1 million ppd is within our grasp.

MN Scout

Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 26, 2003
Ok everyone. 1 million ppd is within our grasp. I want to know who is doing their part for the for the overall cause of finding a cure. Make a post saying what your story is, and what you have going for the future with regards to folding and recruiting. Pass the word along to all the lurkers to post in this thread.

I want as many people as possible to know of the approaching milestone. Tell everyone.

When I first joined we would have never believed we'd be where we are now with our daily production. Check out the graphs: http://www.hardfolding.com/index.php?go=51&tnum=33&chart=fht_graph&ty=dailyp&ty1=trend http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=33 We are at about 800k points per day; just 200k more each day to go. This is less than 200 C2Ds we'd need to add.

I know we can do this everyone. Chime in if you think we can also!

We are currently producing about 800,000 points per day as a team. Only 200,000 more daily to produce.

I started folding over 4 years ago at the end of High School. Produced a couple recruiting posters in the past; have a plan to produce more here once finals are done. Going to get a couple extra computers up and folding this summer -- a laptop with a nice C2D cpu is in my future. Onward to 1 million ppd as a team!
well i'm working on ramping up again, my PPD crashed in the last few days, i was gone and the high heat made all my major boxen shutdown :( cut my production by a third but i'm going full steam again! DC needs a positive goal like this to get over some rough spots in the road.
~ 1 million ppd is within our grasp. <snip> This is less than 200 C2Ds we'd need to add.
I know we can do this everyone. Chime in if you think we can also!

GREAT !! WE CAN DO THIS ! I just added a new E6420 @ 3.2GHZ last night ! Running SMP WUs on SUSE 10.2 flavor of linux, and it will finish it's first project 2608 (frame time ~13.5 minutes) in the next 15 minutes :)
I've been folding for about 1 year 10 months. I'm in the process of replacing my P4 farm & hoping to put a quad core cpu in play sometime this year. Unfortunately it looks like the big bonuses for SMP WU are being phased out, but the P4's are just turning into expensive heaters. Actually, everyone in my family is getting their AMD XP's upgraded to P4's, so they will still contribute some points. (Except for my musician son who insists on doing SETI :p )

I am trying to figure out how to upgrade to two more C2D's, I love the points they bring in and Yesturday they gave my Aunt less than 6 months. :(

And looks like the kids will be having another baby around January 8th, :)

Spoil them rotten then ship them home, Mawahahahahahaha

So one new boxen for the kid, and the other changes from fighting to lost :(

I am currently running my E6600 @ 3.4Ghz 24/7.
I run the ATI GPU client on my server 24/7.
I have my PS3 fold when I am home (overnight) <the new 1.1 update was supposed to let the PS3 go into a low energy consumption mode, but on my Kill-A-Watt meter, it still shows 200W under full load>
I have a AM2 3800+ setup, but haven't messed with it lately, not sure if selling it and getting a brisbane would be a better option, since the brisbane cpu's seem to clock better.

I really need to borg some cpu's.... father-in-law and guy @ work both gave me the green light to install and set up their F@H with me as donor.. need more peeps to recruit.
Hi all.

Imagine, if you will, my annoyance when I started noticing these yellow exclamation points on all of my UD blue pill icons last week. After a couple of days, I log into their site to see what's up and WTF!!! They are done??? They were just running a little experiment???:confused:

Quote from their site.

On Friday, April 27, 2007, Grid.org announced it has completed its mission to demonstrate the viability and benefits of large-scale Internet-based grid computing, and will be retiring its famous efforts to support critical health research.

Grid.org was the largest and most ambitious public interest grid venture ever attempted, and thanks to Grid.org and its millions of members, dozens of similar global grid projects have been able to catch on and succeed by following its footsteps.

End Quote.
:mad: :mad: :mad:

MISSION F***ING COMPLETE??? Haven't they been watching the news seeing the flak that George Jr. has been catching this month for makeing the same statement 4 years ago?

I've been a little busy lately, with my father dieing late last year, and my wife needing open heart surgery soon, but WTF??? They just stopped running my hobby cause they proved a point. Were they doing real research, or were they just playing the F*** around???
:mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm very surprised that there has not been more mention of this info on the [H]ardocp front page to recruit these orphaned Boxen over to the folding cause. :eek:

Anyway, I have 2 of my systems set up with F@H, one a dual 2.66 Xeon, and will be changing over my other 4 sytems this week. I was looking into buying a new system in the next couple of months, and will prolly spring for a Quad cpu since F@H is more multi core cpu friendly. :) Besides, since there is a nice article in the CPU section or [H]ardocp they shows that a quad CPU runs the game better that I am using to justify the new system to the wife. That would be Supreme Commander. (Yes, the one with the broken ticker. I broke the news to her gentle, honest. I just showed her that the demo would not even load on my current wimpy system.) :D

Anyway, I am back into F@h after a 2 year absence, and hope to rapidly climb the stat charts. :cool:

I'm still pissed about UD!:mad: :mad: :mad:

