Simplify3D opinions?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
As I have posted here, I recently bought a Prusa Mini+, and things are progressing slowly. Mainly because I have a job and family. I get to do my things in the time in between, just like most of y’all.

A friend at work likes to tinker with 3D printers. What that means, he likes buying 3D printer projects and get them up to speed. However, he really doesn‘t print very much stuff. I don’t mean to dog on him too much, since he also has a full CNC mill that he uses more.

Anyways, he told me to look into Simplify3D as the software end. One of the reasons I bought the Prusa was for the Prusa software.

I really do NOT want to make the the printer a project, rather I want to use it.

Is the Simplfy3D software suite easier? Better to use? I’d rather start with easiest and such, since I am a beginner. May as well start with whatever is easier.

The cost to buy the software is NOT a factor.
Problem with simplify 3d is that it is expensive and hasnt been updated since 2018. I use superslicer myself. Any slicer is confusing at first, honestly you would be best served with prusaslicer with having a prusa printer as your support options will be greater.
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That’s what I’ll do.

Just wanted to run it by y’all. Thanks for the advice.
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