z-5500 popping


Aug 12, 2004
it happens now and than, sometimes not at all and then bamn for a couple days straight i get popping noises, it happens primarily when a lot of power is being drawn while listening to music... so i called logitech up and im still under warranty, it seems that the amp on these things(from what ive read, they didnt say this) isnt that good and when it cant get a lot of power it gets messed up and pops a lot, so i bought a noise filter for multimedia devices and an extension chord so i figured hopefully the jack on the other side of my room isnt on the same line as my comp and other electronic devices, but even still its making the popping noise, espcially if a website is loading cus i think thats when my pc draws more power... so what do i do? do i exchange my subwoofer and hopefully the next one they send isnt bad? ive read that they are all like this... i went all last semester in a different room with no problem except when my microwave popped, than it was messed up for a week and than i didnt have a problem till now

is there something else i need to buy? this is really frustrating
Are you absolutely certain the popping is a result of your speakers, and not from your pc? Try listening through headphones when it's happening a lot and see if the noise is there. Or feed the speakers another known to be good source. One of the best methods to troubleshoot anything is process of elimination.

If loading a web page causes a power drain significant enough to cause your speakers to poop out, you've got more problems than just potentially bad speakers.

On a side note, I guess with all this instant messaging stuff these days it's common to just ramble on with mile long sentences and grammar thrown out the window, but it's awful hard for an old fart like me to follow what the hell you mean. I was thinking for a minute that an extension chord was like an augmented 5th or something.
I have that problem also, but now I'm thinking it's my wiring (my thread in the PSU section). So maybe it's NOT your speakers. This is throughtout my house. Check to see if something wrong with your electricity
sorry for the bad grammar. It isnt my computer because other speakers and headphones have always worked fine. This is a common problem with z-5500's and you can google "Popping" with "Z-5500's" and it will come up. I have 2 LCD's my computer, my speakers, a turntable, x-box, gamecube, and other assorted electronics. Not including possible power drainers in the other rooms around my apartment such as the refrigerator, microwave, tv, another gamecube, super nintendo, etc etc etc.

I have tried it with other devices, and i can just as easily plug my headphones directly into the computer and get no popping noises, but through the speaker's little unit that comes with z-5500's(its a device that has the volume and whatnot), i hear popping and hissing. When i turn the power off from my speakers when its popping and hissing, there is a loud THUD from all the speakers. But when im having a good couple of days where it isnt popping and hissing, you will never hear that thud if i turn the power off. So i am assuming that a UPS will fix this problem, having a steady current going into the speaker amp and hopefully it wont go up or down too much to affect the speakers. My question is, where is a good place to get a UPS to test it out, newegg? and how much money will i need to spend. I mean i know there are those UPS strips that can power a bunch of devices, and i hear that it can actually increase CPU performance if you have a decent UPS. But im primarily concerned with just plugging my subwoofer into something so that i can listen to music and stuff EVERY day without the popping and hissing. Not sporatically. And please dont get me wrong, i would love to have my PC hooked up to something that would increase its performance and prevent it from shutting down from power surges, but with the recent purchase of my monitor and other goodies, and future goodies(conroe), i dont have the cash.
And is it my obligation to buy a UPS(is it UPS or USP... universal surge protector seems to fit better than anything i can think of for UPS) and by obligation, i mean shouldnt i be able to plug my subwoofer into the wall without having these problems? has logitech addressed them, or maybe did i get a bad one of the bunch? this whole thing is extremely frustrating.
i just bought a UPS with 485 watts... 35 minute surge protection...i think this should fix it...
Well the poppin depends on the source its connected to. For me if i connected to the computer through Coax it starts to pop. But when i switch it to my Xbox 360 on optical it doesnt do it. And when its analog to the comp it doesnt do it. Ive had same problem with a pair of boston speakers connected digitally to the computer. I dont know if its my comp or what but i tested and it happens on every comp if its connected through the coax connection. But when connected to the DVD Player thorough coax doesnt do it. I think the power supply picks up some of the electrical interference of the house when something is switched on and off and when it picks it up since its a 60Hz wave the amplifier in the Z-5500 amplifies it and sends it to speakers.
Question: I have similar problems with my Z-5500, although it only happens right when a large load is turned on (microwave, dryer,etc).

Is buying a UPS really the only way to clean the power going to the speakers? I don't need to run them when the power cuts out ( - that would be ridiculous).