You're Sick


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The World Health Organization has officially added "Gaming Disorder" to its list of mental illnesses, in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases. Don't worry, just because you stayed up last till 2am last playing your favorite shooter, and have work this morning at 7am, does not exactly lump you in with the classification. But it might. This will however open this illness up to be treated by insurance plans and governmental health services worldwide.

Check out the video.

Gaming disorder is defined in the draft 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.

For gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months.
I haven't pissed myself while gaming overnight, so I guess there's still hope...though I did play FFVII one night until 4AM, then after dying to the Son of Shinra without saving I drank some water and vomited because I was so dehydrated.
I haven't pissed myself while gaming overnight, so I guess there's still hope...though I did play FFVII one night until 4AM, then after dying to the Son of Shinra without saving I drank some water and vomited because I was so dehydrated.
I did the same thing when VII. Minus the vomiting. I played it through the night and went to school the next day. Didn't get sick or anything.
I didnt watch video...but i sure as hell hope they added snapchat and facebook to their list for addictions. Can't stand those fucks that I have to hang out with all with their faces glowing from their phone screens, during any social outing. Some making dumbass faces for snapchat, or posting that they just ate or performed an event that most people dont give a shit about.
So it's an addiction?

Fancy that.

Pretty sure most of us know somebody who flushed their own life down the toilet for gaming or any other of an endless list of "entertainment" addictions.

Women. Alcohol. Drugs. Games. Meh, a man ought to have some vices - at least one. In fact, I don't trust anyone that doesn't.
It's stupid because virtually anything can become an addiction. Anything that releases any sort of high in your brain CAN lead to addictive-like behaviors.

That goes for anything - sex, working out, eating, drinking, drug use, blah blah blah. So categorizing them into each activity type is honestly stupid.

I say that because people are always going to misinterpret this - The fact that someone stays up until 5 AM playing videogames and sleeping in till 3 PM doesn't really play a part in determining if one is "addicted" in an unhealthy way.

Now when someone starts playing videogames over worrying about having money for food... then there is a problem.
I didnt watch video...but i sure as hell hope they added snapchat and facebook to their list for addictions. Can't stand those fucks that I have to hang out with all with their faces glowing from their phone screens, during any social outing. Some making dumbass faces for snapchat, or posting that they just ate or performed an event that most people dont give a shit about.

This. The cure I've found is to have all people at a lunch (or whatever) to place their phones, face down, on the table. First person to reach for it pays the tab.

Anyone can get their phone at any time, but they better really want it.
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Do you want thousands of fake gaming addiction clinics driving up your already mile high health insurance premiums? You're in luck.
I actually diagnosed myself as very possibly having some type of addiction when I was balls deep into a game "Dark Ages of Camelot" .... I would have 12 - 13 - 15 hour gaming sessions and end up going to bed with my eyes were literally on fire at times.

This was in the very early 2000's. Maybe 2000 to 2003 or 04'

I was very lucky in that an opportunity presented itself to sell the 3 or 4 accounts I had for $3,800 dollars in total.

If any of you heard of the infamous "Cloro" ... I might have had something to do with that. Haha.
just seems like a casual dismissal/downplaying of underlying issues for people that may resort to games or other distractions as a coping mechanism.

of course too much gaming is bad, but to me that would seem more like a symptom of a bigger issue going on :/

Like basically any substance abuse/addiction. I'm not entirely sure where the differentiation is.
I have a cousin-in-law that is addicted to weight lifting...rarely goes to family functions, insists she doesn't have time for a real job, sucking on a divorce settlement, and looking for a sugar daddy to keep her afloat so she can workout 4-6 hours a day. Hasn't had a job in her life that wasn't for fun or extra spending money, her parents/grandparents are to blame. I suppose we all have our addictive personality to something, some of us haven't done that something or we know what it is and keep it in check.
So a lack of willpower will now be covered by insurance?

Along with a "lack of anything better to do," the "no I do not want to go antiquing with you and your sister," and the classic "just one more turn."

I wonder if a general lack of parenting skills will also be covered?
I have a cousin-in-law that is addicted to weight lifting...rarely goes to family functions, insists she doesn't have time for a real job, sucking on a divorce settlement, and looking for a sugar daddy to keep her afloat so she can workout 4-6 hours a day. Hasn't had a job in her life that wasn't for fun or extra spending money, her parents/grandparents are to blame. I suppose we all have our addictive personality to something, some of us haven't done that something or we know what it is and keep it in check.

So. You're saying your cousin is fit as hell and single. Observing for a friend.


But people really do get addicted to exercise and all sorts of activities. Your point is well-taken. It seems to fit the threshhold definition of it (whatever "it" is) causing a real detriment to life functions. That's really the key, right? Or is it? Is a functional alcoholic less afflicted than the one that isn't? Dunno.
I did the same thing when VII. Minus the vomiting. I played it through the night and went to school the next day. Didn't get sick or anything.
Yeah, I hadn't eaten or had anything to drink since before noon the day before, so I was in rough shape. Didn't start playing FF until around 10, it's just that I was at a friend's house and wasn't thinking about food--hunger had already came and gone, and after that I'm usually good for a while if I dont drink anything or think about food.
Can we just go to 'addictive disorder' and we don't have to then pick and choose items as we go?

sometimes.. those mix.. well. or so i have heard.. from long ago.. thankfully


What would you suggest for a saturday raid night? Asking for a friend.
As long as you're not playing any MMORPG's 24/7, you should be good. Those games are the worst for ruining people's lives.

What about mobile games? Although purchasing a skin or mount for a MMO is basically the same. But still not as bad as buying lives or speeding up some building instead of waiting.
When will WHO recognize the cancer that is Femenazism and Politically Conformity?
So if I'm addicted to computer games I can now collect disability?

Finally a disability I can strive for. :D

No, you'll be gouged by insurance companies for having a powerful PC due to "risk" and they want more profit. To reduce your premiums you'll have to use a Celeron and their own horrible Linux with no games, or they get to log all your activity.
Can you imagine someone hacking into Steam [or other online game service], reveals players identities [or facilitates association to real names] and the hours played per game in their library? If health insurance companies got wind of that information they could then diagnose people as having mental health issues and consider them risks, thus increasing health premiums.
Can you imagine someone hacking into Steam [or other online game service], reveals players identities [or facilitates association to real names] and the hours played per game in their library? If health insurance companies got wind of that information they could then diagnose people as having mental health issues and consider them risks, thus increasing health premiums.

It will be volunteer first. Like the whole "put this in your car to monitor driving habits, it will never cause your premium to go up".

"Give us your steam account link so we can help suggest healthy habits and give you properly targeted pamphlets.
Over the years ICD and DSM have become very similar, but I think DSM still carries more weight.

Will be interesting to see if the DSM will mirror this in their next revision.
Can you imagine someone hacking into Steam [or other online game service], reveals players identities [or facilitates association to real names] and the hours played per game in their library? If health insurance companies got wind of that information they could then diagnose people as having mental health issues and consider them risks, thus increasing health premiums.

Hack? Their corrupt ISP will just sell their activity and how often they use Steam.
So it's an addiction?

Fancy that.

Pretty sure most of us know somebody who flushed their own life down the toilet for gaming or any other of an endless list of "entertainment" addictions.

My brother has lost two jobs and almost became homeless because of Wow. His son is following in his footsteps. My bro has a disability so now he can sit at home and play all he wants. Guess I could be jealous, games are fun, but I enjoy life too. I believe most of us enjoy building them more than gaming most times.