Recent content by Master [H]

  1. M

    Google Helping To Protect Fair Use on YouTube

    Agreed. It's hard to not have some interest in some way. I don't smoke marijuana, but I support full legalization because prohibitions don't work, for one.
  2. M

    Struggling to play video games .

    For me, it comes and goes. Sometimes, I'm just too busy with life (married, 3 kids, being a responsible adult), or I just don't feel like it. Sometimes I've not gotten into something intially but later gone back and "OMGWTFBBQ! This is AMAZING!". It's a hobby. Doesn't mean I'm doing it every...
  3. M

    Xbox One November Update Adds New Dashboard And Backward Compatibility

    It comes down to what games you're playing and what platform you have people playing them on. The Xbox One is not a straight gaming console. It's a media system and that's the angle Microsoft went with it. I know more people on the Xbox than Playstation, so between that and having access to Halo...
  4. M

    Can Apple TV Shake Up Living Room Gaming?

    They have some clout. It may not be in this area, but if they fuse iGame and Apple TV and pull it off, that could make it a good competitor for the Xbox and Playstation as a media device. Content is going to be a huge thing if they have CoD and Battlefield versus Angry Birds and Bejeweled. I'm...
  5. M

    Windows 10: Your thoughts so far?

    While I haven't gone through everything, everything that I have tried works without issue. Two Windows 7 systems were upgraded without issue. Now, once my wife's Windows 8 laptop gets it, that will be better.
  6. M

    Using iPhones As Brake Pads

    More money than brains, apparently. I'm no car expert, but I'm pretty sure they figured out the brake pads some time back. Especially the Germans.
  7. M

    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag Pretty good so far.
  8. M

    New Zealand Makes Cyberbullying A Crime

    Coming from the religious end, I can't see this ending well. If you have free speech, you run the risk of something being said that you don't like. Trying to shut that down ends up being worse because it's only certain things that have protection and the whole thing snowballs. You don't have...
  9. M

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    I'm stoked! While I couldn't get into the original so much, 2 & 3 have been a blast for me, so I am definitely waiting for a new entry.
  10. M

    Things To Do For Memorial Day

    "I don't normally have a hamburger, a hot dog and a bratwurst, but it is the 4th of July. It's what the Founding Fathers would want!" Jim Gaffigan Working in retail, this means beer sales. Time for you bastards to get mad about them A-rabs that don't like the flag, but let me dry my ass with...
  11. M

    Would You Rather Lose A Finger Or Your Internet

    Same here. But, I do wonder, and I did not read the article because I just woke up, if this factors in people that need access as part of their job. I have an e-mail account, but unless I'm covering one role, it's not necessary to do my job. If I am, I absolutely need to have these reports...
  12. M

    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    I've been putting some time in Galaxy at War in Mass Effect 3 for a better EMS rating. I only have 2 more missions this game, and I still thoroughly enjoy it.
  13. M

    Switching Operating Systems Is Almost Never The Answer

    The article is right. Switching just to switch is a bad idea. To say, no, never do it is foolish as well. XP had a good run, but with support from Microsoft gone, you're asking for trouble. I don't think there's that one OS to rule them all. What you're going to do and familiarity with an OS is...
  14. M

    Sony Sends Pre-Emptive Threat Letter To Journalists

    Sony has bad PR, like the rootkit debacle. I think they have the right to protect their products and IP. They do not, however, have the right to damage my property in doing so. Unfortunately, that combined with clumsy and/or bad PR and other press, it doesn't exude anything svelt.
  15. M

    HX520 to 330W Antec unit for Haswell?

    I have a project I'd like to do, but I don't want to do a lot of work for nothing. Basically, I have an Ubuntu 14.04LTS box running the Gigabyte 1037U mITX motherboard with an integrated Celeron and NM70 chipset. I have a couple hard drives, a 4GB 1066 DDR3 Mushkin RAM, and an optical drive...