120Hz LCD Info Thread

What I don't understand is why they haven't come out with 90 Hz monitors and jumped straight for 120. It makes sense on TV's but not on monitors me thinks. Is it a hardware limitation?

3d needs 120Hz to not look like ass or give you a horrendous headache in games. Also 24, 30, and 60 all divide in whole numbers. Which makes pull down a thing of the past. Just straight 2, 4, or 5, repeated frames for movies and TV.

90Hz would have been great for games but not much of anything else, so the manufacturers just did not bother with it.
I plan on using nvision 3D, 1920x1080 would kill my performance with 3D enabled ?

I plan on getting a GTX 480 or maybe its refresh
Thanks GORANKAR. To me, that means that monitor manufacturers are just lame.

It's not so much that they are lame, than it is that we are a tiny minority. Very few people care about having more than 60Hz for games. You, others in this thread, and I do, but, as I said, we are the minority, and the monitor manufacturers by and large cater to the majority. While it sucks for us, it does make business sense for them to continue to cater to the majority..

The good news is that 120Hz seems to have become a marketing buzzword. That means that we can prolly expect a large number of 120Hz set to come out over the next year or so. As a general rule, LCD makers tend to engineer with the latest marketing buzzwords in mind.
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It's not so much that they are lame, than it is that we are a tiny minority. Very few people care about having more than 60Hz for games. You, others in this thread, and I do, but, as I said, we are the minority, and the monitor manufacturers by and large cater to the majority. While it sucks for us, it does make business sense for them to continue to cater to the majority..

The good news is that 120Hz seems to have become a marketing buzzword. That means that we can prolly expect a large number of 120Hz set to come out over the next year or so. As a general rule, LCD makers tend to engineer with the latest marketing buzzwords in mind.

Yeah its sort of ironic that the only way we could get 120hz monitors was because Nvidia wanted to deliver 60hz via 3d goggles.

I'll take it though. No buyer's remorse on the GD235.
Have not heard of any more 120Hz monitors - about to pull the trigger on the acer as I am almost tired of waiting.
Have not heard of any more 120Hz monitors - about to pull the trigger on the acer as I am almost tired of waiting.

Yeah me too. I was trying to hold out for more info and reviews on the upcoming 27" Asus model but they're taking their sweet ass time.
This is almost certainly a stupid question, but... if what differentiates a 'fake' 120hz HDTV or monitor from a "true" one is just the input, shouldn't there be a way to turn a fake 120hz screen into a true one? Like, with a kind of adapter or something.
This is almost certainly a stupid question, but... if what differentiates a 'fake' 120hz HDTV or monitor from a "true" one is just the input, shouldn't there be a way to turn a fake 120hz screen into a true one? Like, with a kind of adapter or something.

No, absolutely not. The TV itself cannot take more than 60Hz from the cable.


and now with dell 2405FPW


I give you my opinion when I tested for now ... no dead pixel, OSD successful, well-designed monitor
I want, I want, I want!

The only fraggen thing holding me up is no Viewsonic LED yet, otherwise I would of already ordered one (with 3D kit). Summer release my foot, I want one now!
Awesome thread. Those two links currently in the OP with the high speed pictures actually gave me a much better understanding of monitors. I'd love a 120hz monitor...or 2-3...but I think 16:9 kills it for me as well at this point. Losing that vertical resolution would suck for programming.

Little off topic but I've been curious about this for awhile. I know high refresh TVs just add extra interpolated images. That's fact. What seems to be debated is whether that actually makes the image "smoother" when things are moving fast. The article linked in the OP claims that it doesn't, yet all of the comments are people saying they are sure that it does. After all, there's not going to be an increase in "true" frames displayed by a TV until the image source starts providing those extra frames. That means doubling the amount of data provided and that has its own implications for data storage/transfer. I just don't want to be talking to someone about TVs and make the claim that refresh rate is a gimmick when it actually does increase image quality, just not in the way most people would think.
Well, my new Alienware AW2310 arrived too, yesterday. Kicked up Quakelive for an hour before bed.


