YouTube Videos To Have 'Overlay' Ads

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
As if we didn’t see enough ads as it is, YouTube will now be adding advertisement overlays to certain videos. What next? Adding overlay ads to current ads for double and triple ad exposure?

Dozens of other sites have tried ways to make money from the burgeoning popularity of online video. But YouTube's size and influence could help its approach -- touted as less obtrusive and more effective than banner ads or in-video commercials -- become the industry standard.
i hate ads as well, but these type of overlays do seem rather unobtrusive... as long as the ads don't make noise or otherwise interrupt me while i'm intensely involved and listening to lonelygirl15's profound and intelligent 'show', everything'll be alright.

i want to kill whoever made that roll-over, talking smiley-face ad. *shudders*
Another YouTube type website will come out with no ads or limitations, become extremely popular, get sold to a for profit company, become restrictive and filled with ads etc...
Sounds like Google is getting greedy

They were greedy from the start. If you guys didn't think they'd love to be MS Jr. (or equal for that matter), then you guys don't understand business. They're in it for the money, nothing else.
i hate ads as well, but these type of overlays do seem rather unobtrusive... as long as the ads don't make noise or otherwise interrupt me while i'm intensely involved and listening to lonelygirl15's profound and intelligent 'show', everything'll be alright.

i want to kill whoever made that roll-over, talking smiley-face ad. *shudders*

If they are anything like the website-overlay ad.... youtube will die a horrible death.
what next you ask? well people will be hired to create videos that appear to be non-commercial & user generated, but in fact will be getting paid to subtly include product placement in their videos, a nike on tshirt here, a coke bottle there, a dell logo, etc.. just like they already do in movies, which are already filled with ads and product placements.. all this excessive advertising can and often does ruin a good thing.
Cool. Covering up my grainy, 150x120 pixel video is a good idea. I predict much success.
hmm, will i be seeing revenue from videos i post? nasty can of worms to open in my opinion.
Sounds lame. I hate ads.
Holy crap! For the first time, Ockie is saying something I could agree with. Is the world coming to an end?

Ockie, what do you think about google searches where the first few pages of results are all either advertisements or sites trying to sell whatever it is that you searched for instead of what you're actually looking for, like a review?

Ads drive people away, but how many? I unplugged my Cable and put the TV in storage, don't want my kid to be assaulted by adds for the first few years of his life.

Maybe if youtube increased the quality of the video along with doing this add thing, that might not bug people so much. I don't like how poor quality youtube video is in this day and age of HDTV, it's worse than a 20 year old video tape.
Maybe if youtube increased the quality of the video along with doing this add thing, that might not bug people so much. I don't like how poor quality youtube video is in this day and age of HDTV, it's worse than a 20 year old video tape.

I'm sure there's a few good reasons for their video quality being poor. For one thing, it's probably the largest repository of videos in the world. Imagine how much space it's taking up. It must be nuts. If they increase the quality, storage requirements would shoot through the roof in minutes.

And secondly, YouTube's too busy bandwidth-wise to allow higher quality streaming. Sure your DSL or cablemodem or T1 line can handle beautiful 512kbit streams, and so can YouTube's.. but not when there's 10,000 people bombarding the site every two seconds.

I'm really curious what Google/YouTube is using for video storage and streaming. Anyone have any information on that?

As for overlay ads, it pisses me off, but for a different reason than most. Television networks are currently experimenting with overlay commercials to prevent TiVO users from skipping commercials. Nothing like having your favorite show freeze and cut by 5 seconds during emotional moments to have stupid announcements pop up on the bottom of your screen.
I'm sure there's a few good reasons for their video quality being poor. For one thing, it's probably the largest repository of videos in the world. Imagine how much space it's taking up. It must be nuts. If they increase the quality, storage requirements would shoot through the roof in minutes.

And secondly, YouTube's too busy bandwidth-wise to allow higher quality streaming. Sure your DSL or cablemodem or T1 line can handle beautiful 512kbit streams, and so can YouTube's.. but not when there's 10,000 people bombarding the site every two seconds.

I'm really curious what Google/YouTube is using for video storage and streaming. Anyone have any information on that?

