2 GPUs, *NOT* SLI, no video

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[H]F Junkie
Sep 23, 2002
I'm wondering if I have a bum card. I'm using a GTX460 and a GTS450. I do not want SLI (different GPUs anyway, should be able to SLI). The OS is detecting the GTS450, but says it has a problem and isn't letting it start. I can't find any more details as to what the issue is. Card does has power hooked up, and I've tried with and without the SLI bridge. GPU-Z detects the GTS450 but nothing else does.

I think next is pulling the main card and seeing what happens. Anything I'm missing?
Well - the simple diagnostic would just be to run each card individually to see if both will boot. It's hard for anyone to speculate anything else at this point.
try them one by one, each time removing driver and reinstalling driver upon boot when you switch cards.
Pretty much what I figured. Tried the 450 on its own and got pretty bad video corruption, looks like the memory is bad. I'll RMA it.
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