Only complaints so far is that it is 16:9, instead of 16:10, of course and that the default, automatic "Dynamic Contrast" is too bright. Going to have to play with that and the color profiles; watching Tron Legacy demo had disappointing blacks, but I'm coming from a FW900, so I doubt I'll ever be completely satisfied with that.

However, being able to play at 120 FPS+ in 19x10@120hz is damn sexy. Really damn sexy.

Only other worry is that I could only get the 120hz refresh to work at just one other 16:9 resolution - 1600x900. I was hoping it could also do another lower 16:9 ratio rez @ 120hz, in case I need to lower the detail further in games to keep the framerate consistently above Vsync.

Regardless, I'm happy. No DOA, unlike the previous two 2233RZs was also a plus.

Agreed, the whole point of vsync is to keep the game's frame rate from running faster then the monitors refresh, causing the image to dis-join. Since your refresh is so high on a 120hz monitor your not suppose to have those issues.
Well, my new Alienware AW2310 arrived too, yesterday. Kicked up Quakelive for an hour before bed.


Only complaints so far is that it is 16:9, instead of 16:10, of course and that the default, automatic "Dynamic Contrast" is too bright. Going to have to play with that and the color profiles; watching Tron Legacy demo had disappointing blacks, but I'm coming from a FW900, so I doubt I'll ever be completely satisfied with that.

Hint. Put a lamp behind the monitor with around 75W bulp (or energysaver bulp of equal brigntess to standard one) so that you dont see it yourself, but it illuminates the surroundings behind the monitor. Fools your eyes and improves the blacks that way, a LOT. My LP2475w has excellent black depth with that little trick.
I am going to bump this thread as I would really like to see it keep up to date, also think it would be nice to get it stickied. I know alot of us are interested in the 120hz monitors.
I want to buy a 24" 120HZ for gaming, should I consder the ACER, or wait for one of the other companies to put out their 120HZ monitor at this point?
I was on the weekend at Frys when I saw the most beautiful thing ever, the Asus G51Jx-3D I think that was the exact model number, been doing google searches to try and figure it out wasn't feeling to good (came from a buffet). It had a 15.6" 16:9 1366x768 120hz LED back-lid display, shiny. I'm checking if there is a higher res one, I know there are G51 with 1080p screens.
That's not a 120hz Monitor. It's a Monitor with black frame insertion, which makes it no better than a TV.

We really need a new name for 120hz INPUT monitors. I can see manufacturers doing their best to confuse the public, just as they did with HD Ready / Full HD :(
Doh. The dream of 120hz IPS will be reality some day ;)

even if it costs 7 grand

Any help recommending a good 3D nvidia vision ready monitor would be appreciated. I have recently purchased the 23 inch 3d ready alienware monitor.
The monitor arrived with a damaged frame, and damaged metal grill on the top, besides that it powers on and works. (Dell/ Alienware is sending me a replacement with overnight shipping --- didn't know overnight meant 5 days because I still don't have it, and they took 45 minutes on the phone just to issue a return, sorry for my Dell customer service rant) I have not tried 3d vision yet, however I have tried web browsing, adobe software, Borderlands, God of war 3 via HDMI (ps3), HULU, etc.. I have not played with the settings besides making the brightness 40 (the monitor is VERY BRIGHT- not a bad thing).

I have noticed in most instances when the screen has black on top and below, like watching hulu full screen with black bar at top and bottom , or if the game is a dark game like certain parts of God of War 3 there is a white blurry bar a little smaller than half an inch on top and a smaller less noticeable blurry bar on bottom. Overall it is very noticeable and is quite annoying. I am aware this color bleeding problem is common in many LCDs but this in my opinion is terrible. I am hoping my replacement does not have that problem.

1) Is there a way to get rid of the white blur on top and bottom of the screen or a way to decrease it?

