2 SSD's & Win7 questions


Aug 14, 2006
Hi all,

Doing a new build with my first ever SSD (Intel G2 160GB). I plan to put W7 and the games I play alot / long-term on it.

Also, I may be able to score a deal on a second SSD (Intel G2 80GB), which I would use for a secondary drive (but not any RAID or such.)

I have a couple of noob-ish questions about them, so I'm posting on some of my favorite hardware sites for help.

1) Is it a poor idea to install alot of programs to run from this second drive ? I'm thinking about stuff like games I play briefly then uninstall, minor programs I might run occasionally ( RealTemp,etc) and things like that. Are there any types of programs that I should NOT run from this secondary drive ? (That actually NEED to be installed on the main / OS drive ?)

2) I realize that W7 will basically take care of what it needs to do in preparing the SSD (partitioning,etc) for the OS install. But, what happens when adding a second SSD afterwards ? Will W7 still do everything automatically in preparing the non-OS drive, or is that up to me once the OS is installed ?

Sorry if this is really basic stuff, but I've never run W7, SSD's or multiple drives before, and my Google-fu is failing me tonite.:confused:

Thanks very much for any advice !
When you install windows, disconnect all other (hard) drives. If you don't want the recovery partition, create a partition before installing (with windows 7 DVD). When you'll add the other SSD (or any new drive, for that matter) you'll have to create the partition with the drive manager, windows won't do it by itself.
Very good info, thanks much. I was guessing that the set-up of the second SSD (partitioning,etc) would not be automatic by W7, just needed it confirmed.

As for the Recovery Partition on the main OS drive....... just how large IS it? Are most users skipping it (creating their own partition?) Any good links on how that is done ?

Thanks again !