


That's the exact pump placement I've been contemplating. It's nice to see how the clearances work out. Sure the case is different, but it's still helpful to see. I'm not sure if I'll be able to preserve one or two HDD bays from the lower cage. It all depends on how high off the floor the 320 ends up being.

edit: what fittings do you have on the pump outlet and the rad inlet for that short line? Stubbies?
There is a single T-fitting that feeds the T-line, which is routed up behind the drive cage.

On the inlet and outlet are just short pieces of tubing. I trimmed them so they would be as short as possible without the fittings touching inside.

The outlet tube supports the pump just fine, and it forms a kind of soft-mount which helps isolate the pump vibration from the rest of the case.