2001fp on sale for $799.20.


Limp Gawd
May 15, 2002
Check out the Dell small business section. It's not the 25% off it was last month but it's close enough for those of you wanting it on sale.
I dont know if the 2001FP is selling so hot now in days like when it first came out no thanks to the tons of people like myself who have gotten several units with either dead/stuck pixels and or backlighting issues.

now, dont get me wrong. I love my 2001FP to death but this business with Dell's QC letting tons and tons of 2001FPs going out the door is BS. after all, you damn sure know that thats gotta be costing them some money from sending out all the replacement units like they've been doing lately.
Speaking on luck terms, I wouldnt buy it for myself, because I would get 20 dead or stuck the first time. I shit you not. Thats all I need is a bad experience.
I guess I got somewhat lucky with mine. I have only one dead pixel and some minor backlighting issues. The backlighting issues are only noticeable on a black background in a dark room. Since I always have the lights or the tv on I never even see the problem even against a black background. The dead pixel is off to the right side of the screen and I never even notice it unless I look for it.
Whats the difference in buying it from Small Business vs Home?

Is it a shorter warranty, or maybe no return policy?

I'm sure it's buried in the fine print somewhere, but if somebody can post the main difference, that would be cool.

Mine has only one stuck pixl & no backlight issues, mfg date of Nov 03. maybe I'll snap up another.
Originally posted by csorrows
Whats the difference in buying it from Small Business vs Home?

Is it a shorter warranty, or maybe no return policy?

I'm sure it's buried in the fine print somewhere, but if somebody can post the main difference, that would be cool.


No, nothing like that. There really isn't much of a difference cept you always have to pay taxes in SB if i'm not mistaken.