Zuckerberg Co-Sponsors $33M Prize To Extend Human Life

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I know how to extend human life, quit using Facebook and start doing other things. Ta-daa! Check please.

Art Levinson, Sergey Brin, Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan and Yuri Milner announced today the launch of the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (“Breakthrough Prize”), recognizing excellence in research aimed at curing intractable diseases and extending human life. The prize will be administered by the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation (“Foundation”) dedicated to advancing breakthrough research, celebrating scientists and generating excitement about the pursuit of science as a career..
Cure disease and cancer and other currently incurable disease I'd go for, but extending life? Be prepared to pay more in social security taxes to prolong your retirement benefits :-P


I know I'd appreciate the effort when it comes close to my time.
Boy, how many billionaires does it take to sponsor a $33 million prize? I'm not saying billionaires have to give away all their money, but come on...
I know how to extend human life, quit using Facebook and start doing other things. Ta-daa! Check please.

Gave me a good laugh today! Thanks Steve! :D
I think it is just a trick to delay our retirement longer and get more taxes from us ... they will increase the lifespan to 120 and then raise retirement age to 95 or something :eek:


Zuckerberg Co-Sponsors $33M Prize To Extend Human Life

Dear people, quality not quantity. Solve the social problems with our species first. Heaven help if we have fuctards living longer.

As far as diseases, shit more than half this shit out there is due to our ill-responsibilities throughout the ages.
Some of you might laugh at this, but this is the truth.

At the end of the day the "Secret" to extending a life without diseases is conscious responsibility through lifestyle choices: environments, eating habits, personal behavior.

We live in a world that has chemicals sprayed up the wazoo and is there any wonder why cancer is so widespread?

To put it in simple terms. Think about it like this, lets say person A (lets call him Homer), eats at McDonalds everyday. Homer gets obese and acquires all the diseases/cancers associated with such a poor diet. Let's also add that Homer does not excercise his body at all. Add to the fact that he consumes enormous amounts of sugars, meats, alcohol and other processed crap.

So he sits there and waits for some miracle research to happen to cure all his diseases.

This is the typical American way, waiting for big brother (or someone else) to come in and fix our problems.
Dear people, quality not quantity. Solve the social problems with our species first. Heaven help if we have fuctards living longer.

As far as diseases, shit more than half this shit out there is due to our ill-responsibilities throughout the ages.

Solve the social problems? Let me summon WhisperFluffle, the God of Unicorns, to help you out with that.
Some of you might laugh at this, but this is the truth.

At the end of the day the "Secret" to extending a life without diseases is conscious responsibility through lifestyle choices: environments, eating habits, personal behavior.

We live in a world that has chemicals sprayed up the wazoo and is there any wonder why cancer is so widespread?

To put it in simple terms. Think about it like this, lets say person A (lets call him Homer), eats at McDonalds everyday. Homer gets obese and acquires all the diseases/cancers associated with such a poor diet. Let's also add that Homer does not excercise his body at all. Add to the fact that he consumes enormous amounts of sugars, meats, alcohol and other processed crap.

So he sits there and waits for some miracle research to happen to cure all his diseases.

This is the typical American way, waiting for big brother (or someone else) to come in and fix our problems.

Not just Americans ... everybody likes the easy way, if they can take it ... the one big downside of a long life is then we would be fighting with each other over space and food and water so we would just trade dying of old age or abuse of our bodies for dying in wars ... as the line from Babylon 5 goes, "You are not ready for immortality" ... living longer won't fix our problems we have now and might just create a whole bunch of new ones ;)
Boy, how many billionaires does it take to sponsor a $33 million prize? I'm not saying billionaires have to give away all their money, but come on...

So if I am successful and make lots of money, I should be giving it back to the people? Interesting how this only seems to apply to people who are rich, but those who are still well off(lets say middle class) seem to not have to do anything like that.

I don't see why everyone hates on rich people so much(tax evasion is BS, but making lots of money isn't)
Not just Americans ... everybody likes the easy way, if they can take it ... the one big downside of a long life is then we would be fighting with each other over space and food and water so we would just trade dying of old age or abuse of our bodies for dying in wars ... as the line from Babylon 5 goes, "You are not ready for immortality" ... living longer won't fix our problems we have now and might just create a whole bunch of new ones ;)

Not necessarily.

Sure overpopulation can (and is) a problem. However, there are other methods of feeding people. Lets say if families started turning their lawn into gardens. Planting herbs/vegetables instead of just having vast amounts of grass which basically serves no purpose other then pleasing to the eye, and maybe property value. Think about how many yards there are in the US...all just going to grass/palm trees or roses..

Not saying there won't be new problems, but just saying there are already solutions available but again, personal responsibility is a choice not many are willing to take.
Some of you might laugh at this, but this is the truth.

At the end of the day the "Secret" to extending a life without diseases is conscious responsibility through lifestyle choices: environments, eating habits, personal behavior.

We live in a world that has chemicals sprayed up the wazoo and is there any wonder why cancer is so widespread?
Uhhhh cancer is so widespread because DNA replication is more and more likely to encounter issues the older someone gets, and average life expectancy today than any time in history.

In antiquity, if you lived to age 40, you were one seriously old man, and so people died of simple things like constipation (no joke) rather than cancer.
Not necessarily.

Sure overpopulation can (and is) a problem. However, there are other methods of feeding people. Lets say if families started turning their lawn into gardens. Planting herbs/vegetables instead of just having vast amounts of grass which basically serves no purpose other then pleasing to the eye, and maybe property value. Think about how many yards there are in the US...all just going to grass/palm trees or roses..

