NVIDIA Stock Plummets


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
NVIDIA Stock Plummets
On the heels of an industry rumor that NVIDIA was making headway with AIB partners in order to keep HardOCP shut out of the upcoming GTS 250 launch, Nvidia Corp. stock took another unhealthy downturn.
I love the fact that, lately, Nvidia seems to open a can of "whoop ass" on itself.
Kudos, [H] for sticking to your guns and honoring those who want the best of what is out there!!!!
They tried to get into a market they were clueless about, much less trying to penetrate with much bigger names and took their eye of the ball. Nvidia, you did this to yourself when you started your new rebranding campaign and this only proves what a lot of people thought. Tsk, tsk, for such a shameful marketing approach. You would do well to get real marketing professionals instead of the rebranding clowns you employ now.
And FWIW, this part is true.

The rumor sources cited HardOCP's evaluation support lacking in the areas of PhysX, and CUDA. AIBs were instructed to not sample HardOCP GTS 250 evaluation cards.
Sickburn, Kyle. Well done.

I'm still running an 8800GT and have seen nothing in NVIDIA lineup as of late that would make upgrade.

I have been in the "green" camp for last 6 years, ever since the GeForce 2 Ti days. However, it seems that nVIDIA's GPU's follow "1 great, 1 mediocre" trend.

GeForce 2 - great
GeForce 3 - meh
GeForce 4 - great as long as it was a Ti card.
GeForce 5xxx - terrible.
GeForce 6 - awesome. 6800GT was best card I've owned.
GeForce 7 - a giant meh.
GeForce 8 - Awesome.
GeForce 9 - meh.
GeForce 2xx - meh.
Very disappointing nVidia.

IMO folks would definitely be better off with an XFX HD 4850 or an HD 4870 vs this "new" card from nVidia.

I'll be making those recommendations on forums I frequent.
Kudos, [H] for sticking to your guns and honoring those who want the best of what is out there!!!!

Well, I would not have any problem covering it, but you guys don't want to read it, and this is PROVEN from past sub-$150 card evaluations. No sense in us spending the money to cover it when you guys would rather read something else that we can cover you find of interest.
Do you really think these "rumors" helped create the decline in NVIDIA's stock? It doesn't sound like the kind of thing that would make a stock drop over seven percent in a day.

If you guys have a beef with NVIDIA (My last video card was a Radeon 4870, so I have no love for them either), then keep reviewing their cards as you get them, and post the numbers and draw your conclusions based on the data.

But please don't clutter up the news page site with this kind of thing. It seems unsubstantiated, and a bit too self serving.
Ouch, then again imagine how bad it would of looked if they would of just kept releasing:

8800GTX > 8800GTX+ > 8850GTX > 8850GTX+ > 8900GTX > 8900GTX+ > 8950GTX > 8950GTX+

I wish NV would work on some actual next gen tech, I mean the renaming thing has gotten really old on the notebook side aswell. Didn't AMD/ATI do something similar to the HD2600?
Do you really think these "rumors" helped create the decline in NVIDIA's stock? It doesn't sound like the kind of thing that would make a stock drop over seven percent in a day.

If you guys have a beef with NVIDIA (My last video card was a Radeon 4870, so I have no love for them either), then keep reviewing their cards as you get them, and post the numbers and draw your conclusions based on the data.

But please don't clutter up the news page site with this kind of thing. It seems unsubstantiated, and a bit too self serving.

I am sorry the sarcasm was lost on you. I think you can get it over on aisle 9.
I forgot to add, thanks for telling it like it is, Kyle.

I know you often catch hell for doing so, and even when I don't completely agree with you I respect your conviction.
I forgot to add, thanks for telling it like it is, Kyle.

I know you often catch hell for doing so, and even when I don't completely agree with you I respect your conviction.

Well you can kiss my ass you mutha.....oh I mean thanks bro. Sorry, I saw your nick and it was reaction typing. :p :D
In society today where people dance around issues I love to see flat out blunt truth.

I'm still running 2 x 8800 GTX's and thanks to [H]ardOCP I've seen no reason to upgrade them quite yet.

Love the writeup, just love it.
This is good news for me. Nvidia will eventually get back on it's feet again, and with that, its stock price will again likely quadruple. Just a matter of paying attention. It's been in far worse shape before.

I hope AMD can pull that off again, but that may be difficult right now.
Bravo to Kyle and [H]!

I read about that 250 the other day and said to myself, "they've got to be kidding, right?". I understand the need for mid-low-range cards, but rebranding a previous-gen card twice!!!??

*pets his 4870* /shameless plug
Thanks for sticking up for the customer side of the business, [H]. It's better they learn from you, than having a bunch of us returning cards we thought were "upgrades" to only have the exact same performance. They are only diluting their own brand by coming out with a new name for the same card every couple months. Higher clock speeds just don't cut it, either.
I'd like to point out that ALL stocks plummeted today. Not just nVidia.

In fact stocks have not closed this low in six years.

It's impossible to believe that keeping a piece of garbage hardware out of [H]'s hands had anything to do with the stock drop. In fact, the only perceptible effect it will probably have is help their stock in the long run simply because [H] isn't going to post a review bashing the crap out of it.
Good job!

No names are no replacement for innovation. Seriously who is stupid enough to replace a video card with the same performance. There is a reason sales are down.

