$120 from tax returns.....give me some info


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2004

I want to spend $120 on a computer upgrade but do not know what to purchase. I have a a64 3000+, k8t neo, 512mb ocz pc3200, 160gb sata, bla bla bla,

Here are things I want to get in the future:

1. Another 512mb stick of ocz memory
2. Audigy2 zs
3. High quality 5.1-6.1 speakers
4. 4-8x dvd burner.

I am not sure another 512mb of memory would speed up my daily computer activity,(gaming, photoshop, web browsing etc.), the audigy card might be useless without quality speakers that are out of my budget range right now. The 2.1 speakers I currently have are almost shot but I might wait until I move to my new school to purchase expensive ones. I do not rent too many movies to rip and burn but if I had a dvd burner I might rent more.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Considering it's not much money, and it's the equivalent of the change you get at a store.....bank it, as suggested before. Don't be one of the many fools who spend their tax returns, like it was added income.
Well, speaker upgrade would be nice. Get some logitech's 5.1, yamaha 5.1 or higher and you will enjoy them :)
well, its a pretty close call between the audigy 2 and the DVD burner. I'm kind of going through the same delema...

What kind of optical drives do you have right now? Any burner at all? Are you on a network that you can throw important files onto another box in a pinch?
Hey im just a kid, money aint no thing

Stick it in the bank dude. I had that same method of thinkng a few years ago, and I now realize I'd be much better off today if I would have saved a few bucks here and there rather than blow it on crap that I thought was fun, but didn't really have a use for.
Hey im just a kid, money aint no thing

tax returns??? I thought you were a kid?
Originally posted by Bunk454
Stick it in the bank dude. I had that same method of thinkng a few years ago, and I now realize I'd be much better off today if I would have saved a few bucks here and there rather than blow it on crap that I thought was fun, but didn't really have a use for.
Damn straight. I had nothing to do with the money back then, but now that I'm in college I could really use it. That's not to say that I won't blow a bit of my refund, though(it's a bit more than this guy's though). How are you doing on hard drive space? Hard drives tend to take longer to go out of date than some of the other components. If you are good on hard drive space then I say go with the dvd writer. It will be a new toy you can play with, unlike the other options which are just upgrades to what you already have.
Originally posted by bobsaget
tax returns??? I thought you were a kid?
A lot of places you can start working when you are 15. Usually they make so little(at least I did) that they get all their taxes back. It's a nice little bonus. It sucks when you get to the point where you actually have to start paying taxes, though.
Originally posted by djnes
Don't be one of the many fools who spend their tax returns, like it was added income.

Isn't the idea of a tax return to stimulate the economy? I definitely remember GWB saying that.

Anyway, none of those upgrades look crucial right now, so I'd save it until you move into new school, and then buy those speakers/sound card.
Originally posted by lorcani
Isn't the idea of a tax return to stimulate the economy? I definitely remember GWB saying that.

Your memory isn't very good then. The idea of a tax return is to give you the change for what you overpaid to the government. Bush wanted to lower taxes for families to give them more money (net) at the end of the year. And on a side note, I wouldn't be listening to George Bush for economic advice.
Originally posted by jpmkm
A lot of places you can start working when you are 15. Usually they make so little(at least I did) that they get all their taxes back. It's a nice little bonus. It sucks when you get to the point where you actually have to start paying taxes, though.
oh, you're talking about your tax REFUND? I was about to get mad, because I never got the $300 or so that Bush sent to everyone:)

Yeah, unless you're a senior, in which case you might have to be thinking about summer living, I'd suggest spending it...another 512 stick of RAM would do well in your system.

I suggest you tell the person you work for to stop withholding taxes if you're getting 100% of it back, at least federal taxes. You don't get social security back, ever, no matter HOW little you make working:rolleyes:
Originally posted by jagec
oh, you're talking about your tax REFUND? I was about to get mad, because I never got the $300 or so that Bush sent to everyone:)

Yeah, unless you're a senior, in which case you might have to be thinking about summer living, I'd suggest spending it...another 512 stick of RAM would do well in your system.

