1800x issue...


Oct 13, 2003
So, I've been chasing a problem with a 1800x for probably 2 years now. Have replaced everything in the system sans CPU and Motherboard. Finally was turned on to the idea that 'hey maybe the memory controller in your cpu is borked"... I've never heard of that happening but I had the opportunity to borrow a 5800x from a buddy and with a bios update on this old Crosshair6 was able to get the 5800x working in the system.

Low and behold, the damn thing runs. No more crashes. I can play unreal engine games now, PUBG/Maneater/etc all run fine. Before, i could play a few minutes and it would crash. Slim down to 1 channel on the RAM and it would run but who wants that? With this new processor i am back up to 32g dual channel and can't figure out WHY this dumb processor shit the bed.

Any thoughts? Is this old processor just a keychain now? I had intentions of moving this old hardware into a file server but now I'm a little worried that were I to do that I would be dealing with another headache there...

Just thought I'd share this just incase there was some poor bastard out there suffering the same headache of the first gen Ryzen
bump the ram and soc voltages and try it again. if its still f'd, buy a 5800x for 240 on amazon. unless less you bought your buddy's...
Ryzen, especially 6 cores have had problems with memory channels dropping dead since day one. One of the most common failures with the chip.