Not saying there won't be new problems, but just saying there are already solutions available but again, personal responsibility is a choice not many are willing to take.

Don't get me wrong, I would love if people did that ... having just completed a 160 pound weight reduction last year the good old fashioned way (exercise and diet) I am definitely in favor of people living better lives ... however, we do have a few problems to work out before we just start arbitrarily extending ... you hit a few:

over population

consumption of resources

retirement (current law allows someone to retire at 68 ... if they live to be 120 or more then our systems couldn't support that ... would they be willing to work into their 80's or 90's or just forego government retirement benefits)

etc, etc

I am all for improving the human condition but unless we improve humans at the same time longer existence in a living hell is torture, not benefit ... I will go get my glass half full hat on now instead of my glass half empty one :)
Uhhhh cancer is so widespread because DNA replication is more and more likely to encounter issues the older someone gets, and average life expectancy today than any time in history.

In antiquity, if you lived to age 40, you were one seriously old man, and so people died of simple things like constipation (no joke) rather than cancer.

Sure that can be one variable.

Do you honestly believe all the crap that is in our food, and all these prescription pills that are being pushed off as "medicine" has no effect on our bodies?

America is pretty much known for obesity these days. Even at this level, people are resorting to "diet pills" rather then actually changing their diet and excersizing.
Not just Americans ... everybody likes the easy way, if they can take it ... the one big downside of a long life is then we would be fighting with each other over space and food and water so we would just trade dying of old age or abuse of our bodies for dying in wars ... as the line from Babylon 5 goes, "You are not ready for immortality" ... living longer won't fix our problems we have now and might just create a whole bunch of new ones ;)


So if I am successful and make lots of money, I should be giving it back to the people? Interesting how this only seems to apply to people who are rich, but those who are still well off(lets say middle class) seem to not have to do anything like that.

I don't see why everyone hates on rich people so much(tax evasion is BS, but making lots of money isn't)
Actually, I didn't make anything close to the strawman argument you're attempting to construct for me. So, if you're going to talk your billionaire-loving nonsense, at least have the courtesy not to quote me when doing so - especially quoting me specifically saying that billionaires should not have to give away their money.
im surprised more rich people dont take more interest in promoting and investing in this area. Seems like if you can buy anything you desire, the most valuable asset would then be to have more time to enjoy your wealth longer
We don't need to be extending life, if anything people need to get over this obsession that living longer at any cost is a good thing.

As for the Homer example given earlier, sounds like he lived an enjoyable life. I'd rather eat tasty food and die of a heart attack at 52 like the guy on Vegas than spend my entire life eating rabbit food and slowly dying of mental decay.
Don't get me wrong, I would love if people did that ... having just completed a 160 pound weight reduction last year the good old fashioned way (exercise and diet)

Hey man I want to congratulate you on that achievement. I'm trying to loose 40 pounds and having a damn hard time getting the self control.

Getting back on topic, anything that pushes us closer to mass space travel I fully support.
Sure that can be one variable.

Do you honestly believe all the crap that is in our food, and all these prescription pills that are being pushed off as "medicine" has no effect on our bodies?

America is pretty much known for obesity these days. Even at this level, people are resorting to "diet pills" rather then actually changing their diet and excersizing.

Okay so everyone lives a healthy lifestyle... that drastically cuts down type II diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and certain cancers. We are still stuck with neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer's and parkinson's), other cancers, autoimmunes diseases (including type I diabetes), pathogens (HIV, tuburculosis, malaria) and non-disease traumas that require medical care (like car accidents). Plus, most people aren't willing or able to live extremely healthy anyway. Do you NEVER eat junk like McDonalds? Do you ALWAYS get enough vegetables?
The best way to extend life is to be more receptive towards genetic engineering, since there are many defects that are genetic in origin and no amount of diet and exercise will help you prevent.

Assuming good genes, most middle aged adults could extend their life with a few simple things... first off, get a blood pressure cuff and a blood sugar test kit and learn how to get accurate reading with both of them.

Second, make sure your blood pressure is normal, not elevated.

Third, make sure your blood sugar one and two hours after meals does not rise above 130mg/dl. This is much stricter than the US standards but blood sugars above these levels start the spiral of metabolic syndrome.. you don't want that.

Heart problems, blood pressure, and insulin resistance from american's love affair with carbohydrates all go hand in hand. Also, americans sodium consumption relative to potassium consumption is way too high. They need to take the sodium in processed foods and replace half of it with potassium salts.

The above items along with modest aerobic exercise (jogging or anything that will get you sweating) will lead to a good, long life for the most part.
The best way to extend life is to be more receptive towards genetic engineering, since there are many defects that are genetic in origin and no amount of diet and exercise will help you prevent.

Then we have to banish you to Ceti Alpha 5, or was it 6?
Of course some people might do well to remember the famous quote from Lincoln, "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ... for too many people extending their life will not benefit them or society ... now finding ways so that however many years we do live we can do so in a healthy and productive manner ... that is worth pursuing :)
You get what you are given, extending your life is just going to make you a burden to someone longer, if you don't lose your marbles, you lose your basic physical abilities, we weren't designed to get beyond a hundred.
Cure disease and cancer and other currently incurable disease I'd go for, but extending life? Be prepared to pay more in social security taxes to prolong your retirement benefits :-P


I know I'd appreciate the effort when it comes close to my time.

Nah, they can just raised the age allowed for ss and retirement benefits and they're set. Not that they will, but imagine if it's raised to the age of 85. How much money do you think we'd need? How many people live that long?