Zotac IONITX A-U overclocked - temp reads are wacked out


May 6, 2007
If I run my Zotac IONITX A-U (Atom 330 based all-in-one) at the stock settings (1.60 GHz) the temp monitor in the BIOS reads 34 for the MB and 41 for the CPU at idle. If I overclock the board (fsb up to 667 from 533) the temp monitor in the BIOS reads 34 for th MB and 14 for the CPU at idle. If I boot into Linux the temps are messed up as well (sensors using coretemp and lm90 modules):

Stock (12x266)
coretemps-idle: 21/23
cpu temp-idle: 30
coretemps-load: 32/32
cpu temp-load:53

Overclocked (12x333)
coretemps-idle: -3/6
cpu temp-idle: 42
coretemps-load: 16/23
cpu temp-load:56

Can anyone else with this board comment? Do you see really odd temps when overclocking?
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interesting.. id just go by what ever the cpu temp is.. looks like overclocking it screws up the core sensors.. at least you know the difference between the cpu temp and core temp at stock you can just use that difference to figure out what the temps are overclocked.. which doesnt look to be that much of a difference under load just the idle temp..