I'll be receiving the parts for my new E6420 rig tomorrow and plan to overclock the piss out of it. With any luck this will bump my ppd another 2k-3k a day if I've been looking at the charts right :D

I say we rally to meet this goal and show everyone we're still as [H]ard as ever!!
Besides, since there is a nice article in the CPU section or [H]ardocp they shows that a quad CPU runs the game better that I am using to justify the new system to the wife. That would be Supreme Commander. (Yes, the one with the broken ticker. I broke the news to her gentle, honest. I just showed her that the demo would not even load on my current wimpy system.) :D

Sheeeeet. You are getting a new quad-core gaming system and you are mad??? ;) Congrats, sorry about UD though. So Fold on my brother!
Sheeeeet. You are getting a new quad-core gaming system and you are mad??? Congrats, sorry about UD though. So Fold on my brother!

Well, there are going to have to be some compromises I am afraid. Like, I am only going to get a single 8800 GTS for $300 instead of dual 8800 Ultra's for $1758. And the phase change cooling is not going to happen. I'm leaning to a single 74 gig raptor instead of a 4 150 gig raptor RAID. But all in all, I think I will be happy.

My Dad would not approve of how I am spending his money though. He was still running an AMD 350 MHZ system running Win 95 via AOL when he died last year. If he waited a couple of minutes, a web page would eventually show up on his system. God it was painful to work on that system for him. I'm sorry he is gone, but I won't miss his computer.

Bedtime for Dondon.

Lol. You're not really going to miss those Ultras any ways. Unless Vijay has a trump card up his sleeve and announces a new client for nvidia cards.
This week: I should be adding a pair of E6600 C2D's overclocked as dedicated headless folders and a pair of AMD 64 3000's as well.
I'm pondering if I should buy a E6420... I'd think I will, this week.

I'm fixing a neighbor's computer (Sempron 2800, so not much, but it's something), and plan on building a new dual-core machine in the next couple months. As soon as I finish my current desk project, I'll build it (that's how I'm keeping my motivation to complete the desk. It's a huge project).
I'm fixing a neighbor's computer (Sempron 2800, so not much, but it's something), and plan on building a new dual-core machine in the next couple months. As soon as I finish my current desk project, I'll build it (that's how I'm keeping my motivation to complete the desk. It's a huge project).

Hope it doesn't cost 10K to build it :p

I have only 1,21GHz AMD but I just ordered new C2D gaming rig which will be folding 24/7 exept few (6-8 :) ) hours of SupCom when I get from work:D and I will use both CPU and GPU (HD2900XT) ;)
Hope it doesn't cost 10K to build it :p
It won't, but hardwoods don't exactly come cheap, even Red Oak. The part I'm working on is my wife's half of it. When I get to my half, I'll start a worklog. It's gonna be sweet.
Hope it doesn't cost 10K to build it :p

I JUST got the SMP client running on an E6600 at stock a few minutes ago. I'll OC it up when I get home later tonight. :D I'll probably leave it around 3.0-3.2ish 24/7.
I'll probably leave it around 3.0-3.2ish 24/7.

An E6600 @ 3.2 GHz with 4-4-4-12 timings will get you ~11:50 per stage in SMP 2610. I just upgraded to an E6600 last night and that is the speed I'm testing right now. Hope to go higher.

Wicked everyone! Love the posts about getting more C2Ds added into the fray.
I just completed my first WU on SMP with an e4300 at stock.

I ran a 500,000 frame unit in about 48 hours (2610) but got a measly 206 points......what am I doing wrong......suggestions are welcome......:D

I'm replacing my oldest P4 with an e4300 this weekend.
I just completed my first WU on SMP with an e4300 at stock.

what am I doing wrong......

You're running it at stock for starters. That's unacceptable for an E4300. :p

Not sure how an SMP unit could be scored at 206 points. Should be 1500+.

I just completed my first WU on SMP with an e4300 at stock.

I ran a 500,000 frame unit in about 48 hours (2610) but got a measly 206 points......what am I doing wrong......suggestions are welcome......:D

I'm replacing my oldest P4 with an e4300 this weekend.

If you got 206 points only, it may be a EUE error and getting partial results or you may have another box sending points and not the SMP one. You should get about 1523 points for this unit, I think.
Yes, I think the SMP error FUBAR'D and didnt send any work at all.
The 206 was most likely another box.

This sucks.
First of my two new E6600's is up and running at 3.5ghz. Ran all night at 3.19ghz with no problems. Seeing how well it holds up today at 3.5. Probably should have gone with faster ram but we'll see... at some point you just have to stop hemorraghing cash :)
My SMP points are very slow to show up. I am not sure why.
I'm doing my part. In the last month or two, I've ramped from ~400PPD to ~2000PPD. It's only going up, I've got an extra Opteron 170 sitting around, along with a motherboard and memory. Now all I need is a power supply, hard drive, and some cheap video card.

I could run it headless and diskless, but I'm going to use it as my Linux/web box, so I need the extra gear. I'm shooting for ~5000ppd by the end of 2007.