Recent content by aeonrevolution

  1. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    It's definitely a trade off between a set meta, and the flexible builds. Part of me thinks that a bit of magic is lost with the online community when no one can rally around certain items and think, "Oh shit that's cool. I need to build that". Could just be nostalgia though.
  2. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    What resolution are you guys playing at? 3840x1080 I'm seeing 48-50fps pretty solid. Feels weird....almost like there is a vsync override taking place in the background somewhere even though I don't think I have it enabled.
  3. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    Ahh awesome! Thanks man. That fixed it.
  4. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    Anyone handy with the Fallout 4 ini? I'm trying to make the UI a bit smaller so it isn't outside of the resolution I'm using. I'm thinking it may be the following. Annoying as hell lol. [Interface] fDefaultWorldFOV=70 fDefault1stPersonFOV=80 fSafeZoneX=15.0 fSafeZoneY=15.0 fSafeZoneXWide=64.0...
  5. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    I know :cry: Bethesda games are the only thing I usually encounter that dont support it though.
  6. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    I was pretty excited that 3840x1080 was supported. Fired the game up, messed around in the starting house, then when you get to the part where you have to pick your name.....The UI was zoomed in and you can't see the area to click and type a name in. #rip
  7. aeonrevolution

    Battlefield VII (In Development)

    BF2 did a lot of things right, but the gunplay wasn't one of then
  8. aeonrevolution

    Homeworld 3

    That collection of ships makes me seriously consider the package....full knowing that the game may suck lol.
  9. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Oh, I didn't mean through all 3 difficulties in D2. There was stuff you could roll through all of Normal with though because the items actually had unique properties.
  10. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    That was a massive thing that bother me as well about the legendaries. In D2 and D3 you might have an oddball unique that you could ride out the entire first campaign playthrough. That doesn't exist here.
  11. aeonrevolution

    Hellgate: Redemption

    Hellgate definitely does seem to be Roper's passion project. That is the only glimmer of hope here. This thread brought back memories of the dreadful memory leak issues from Hellgate London lol
  12. aeonrevolution

    Hellgate: Redemption

    I'm cautiously interested....with all my favorite memories being trashed lately though - D4/Homeworld/Kerbal/Skylines etc - it is hard to have any faith a proper Hellgate will see the light of day.
  13. aeonrevolution


    I'm only like an hour into playing the game, but is there a way to do like in Palworld where your build materials can auto-pull from your stash? Was kinda hoping I didn't have to keep all materials on my body.
  14. aeonrevolution

    F1 2024

    Yeah, the F1 games are close to a sim, but still a little wonky to be held next to iRacing. I would definitely recommend at least a cheap wheel and pedals to play these F1 games.
  15. aeonrevolution

    F1 2024

    I wouldn't mind seeing the game bundled with F1TV at a slightly discounted price.