19" or 20"?


Oct 6, 2006
Well, I am in quite a dilemma. I've been looking around at LCDs for a while now, and I can't seem to decide whether I want a higher-quality 19" or a little lower end 20". I don't have the biggest budget, I'm not looking to spend much more then $250. I'm really looking for a relatively good response time (I am a casual gamer and I occasionally watch movies), and I want to take advantage of DVI.
Some specifics I'm looking at is, for the 19", the Dells and the Acer AL1916W. I got turned on to the idea of a 20" when I stopped by my local Office Depot, but really anything will be a jump up from my "17"" CRT.
Also, is there really any difference between 20" and 20.1"?

Thanks in advance.
high quality always cost more, you will not be able to get top quality with that kind of $. nec makes the best there is imo.
personally I would rather have a smaller monitor of higher quality than a low end monitor that's bigger.

however, i'd also rather have 1600x1200. 1280x1024 is a horrible resolution.