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  1. X

    Microsoft’s New Development Workflow Begins To Show Cracks

    As someone that manages a team of developers, I could not agree more.
  2. X

    $5 Service That Cancels Your Comcast In 5 Minutes

    I see these stories, yet when I called Comcast to complain that they had just doubled my bill, and told them I would leave if they didn't do something about, and was even willing to accept a lessor package for a smaller price, they did nothing. So I cancelled. And they didn't even seem to care.
  3. X

    Scale Yosemite's El Capitan With Google Maps

    Been there and seen it in person. Never doing it.
  4. X

    ESPN Sues Verizon Over Customizable FiOS TV Plans

    Same here. I would love to not have to pay for the sports channels I NEVER watch.
  5. X

    Do You Have a Case on Your Smartphone?

    Yes, have one. No, don't like it. They void the warranty if any of the corners look like they hit the ground, so I use it just in case. Might take it off after the warranty expires.
  6. X

    Google Glass Is Far from Dead

    Google Glass 2.0: Return of the Glassholes...
  7. X

    Human Head Transplant Just 2 Years Away, Surgeon Claims

    I doubt they can pull this off, but if so, I expect young healthy people will start disappearing so old rich people can get a new body. I can't see a good ending for this if it does work.
  8. X

    Sony to Offer $160 ‘Premium Sound’ Memory Card

    Less electrical noise!? I like my electric guitar to scream of electrical noise. No sale!
  9. X

    Visa Wants to Track Your Smartphone to Prevent Credit Card Fraud

    Having been a victim of identity theft, this does not sound all bad. It's not an experience I wish to repeat. It took 11 years to clear it up. If it could be prevented in the first place, that would be great.
  10. X

    How The President's Hacking Laws Could Make You a Criminal

    Can't we fire these people yet? I doubt they read anything. They just collect a paycheck and vote as they are paid to.
  11. X

    Microsoft Pulls Buggy Patch Tuesday Updates

    That's what we are doing from now on. Learned that during the second month of their 5 months of bad patches in a row. :mad:
  12. X

    Nation State Spying Malware Revealed

    It must be from outside the U.S. or they wouldn't be exposing it.
  13. X

    Nine of the Biggest Mess Ups in Tech History

    I'd put 8 over Vista. I liked ME. It was an excellent gaming OS. And yes, I'm using 8, waiting for 10. :(
  14. X

    Windows Update Drivers Bricking USB Serial Chips

    Agreed. All they are doing is punishing end users that may have not known the difference. There were better ways of handling this. Now more people have heard of them (I had not before this issue) and I will avoid buying anything of theirs when possible. Making the general public dislike you is...
  15. X

    The Imminent Death Of The Internet Troll

    It's just people being people. If some folks think this is just something that happens on the internet and that some day they will be able to force the general population to meet their ideals, it will be a sad day for them when they realize this is just all part of life.
  16. X

    Game Dropped From Steam After Gabe Newell Death Threat

    I'm sure it wasn't a literal death threat, but it was a stupid comment to make.
  17. X

    Police Use iPad To Find Woman trapped In Ravine

    It may be possible her mother or someone else may have helped guess. Though the story doesn't mention it, it does seem that was a little too easy.
  18. X

    Apple Fines Companies $50M For Leaks

    So this applies to someone they have a contract with? I could see them putting those terms in the contract. But I must assume that if you have no contract with them, their power to fine you for something would be non existent?
  19. X

    Apple Fines Companies $50M For Leaks

    Exactly. Since when do corporations get to fine people?
  20. X

    Flight Attendants Want to Reinstate Gadget Ban

    No, that isn't the point. If you agree to site on it then that is your choice. The entitlement would be to insist that they provide and apply lube for you. and allow you to bounce on it and sing loudly while others are trying to travel.
  21. X

    Flight Attendants Want to Reinstate Gadget Ban

    Seriously? You are a customer, paying for a ride. On someone else's aircraft. Their rules. And if a restaurant wanted to ban whatever device they wanted for whatever reason they want it is their right to do so. Just because you are paying someone for a service does not mean that as a customer...
  22. X

    Flight Attendants Want to Reinstate Gadget Ban

    I am amazed at the sense of entitlement. They can ban whatever they want, for any reason they want. Anyone that doesn't like it can find another mode of transportation.
  23. X

    Patch Tuesday Upgrades Cause Windows BSOD

    No problems on my Windows 8,1 machines but I am seeing this on the Windows 7 machines at work. I figured they released a bad update.
  24. X

    15 New Vulnerabilities Reported During Router Hacking Contest

    What they should do is have these guys take a crack at it before releasing these devices to the public.
  25. X

    Remote Control Birth Control Implant

    We'll start seeing commercials for attorneys that begin with "If you or a loved one has used this implant and experienced death, coma, or spontaneous combustion, you may be entitled to a settlement"...
  26. X

    AT&T Warns Wireless Customers Personal Info Exposed

    I think we should just assume everyone has been breached and use cash when possible.
  27. X

    Aaron Paul Xbox One Ad Accidentally Activating Consoles

    XBOX One on! Bitch!... Sorry, someone had to do it. :D
  28. X

    Credit Card Breach At P.F. Chang’s

    It's a little pricey and I wouldn't go out of my way to go, but I wouldn't avoid them either. I've been dragged there twice and it was ok. Hopefully this breach doesn't extend into last year. I'm getting really tired of these. :(
  29. X

    California Approves Testing Self-Driving Cars On Public Roads

    I've driven there, Chicago, and New York. California is way the best of those 3. New York was the worst. Chicago was the fastest. :D
  30. X

    Internet Freedom's Expiration Date

    If we fired these people there would be less need for more tax money because we wouldn't have to pay them anymore.
  31. X

    Ten Internet Expressions That Need To Die

    Noob is way older than the internet. Is this guy a noob or what?
  32. X

    Funny Mac Pro vs. BOXX Commercial

    Great video. Made my day. Can't wait to pass it on.
  33. X

    It's Time To Ditch The Booth Babes

    If everyone was beautiful, or ugly for that matter, nobody would care. Not everybody gets to be a model.
  34. X

    Canonical Pushes Ubuntu 14.04 as XP, Windows 7 Alternative

    For an XP replacement. Maybe. Windows 7 is still supported until 2020. So probably not so much on that one.
  35. X

    37% Of Steam Games Have Never Been Loaded

    Half of the games in my library are not installed, and the rest I have never finished. They've been played somewhere between 10 minutes and 2 hours.
  36. X

    Tech FAIL of the Day

    Eh, that little tattoo would be so easily covered up with something else if needed that it really doesn't put it in the same league with the Zune tattoo.
  37. X

    Raid 0 SSD setup

    Unless that 1 larger drive is a lot cheaper than 2 half the size I see no reason to not get double the bandwidth. I just set up 2 of the 240 GB Intel 730 series SSDs in RAID 0 on my desktop and the speed is ridiculous. No way would I trade them for a single 480 GB.
  38. X

    NVIDIA Ending Support For DX10 Generation Cards

    I'm happy they supported my old 8800 GTX as long as they did. Much longer than AMD supported the 4870x2.
  39. X

    Apple Quote of the Day

    That's pretty much the way it was.