15 or 17"?

a ronin

Jan 29, 2003
Simply a poll to see how many have opted for the 17" over the 15" MBP or even PowerBooks, for that matter.

I may get crucified for saying this, but the 15.2 or 15.4 are simply too small to be any useful. I imagine most of us are very real estate envy which is why we have external displays hooked up to our machines, be they PCs or Macs. I've wrestled with the idea of going with 15 MBP and getting a 23" to partner it, but some of the heat and anonymous issues with the smaller MBP made me take another look at the 17" which allowed me to completely forego the external display route. If the need arises, I can always get it later but as it is, the 17" is great with or without additional display plus the added confidence of not feeling inadaquet in anyway.

Ok.. to the poll. Simply state what you prefer and how you rationalize your purchase. Would be interesting to read into the minds of fellow computer users.
Went with a refurbed 15" powerbook over the 17" model because the latter is to big to lug around all day and cost significantly more.

I had a 20" iMac once, but 1440x960 is plenty of room for me though I prefer the larger dot pitch of a bigger display.
a ronin said:
Simply a poll to see how many have opted for the 17" over the 15" MBP or even PowerBooks, for that matter.

I may get crucified for saying this, but the 15.2 or 15.4 are simply too small to be any useful. I imagine most of us are very real estate envy which is why we have external displays hooked up to our machines, be they PCs or Macs. <snip>

The whole point of me getting a laptop is portability. I've got a fine desktop here that I can hook up the biggest damn monitor I can find on the face of the earth If my little heart (and wallet) desires it. For a laptop, I want something that I can lug to school/work/bus (hockey team) etc, etc, etc and I don't need a trailer to tow it behind me. I do not currently own a Apple laptop, though I most assuredly would want to, but if and when I do buy one, it'll be no bigger than a 15", even quite possibly a 12" for the reasons specidied above.
a ronin said:
Simply a poll to see how many have opted for the 17" over the 15" MBP or even PowerBooks, for that matter.

I may get crucified for saying this, but the 15.2 or 15.4 are simply too small to be any useful. I imagine most of us are very real estate envy which is why we have external displays hooked up to our machines, be they PCs or Macs. I've wrestled with the idea of going with 15 MBP and getting a 23" to partner it, but some of the heat and anonymous issues with the smaller MBP made me take another look at the 17" which allowed me to completely forego the external display route. If the need arises, I can always get it later but as it is, the 17" is great with or without additional display plus the added confidence of not feeling inadaquet in anyway.

Ok.. to the poll. Simply state what you prefer and how you rationalize your purchase. Would be interesting to read into the minds of fellow computer users.

well, i wouldn't say 15in is too small to be useful......I bought a macbook not liking the small screen and now I'm used to the size.....believe me.....youll hate having to lug around a friggen huge 17in laptop.
15.4" MBP here. The 17" version is way to big to cary around with me (wouldn't fit in my backback), and it also costs quite a bit more.
my 12" PowerBook does just fine for me. although i'm thinking about selling it and picking up a black MacBook sometime in the near future.
17 inch is a bit better as i understand (there is something found in the 17 inch that can't be found in the 15 inch... I don't remember what), high res, etc... but it's also huge. If you plan on carrying it around all day, the 15 inch is the way to go. if it is only gonna be used at home, or to and from work (no where else) then the 17 inch is probably a better choice (and damn sexy :D )

Of course, if you really want portability, you could get a macbook.
hungryduck said:
well, i wouldn't say 15in is too small to be useful......I bought a macbook not liking the small screen and now I'm used to the size.....believe me.....youll hate having to lug around a friggen huge 17in laptop.

The 17" is only 1.3" wider, .8" deeper, and 1.2lbs heavier. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. I'm buying a 17" for the extra screen resolution.
15". I go to classes every day, I can't handle the weight or size of the next size up. Sure, it's not much heavier, but when you're carrying around a pre-law bible, 3 bio books and numerous other things at any given time... Not to mention I'm a pre-law student... I can't afford the price difference between the two :D
Arcygenical said:
15". I go to classes every day, I can't handle the weight or size of the next size up. Sure, it's not much heavier, but when you're carrying around a pre-law bible, 3 bio books and numerous other things at any given time... Not to mention I'm a pre-law student... I can't afford the price difference between the two :D

Woot. Another pre-law student. *high-fives*
17" MBP here. I need it because I hate using the slow computers at school and having odd breaks in between classes (sometimes 3 hours) I can do my graphic work with more comfort on the larger screen. Also it gives me more creative space. ;)