As for overlay ads, it pisses me off, but for a different reason than most. Television networks are currently experimenting with overlay commercials to prevent TiVO users from skipping commercials. Nothing like having your favorite show freeze and cut by 5 seconds during emotional moments to have stupid announcements pop up on the bottom of your screen.

fox has had pop up ads on their television shows for years
fox has had pop up ads on their television shows for years

I guess I never noticed because I tend to watch only TBS lol

Everybody Loves Raymond comes on when I get home from work. Best show in the world :D
/me calls Tyler Durden to insert 'unseen' hidden scenes for advertisement. What if youtube has youtube ads in their vids every so many frames and therefore makes it so addicting that we will keep watching even when they use real ads to start really making money.

If I were looking for business I'd take that well known route .... start minimalistic in any hidden and obstrusive way in order to gain popularity. Once popular enough, start introducing money making offers slowly until it's really noticed, then let people get used to it, then start some more.
Hey, at least it beats popup ads, redirect ads, audio ads, flash-based floating ads, and commercials that interrupt your video.

Why does it beat all of those? Because you can ignore it.
amazing how much people complain for


how else are they supposed to make money, dont like it, make your own site and when your broke, come back and complain.

you get what you pay for.
How are they supposed to pay for all that bandwidth and hardware needed to run Youtube?

Google is not some nonprofit organization working for the benefit of humanity, you know. They are a company out to make money. They must bring in enough revenue to pay for their expenses and make a profit.

Most tech companies do that using sales. Google chose the other route; advertising. Since they offer their products for free, they must use advertising to make money. If Google did not use advertising, they would have to charge you for their products or go out of business. Be thankful Google has chosen a non-invasive way to show you their ads.

I don't understand why people call companies "greedy" when the try to make money. That is what companies are for, you know.

amazing how much people complain for


how else are they supposed to make money, dont like it, make your own site and when your broke, come back and complain.

you get what you pay for.

They were greedy from the start. If you guys didn't think they'd love to be MS Jr. (or equal for that matter), then you guys don't understand business. They're in it for the money, nothing else.

Pretty much...Guess I won't be using youtube much...hate advertising.
then in a few years i guess you wont be using much..... playing games, using a bus or trains for transit, using highways, or anything, since they all have advertising surrounding them... wait till is really in your face.

it is just so annoying people want everything for free with no limitations, if that was the case, why would anyone bother to make anything new, do anything new,... sorry but bottom line is people come out with most idea's in the hopes of making money, period!
then in a few years i guess you wont be using much..... playing games, using a bus or trains for transit, using highways, or anything, since they all have advertising surrounding them... wait till is really in your face.

it is just so annoying people want everything for free with no limitations, if that was the case, why would anyone bother to make anything new, do anything new,... sorry but bottom line is people come out with most idea's in the hopes of making money, period!

Theres something called being practical. I believe in a different society and work to change the one at hand as some others on these forums do to through various means. I'm generally against advertising because of its deceptive ways and origins as it relates to private power.

People on these forums aren't just against adds for no particular reason or due to their annoyance as many of you seem to assume by suggesting that the google ads are not pop-ups or intrusive. The real reason has to deal with freedom of information, democracy, and fairness in reporting. Many of you can attests to the many hardware sites scattered over the internet that can't be trusted to benchmark certain products. This is in part in some cases due the companies revenue it gains from advertisement. The same thing is even more possible with google as someone pointed it out ,most of their money comes from advertising. So, might have an reason to censor or deprioritize websites/articles that may be critical of their advertising companies in fear of a pull-out.Oh, by the way microsoft,yahoo, and google it seems has no problems violating human rights and freedom of speech in countries like China.
^^ i can completly agree with that, i guess for me it is things, or people who block ad's on sites like [h],. which is their main revenue and people block the ad's for them, and then complain if the forum goes down or something goes wrong.
Theres something called being practical. I believe in a different society and work to change the one at hand as some others on these forums do to through various means. I'm generally against advertising because of its deceptive ways and origins as it relates to private power.

People on these forums aren't just against adds for no particular reason or due to their annoyance as many of you seem to assume by suggesting that the google ads are not pop-ups or intrusive. The real reason has to deal with freedom of information, democracy, and fairness in reporting. Many of you can attests to the many hardware sites scattered over the internet that can't be trusted to benchmark certain products. This is in part in some cases due the companies revenue it gains from advertisement. The same thing is even more possible with google as someone pointed it out ,most of their money comes from advertising. So, might have an reason to censor or deprioritize websites/articles that may be critical of their advertising companies in fear of a pull-out.Oh, by the way microsoft,yahoo, and google it seems has no problems violating human rights and freedom of speech in countries like China.

True, but companies that don't participate in the unethical activites you mentioned still need a way to make money.