I suggest you tell the person you work for to stop withholding taxes if you're getting 100% of it back, at least federal taxes. You don't get social security back, ever, no matter HOW little you make working:rolleyes:
Yeah I'm talking about a refund. Not sure what everyone else is talking about. I guess I didn't qualify for that stupid $300 tax thing bush was talking about because I never saw any of that either.
Originally posted by jpmkm
Yeah I'm talking about a refund. Not sure what everyone else is talking about. I guess I didn't qualify for that stupid $300 tax thing bush was talking about because I never saw any of that either.

It was mostly parents with dependents, etc. I forget the exact criteria, but not many people got it. That's why I said don't listen to GWB. He always makes a huge deal about tax breaks, but they aren't for many people.
Originally posted by Trinitrotoluene
noooo.... I don't make enough to pay taxes, nothing to do with tax refunds. I'm 21, akid :)

In most countries, 21 is considered an adult, which means you should be earning good money and contributing to the national "good" by taxes. No one can escape it, so you might as well get used to it.
Originally posted by Trinitrotoluene
noooo.... I don't make enough to pay taxes, nothing to do with tax refunds. I'm 21, akid :)
lol still gota pay taxes no matter how much ya make...
Originally posted by djnes
In most countries, 21 is considered an adult, which means you should be earning good money and contributing to the national "good" by taxes. No one can escape it, so you might as well get used to it.

Every heard of school?

Like I said I do not make enough so I get tax returns. Obviously I have to pay taxes for every paycheck I get but I get a majority of the money back because of the level of income I make.
Taking social security tax out for everyone is retarded. They gotta change the rules on that shit. What good is social security when someone that seriously needs the extra cash today?
Originally posted by Trinitrotoluene
noooo.... I don't make enough to pay taxes, nothing to do with tax refunds. I'm 21, akid :)

I'm 23 and this refund I'm getting a total of $1678 :)

Though of course I should have less taken from my checks so I get nothing back and then put that extra per month in savings where I can get interest.
Originally posted by S1N3R6Y
Taking social security tax out for everyone is retarded. They gotta change the rules on that shit. What good is social security when someone that seriously needs the extra cash today?

They need social security to stick around because I see too many people around my age (25) that aren't smart enough to figure out they need to start thinking about their retirement. Social Security will most likely be gone long before I could collect it, and our country is going to have a HUGE crisis on it's hands when more and more people become too old to work, but have NOTHING saved.
Do your part to stimulate the economy ( that’s what tax breaks are for) and buy anther 512mb of ram. 1 GB is nice.
Bank it for a later time when it's needed. Don't waste it now, just because you have it in hand.

Originally posted by djnes
They need social security to stick around because I see too many people around my age (25) that aren't smart enough to figure out they need to start thinking about their retirement. Social Security will most likely be gone long before I could collect it, and our country is going to have a HUGE crisis on it's hands when more and more people become too old to work, but have NOTHING saved.

Social Sec. is going to be gone and dead long before you, I, or a whole lot of others people see it, sort of like you said. So why keep it around for the ignorant that aren't thinking about retirement? They should keep people over 50 on a form of SS, and everyone younger should be forced to invest and have to show proof at the time they file tax returns.
Originally posted by Badger_sly
Bank it for a later time when it's needed. Don't waste it now, just because you have it in hand.

Social Sec. is going to be gone and dead long before you, I, or a whole lot of others people see it, sort of like you said. So why keep it around for the ignorant that aren't thinking about retirement? They should keep people over 50 on a form of SS, and everyone younger should be forced to invest and have to show proof at the time they file tax returns.

That's the American Way. Screw the people who can take care of themselves because their intelligent hardworking people. Let's spend our money on those who can't or are too lazy to do so.