Red Dead Redemption for PC?

I'm still holding out a little bit of hope for a PC version of GTAV to be announced at E3. I'll settle for a next-gen port, too...although I'd still very much prefer a PC version.
If we don't get an announcement at E3, it's never coming, though.

It ain't gonna happen. Shame, but it wont.
It ain't gonna happen. Shame, but it wont.

People said the same thing about GTA IV and GTA: SA but they eventually came out for PC. This time I think it's being held up longer because of the next gen versions, hopefully they announce and then launch all three versions at the same time but I could also see them holding off on the PC version until a while after they release it for PS4/Xbone. I'm certainly not holding my breath but there has been some hints about a PC version so I think it will most likely come, the bigger question is when.

I also think that Max Payne 3 coming out on PC shows that Rockstar hasn't abandoned PC development, it's still in my backlog but from everything I've read they did a good job with the PC version.

Edit: I would like RDR on PC as well since I haven't played it but I think that ship sailed a long time ago.
I wish gaming journalists would call developers on why they choose to not release on PC when most games especially next gen are made on the PC platform then ported. Destiny for example is not coming out for PC because they do not have the resources to port it over. That's just BS. I will not support a developer that does not release a game on PC when it can but chooses not to.
Just give me a PC version with GTA5-level graphics. I played the hell out of the 360 version but would buy it again (at full price) in a heartbeat.
No brainer purchase for my father if it turns out to be legit. He's a huge spaghetti western fan and watched me complete RDR on 360 way back in the day. He just refuses to game on a console.
I never owned an Xbox so I never played RDR but hear only excellent things...Day 1 buy for me...hopefully remaster means a true remaster and not just a simple port...but even a simple port would be enough for me (ala Dark Souls 1 PC)

I'm still skeptical that the game is coming to PC...I think the rumors are BS but I'm hoping for the best...why would Sony make the announcement at the Neo reveal when the game was originally an Xbox exclusive...seems strange but we'll see tomorrow...I'd rather have a Demon's Souls remaster announcement but RDR is a close second
PS4 slim reveal today it's suppose to go along with that announcement I think.

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As much as I want to play RDR on PC, I hope it's a true next-gen sequel (on PC). Meaning a totally new game.
Actually I hope it's both, a new Red Dead game which also includes a remaster of RDR.

Frankly as long as R* doesn't abandon the PC platform again, I'll be satisfied.
I never believed the rumors...was hoping it was true but didn't make any sense at all...a former MS exclusive being announced at a Sony event?? way
Maybe it wasn't good enough to be a reveal so it's still in the pipeline.
Only if it's coming to PC...otherwise I don't really care. RDR was a great game but I'm not gonna buy a PS4 for it.
Good as much as i liked the blurry graphics of horse riding a new game would be much better maybe keep the same characters. I played the first one in almost the entire storyline.
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With the lineup of characters in that image, I think it's a new game. The first one was pretty much a 1-man show and not an ensemble.
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The demand speaks for itself.

Look how little Rockstar has put out so far as a tease and the Internet is set on wildfire right now from this.
I'm going to guess it's a new game. I still play red dead redemption on xbone from time to time, great game.
There's always a shot it could be a remaster AND a sequel. Slim chance (I know), but it could be an announcement for a new Red Dead to hit in late 2017 with a remaster to tide everyone over in the meantime.
Uncharted and Gears did it.
There's always a shot it could be a remaster AND a sequel. Slim chance (I know), but it could be an announcement for a new Red Dead to hit in late 2017 with a remaster to tide everyone over in the meantime.
Uncharted and Gears did it.

This would make me weep with joy.
There's always a shot it could be a remaster AND a sequel. Slim chance (I know), but it could be an announcement for a new Red Dead to hit in late 2017 with a remaster to tide everyone over in the meantime.
Uncharted and Gears did it.
Umm they just moved RDR to Xbox backwards compatibility a month or two ago. Weird choice if they planned a remaster.
I actually hope it's an RDR Remaster coming SOON for PC and consoles. Would hate to be stuck waiting years for RDR3.
I can't help but notice that there's no Windows logo or mention of a PC version anywhere...
I can't help but notice that there's no Windows logo or mention of a PC version anywhere...

Me, too, so I'm bracing myself for a GTA 5 cycle and situation here.

I can't imagine them not bringing this new one to the PC but then again I'm the dumb ass that stubbornly stood by a distant hope of the first game hitting it and it never did.

Max Payne 3, GTA 5...way less porting issues... Hot sales.

They would be beyond fools to not bring this to the PC at some point even if it's the GTA 5 cycle again.

There literally is no good reason in this day and age to shun the PC whatsoever.
trailer is coming this Thursday...too bad no PC release again...or if it does come to PC it won't be for a year or so after the console launch
I honestly don't feel like waiting an additional year. I'll probably just get the PS4 version instead. Unlike GTA5 there isn't a whole console generation keeping me from buying.
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I honestly don't feel like waiting an additional year. I'll probably just get the PS4 version instead. Unlike GTA5 there isn't a whole console generation keeping me from buying.

Same here if that's how it goes down.

I did it with RDR on the PS3 hoping my bluff would get called and it never did. I would have double dipped without any hesitation on that and I'll have the same attitude about this one. I already own a PS4 for Naughty Dog titles and other strays anyways.

I dare them to call my bluff. No way in hell I'm missing this.