$150 for a mouse?!! Want to replace my Logitech Mediaplay


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Since 2004 I've been using a Logitech Mediaplay Mouse. This is my favorite mouse of all time with all the buttons on it (11!) and I really don't know what I am going to do once it dies on me. Having hardware wireless controls for system volume and track back/forward and play/pause is something I have never seen on any other mouse and I can't live without it!

I went hunting for it on Ebay and Amazon but people are charging over $140 for it! Insane!




I should have stockpiled like 10 of them back in the day. This is one piece of equipment I won't be able to stand switching to something else for. Keyboards, monitors, etc. whatever! A mouse though, that's something that has to be just right.

This mouse was even in Gearcrave's 10 best Logitech mice of all time.

Anybody have an old mouse that they just have to hold onto or can't replace with a different model because it won't have the buttons and features you want or it just feels wrong?
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It certainly isn't a drop-in replacement due to button position and other familiarity issues, but the Logitech G700 may be worth a look. It has numerous buttons that can be remapped (using Logitech's Setpoint software) to various functions. In their list of functions that each button can be assigned to, they do include Play / Pause, Next, Previous, Forward, Rewind, Volume Up, Volume Down, etc. You can even assign individual buttons to launch specific programs of your choosing.

It's a fairly expensive mouse (though less than $140!), but considering the functionality it may be worth a look.
The only mice I can think of with that many buttons are the G700, the Razer Naga, and the Steelseries WoW-branded mice. The G700 buttons can be bound to media functions as stated above, but I have no idea about the others. I'm just glad I still have two working MediaPlays :p.