Looks like the only win they have is integrated graphics with Apple but Intel is trying hard to shut them out of that market too. :rolleyes:

I wonder if the rumors about fatally pissing off MS and Sony with their consoles is correct?

Hope they have some serious innovation in the pipeline because these 'safe' improvements are not goring to keep them in business forever.
Thanks for sticking up for the customer side of the business, [H]. It's better they learn from you, than having a bunch of us returning cards we thought were "upgrades" to only have the exact same performance. They are only diluting their own brand by coming out with a new name for the same card every couple months. Higher clock speeds just don't cut it, either.

You know, thats another element I never really thought of. Hasn't Nvidia considered that a LOT of people who have a 9800gtx are "mid range" gamers and didn't buy the GTX 260 or 280 etc., and when they are wanting an upgrade, they'll probably go to a mid range card - again - and when you look at the lineup, if you didn't know any better the GTS 250 sounds just about right in terms of price. The 9800gtx is around $150-200, and I'm betting the GTS 250 will be too. Considering the 9800gtx came out a year ago, it makes sense to the average joe that the GTS 250 would be a suitable upgrade.

I can only imagine the backlash that will result from people doing exactly what you said, makes you wonder what kind of "green" they're smoking down there.
Quite frankly, I think I speak for quite a few when we say no one cares about CUDA and PhysX. It's not that they're bad tech, quite the contrary, I think CUDA is fantastic. But I also think it deserves to be on sites like ars technica or anandtech, and not so much hardocp, since the [H] is clearly aimed squarely at gamers, and CUDA isn't necessarily a gaming-centric tech. PhysX on the other hand is an interesting gimmick so far, but thats all it is... a gimmick.

Nvidia is going to have a hard time pushing proprietary tech as has been discussed in the past on the [H] and I don't believe the situation has changed. Fact is you guys are delivering what the people want to see, I don't really give them any slack for those being the reasons why you guys were shut out of the loop, because it's a very poor foundation upon which they're building their argument/reasoning...

Good work for sticking to your guns... That said I'd still like to see more comprehensive benchmarking... None of this "best playable" business. Show us all the benchmarks at all resolutions with all different levels of anti-aliasing and let us decide what the best playable is, for some 30fps is just fine, and they'd like 16x AA at 2560x1600, for others 120fps is "just playable" and would rather be at 640x480 with 16bit color lol.To say "this resolution, with these graphical settings yields the best playable" means you obviously had to run independent benchmarks, so show us them all and let us decide! But thats neither here nor there, good work guys.

If Nvidia cuts [H] out of its marketing loop, I think they'd be doing themselves a huge disservice. Kind of like cutting off your head to teach your nose a lesson... In these delicate markets I think they need all the press coverage they can get. Hell, even having the truth come out that the GTS 250 simply is a rebranded 9800gtx can't "hurt" them overall, as it's PR no matter how you slice it, and its not really "bad" PR that tarnishes their image like a faulty cihp or something like that.

I don't know. It would have been nice to have been able to enable the PhysX on Mirror's Edge that I just got done playing. I had to switch to an ATI card recently because my new system just didn't have room for one of those honking big GTX260's (which was my previous card). That said, there is absolutely no reason that if the graphics/physics engine had been properly optimized, that it wouldn't have run just fine on one or two of the cores of my quad core CPU - but I think Nvidia purposely made it so that if you enabled PhysX without one of their cards, it would tank on you. Given the Mirror's edge is the only game that has full PhysX support built in, you are right though. I don't care... again. Back to Fear 2.
The rebranding the older tech really pisses me off. It's almost dishonest in a way. I just imagine those consumers who go to Best Buy and see higher model cards and pay out the ass for old technology.
It's starting to look like the 4850 I swindled Best Buy out of for $125 six months ago is going to last me a while.
I'd like to point out that ALL stocks plummeted today. Not just nVidia.

In fact stocks have not closed this low in six years.

It's impossible to believe that keeping a piece of garbage hardware out of [H]'s hands had anything to do with the stock drop. In fact, the only perceptible effect it will probably have is help their stock in the long run simply because [H] isn't going to post a review bashing the crap out of it.

I am sorry the sarcasm was lost on you. I think I see it on the floor behind you. I think you should bend way over and get it.
Entertaining read.

The vultures are circling over the carcass of nV. I'll miss them. RIP nV
I would expect a few NV folks to read this, so I think it would be an opportune time to request the development of additional products like the 5800 Ultra.

How often do you get the chance to buy a preorder at retail, use it for a month, and make $100 on Ebay? I like that business model.

I'm sorry... did someone say something??? or is that my tinnitus???
Well.... I never thought I'd see the day when [H] ranted on Nvidia.

I thought you were in love with Nvidia for the longest time... you proved I was wrong to think that.

On another note, I bought NVDA at 6.9 a few months ago, you never know what the future holds - they came back from the 5 series pretty strong, who says they can't do it again?
nVidia deserves nothing less as their commuppance after ruining 3DFX. They took 3DFX's glorious SLI - Scan Line Interleave and morphed it into Scalable Link Interface. I loved my Voodoo 2. It was an AWESOME card for Quake 2. 800 x 600 Open GL with >60 fps all the time was awesome. Then a few months later I added another Voodoo 2 and my frame rate literally almost doubled, plus I could now run "higher" resolutions like 1024 x 768. The original SLI was awesome, something to be coveted. SLI as it is now is just a cheap bastardization of everything I once loved. Thanks nVidia.
The entire stock market hit a new low for the last six years today...