Youths Ordered to Apologize on YouTube

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Two kids that posted a video of a prank have been ordered by the court to post an apology on YouTube as part of their sentence. The idiots in question were tracked down after they threw a drink at a girl working the drive-thru window. Each kid received 100 hour community service and had to post an apology on YouTube.

From the YouTube video, she found the boys' MySpace pages, where they had bragged about the incident. While keeping her identity secret, she befriended the boys and confirmed that they were involved in the attack, according to the Florida Today report. Using a phone book, she located the mother of one of the teens, who identified the others involved in the prank.

The girl shouldn’t be working for Taco Bell, after all the detective work she did, she should be hired by the police department.
Would have been funny if she found out who they were and tracked them down... signaled them to pull over (probably stupid enought to actually pull over) and let them have a nice supersize cup in their car.... make sure to record it and upload it to youtube.
I expect this to happen more with youtube being so popular. This would have never happened with me, my dad would have made sure I never left the house ever again if I pulled a stunt like that.
i think i've seen a video like this quite a while ago. some guy drives up to the window, as soon as he's given his drink he yells 'fire in the hole' and throws it right at the girl/guy. pathetic really, i'm all for pranks but as long as they aren't harmful/humiliating to some random person that didn't do anything to you to begin with. good for her on tracking those assholes down.

and a good prank is to take this pic


and photoshop it to look like a mcdonalds menu item and then stick it on their drive thru menu :D:D

ahh fun memories of the mckitty combo.
I expect this to happen more with youtube being so popular. This would have never happened with me, my dad would have made sure I never left the house ever again if I pulled a stunt like that.

I wouldn't have been able to walk... let alone leave the house.
Me thinks We have a Sherlock Holmes female counterpart in the making, When they did this to Her, The game was a foot and She solved It in classic fashion, They got what they deserved. Good for Her and yeah She's raw talent going to waste at Taco Bell.
I always get a good laugh from stories like these where the guilty get their due... :D:D

Damn that is one smart woman!
Da two youths...

Did you say yute?

Yeah, da two youths...

What is a yute?

I'm impressed but not that impressed.

It really isn't difficult to "investigate" someone to find their Myspace. If the idiots didn't brag about it or posted a video, they would of gotten scot free.
Would have been funny if she found out who they were and tracked them down... signaled them to pull over (probably stupid enought to actually pull over) and let them have a nice supersize cup in their car.... make sure to record it and upload it to youtube.

From the YouTube video, she found the boys' MySpace pages, where they had bragged about the incident. While keeping her identity secret, she befriended the boys and confirmed that they were involved in the attack, according to the Florida Today report.

laugh, posting under your myspace accounts, can you be any more obvious?
i think i've seen a video like this quite a while ago.

Brandon Dicamillo and Bam Margera did this prank in their first CKY video about 9 years ago:

<embed width="425" height="350" src="" FlashVars="bgColor=FFFFFF&file=" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" scale="noscale"wmode="window" name="VE_Player" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
Please tell me I'm not the only one to know what movie that comae from!

LOL, upon reading the headline the first thing that popped into my head before reading the article was that scene from My Cousin Vinny.

Vinny Gambini said:
Oh, excuse me, your honor...[exaggerated]
...Two YOUTHS.
I'm impressed but not that impressed.

It really isn't difficult to "investigate" someone to find their Myspace. If the idiots didn't brag about it or posted a video, they would of gotten scot free.

They did this with the intent of putting it on Youtube, They most likely wouldn't have done it otherwise.
Last summer me and 3 other friends did this @ TacoBell at 1AM. It was the funniest shit I've ever done. We have a video, but we werent dumb enough to put it online.
Last summer me and 3 other friends did this @ TacoBell at 1AM. It was the funniest shit I've ever done. We have a video, but we werent dumb enough to put it online.

Yeah, it would be real funny if I came to your job and dumped a pop on you.

Time to investigate......
Reason #314560 to not work at a fast food restaurant: Cowardly toolbags pulling stupid shit like this and ruining your day.

Conclusion: Whatever you do, don't do windows. :D
This is kind of like that video of the kids in Cali that drove around in their car and filmed shooting people with paintballs. Why this is funny I don't know. These kids laughed so damn hard at it. I just don't get it.
I like the one about the girl who nabbed the thief of her Mac Laptop by remotely connecting to the laptop from another computer and using the built in webcam to take a photo of the culprit. Turned out the thief was someone she knew so was easy to track down.
Last summer me and 3 other friends did this @ TacoBell at 1AM. It was the funniest shit I've ever done. We have a video, but we werent dumb enough to put it online.

Hm... interesting that it takes 4 people to throw a soda at someone working at a drive-thru window. Very impressive young one.

I feel extremely sorry for you if that is the funniest thing you've ever done. I've met some really really dull people in my life but I doubt any of them hold a candle to you.

Last summer me and 3 other friends did this @ TacoBell at 1AM. It was the funniest shit I've ever done. We have a video, but we werent dumb enough to put it online.

Damn! That's funny! That's almost as good as when we shoved firecrackers up frogs butts!!