Recent content by andres9606t

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    Review: Super Paper Mario

    I really, really want this game. Too bad I still haven't found a Wii. :(
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    Viva Pinata : Xbox 360 (v. HOOKED!)

    I see I'm not the only one who loves this game. I've been playing it even more than Gears of War. I can see myself playing this pretty regularly for years. It's easy to pick up, but incredibly difficult to master. I recently switched from PC gaming to Xbox 360, and between Gears of War and...
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    Cannot get SuSE 10.1 to install

    I just installed Suse 10.1 on my server. Compared to 10.0, it's dog slow. The new package management system, quite frankly, sucks hard. It uses ~%35 of my memory to do anything. It's too bad too, because everything else about Suse 10.1 is awesome. Hopefully they start sending out patches...
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    Internet problems in linux

    Ifconfig is already included in pretty much any distribution. You don't have to download it, just log in as root and run it. The output of the 'lspci' command would be useful as well.
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    Linux Machine Router?

    Depends on the specs really. I run a VIA SP8000 board as a router/traffic shaper/firewall and it's plenty fast for that (and handles me downloading multiple torrents with no problem whatsoever), but it's not suitable for anything requiring any real speed. I don't know if it would be fast...
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    Linux Machine Router?

    It's doesn't matter. Linspire is designed to be a Linux desktop, not a server or router. I would highly recommend something along the lines of IPcop or Smoothwall instead. They will be easier to set up, faster, and much more secure. You'll soon find that in the Linux world, the free...
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    Best card to keep my system alive a litte longer?

    Thanks for your help. :D
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    Best card to keep my system alive a litte longer?

    How does this look?
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    Best card to keep my system alive a litte longer?

    I have almost the exact same setup as you, the only difference being a 2.8 Ghz P4C. :) I'm looking to buy a new AGP card for Oblivion, and don't want to spend too much since I plan on upgrading to a completely new system in another year. I've looked around and it seems like the 6600GT is...
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    Few q's from a noob

    May not be possible. Compaqs are "renowned" for having shoddy ACPI/APM implementations.
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    Few q's from a noob

    Runlevel 0 means the computer has been shut down. The reason it's not being turned off is either an ACPI or APM incompatibility. If you don't understand stuff like runlevels, you should probably pick up a Linux book and read it.
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    Really Dumb Linux Noob question

    I really recommend picking up a Linux book. A lot of the questions you're asking indicate that you don't understand the basics of using Linux. It's not a bad thing, everyone has to start somewhere. I was at the same place you are now about 6 years ago. Pick up a book, or two, and read it...
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    Revolution Controller!

    Those of you mindlessly bashing the controller. READ THIS.
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    Rise of the Triad "ROTT"

    There was a sequel called "Fury3". Definitely one of my favorite games. The sequel to Fury3 was Hellbender, which I bought as soon as it came out, but don't remember enjoying nearly as much.
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    Apple turns down Cell? (implications for PS3)

    Sorry, bud, but the reason Cell is so fast is not that it is less precise. I'm not saying it's the future of all processor architectures, but it is very well designed. I'm a computer engineering student doing a little bit of research in this area, so I have a bit of experience with designs...