Red Dead Redemption for PC?

that's the main reason I keep putting off playing RDR2 even though it's been in my Steam Library for awhile...the game sounds tedious...gorgeous looking game and apparently the story is great if you can get to the end after many hours of slow walking and grinding
Man I don't know....I've been around for a bit, played a s*** ton of games, RDR2, is my overall favorite. When I heard RDR2 was coming out, no way did I think it would have surpassed RD1 in entertainment. I was wrong. Of course this is only my opinion, but get that game a movin in your Steam Library!
RDR2 is a slog at the beginning. I know a lot of people that bailed on it pretty early as a result. Especially if they got it on sale or don't feel obligated to keep going. They throw too many (often pointless) mechanics at you immediately and the first couple hours aren't compelling at all. The game would have been better off if they told the entire first chapter in a cutscene and just started with Valentine/Overlook.
Better than nothing but a port of a 14-16 year old game is kind of lame. They should have done a full remake, as it is essentially the sequel to RDR2 and they made part of the map in RDR2.
No, thanks. I will take the original on PC, low resolution textures and all. Naughty Dog made the same excuse for not releasing the early Uncharted games on PC and I will forever hate them for it. The original Uncharted is going to be 17 years old in November this year and I will still take the game with no updates other than keyboard & mouse support on PC.
No, thanks. I will take the original on PC, low resolution textures and all. Naughty Dog made the same excuse for not releasing the early Uncharted games on PC and I will forever hate them for it. The original Uncharted is going to be 17 years old in November this year and I will still take the game with no updates other than keyboard & mouse support on PC.

I’m hoping the new PlayStation CEOs will reverse Jim Ryan’s incredibly stupid policy on older games and actually re-release and/or remaster some games. I’d love to see remasters of the older Ratchet games (along with Jak) and they really could just port over the Uncharted trilogy release.