2) In the link below in the 1920X1080 Desktop Display section and the 1680X1050 section can someone please recommend a monitor that does not have the white blur problem, or just recommend the best one possible 22-24 inches? a brief explanation (differences and benefits) of 1920X1080 verse 1680X1050 displays would also be appreciated.

again thanks for your help.
Any reason you're not interested in the Alienware one? I'm still on the fence about getting it.
i have the alienware one, i have only lowered the brightness to 40 % nothing else. i noticed that if the screen is dark, (dark video game, dark video, etc..) there is a white blur across top half inch of screen, it is very noticeable and annoying. i also received the monitor with the bezel hanging off and the top metal grill sticking upwards. i think the fed ex delivery person played soccer with my package. anyway dell is sending me a replacement hopefully the white blur on top goes away. if you want private message me in a few days and remind me and i will let you know how the replacement monitor is.
Just got the ViewSonic VX2265WM from buy.com. First and foremost -- the 120hz rocks! If you have a game that can keep a steady 120 or higher fps, it's absolutely butter smooth. I logged into Quakelive (with GPU scaling enabled) to test it. Frags and accuracy immediately increased! The silky-smoothness of the monitor actually translated to a psychologically smoother feel on my mouse. :) If the FPS falls below 120, you will experience tearing. 120hz tearing doesn't seem to be as bothersome as 60hz tearing, however.

  • 120hz
  • Super-bright display
  • Least expensive of all 120hz displays ~$240 (at the time of my buy)
  • Samsung panel - No dead pixels - Although I suppose this can vary

  • Brightness buttons do not work in 120hz mode. It's always at max unless you use the software to lower it.
  • No OSD. Only brightness and volume level controls.
  • The look of the bezel is unappealing. Big lite bright button in the middle of the bezel.
  • Stand is wobbly
  • Lots of backlight bleed and some banding
  • Speakers are a waste. The "WOW" sound doesn't wow.

Even with all the negative attributes, it's still a great monitor for fast-paced gaming.

how is "Lots of backlight bleed and some banding" not something that bothers you to the point of hating the monitor. my 120hz alienware monitor has terible backlight bleeding on the top, i hope my replacement monitor gets rid of it. does a 120hz 3d vision ready monitor exist that does not have backlight bleeding?
Is there ANY chance of seeing a 120hz with minimal backlight bleed and good contrast ? i got 2233rz and the dark scenes in crysis for example are looking like ASS
if you ever get an answer to this question please let me know, my alienware monitor has terrible backlight bleeding
do you notice backlight bleeding (white blurry bar) on the top half inch of the screen, do you know how to get rid of it? i have the same monitor and it is driving em crazy. thanks for any help
Hey guys

any news on LG W2363D monitor. last I heard it will come out in May. It is already out in Japan.

Nothing except the Digitalversus.com review, which basically stated that Acer is still the best model amongst 120Hz monitors.
I would also like to know if there is a 120hz monitor that doesn't have backlight bleeding, I sold my VX2265WM because it looked like shit in dark scenes.

Any word on lg W2363D seem it was est to be out in May here its all most June now.
It dose seem to be out in Japan now tho all the webs sits iv looked at are dated back in Jan.
Hey guys

Comptuex 2010 is gonna start tomorrow, so there should be some news starting regarding upcoming 3D monitors.
We should have info on VG236 very soon yea, if the backlight bleed is minimal ( it f*cking SHOULD BE ! it states LED backlit and 10.000:1 contrast ratio for christ's sake ! ) I'll buy it in a instant, 27" is too much for FPS games imo.
Has anybody seen the difference between these "True 120Hz" monitors vs a 120Hz HDTV? Is it really noticeable? I've seen 120Hz HDTV's produce jittery artifacts before watching a blu-ray DVD. Would the True 120Hz eliminate this? Do video cards, blu-ray players and cable boxes even output 120Hz frequency? Blu-rays only output 24fps anyways right?

Sorry if these questions sound noobish. I'm just trying to understand more about the 120Hz technology. I like watching the "live" effect on sports channels and some movies @120Hz, but I don't think I can get that effect with my Samsung 27" P2770H.