2007/2407: February 24

Yeah I was looking forward today too see some info on these monitors, oh well hopefully soon.
well on a lighter note at least i don't feel bad about buying my 2405 a few weeks ago
Samhorns said:
well on a lighter note at least i don't feel bad about buying my 2405 a few weeks ago
Don't worry, the 2407 and 2707 will still be released. They're just taking a couple of extra days to bring the response times down to 6ms... ;)
james111 said:
Booooooo, I was actually waiting all week to see the new monitors :(

Lol, me too. How sad is that? I suppose I'll have to settle for the Viewsonic VX2025mw from Fry's for another couple weeks...

Hopefully it kicks enuff a## for me to forget about this dell.
I give up. I looked everywhere and still cant find the Dell 2407 monitor for sale.

Is this a hoax?

Is this another Half Life2 release date senario?

Duke Nukem wants to know, "Where is it?"
Lol, seriously. I've given up on the hunt. I may find out about the release a day after everyone else, but I waste no more tears!! :( :(
I'm thinking about the 2007 when it comes out. I've never had an LCD.

Will I be able to adjust most games to do 1680 by 1050 by adding command lines?

How is the ghosting in the dell 2005 and 2405 panaels?

What about 1080 sources, like for upcoming higher def dvd formats or game systems? Would this mean I should consider the 2407 for 1900x1200?
I'm tired of these idiots throwing out dates for new products with no insider knowledge at all.
JayD said:
I'm tired of these idiots throwing out dates for new products with no insider knowledge at all.


however, i have heard from VERY reliable sources that the 2407 will be released on/by June 15, 2009. That date is probably just as credible as the others floating around.
I am also tired of made up release dates just so the site that makes the claim can get a few more hits on their website. :mad:

As for the guy who wants to know about gaming at 1680x1050, I have not come across a game that I couldnt make run at widescreen resolution except for Myst 3: Exile. It takes a bit of work and a few minutes at www.widescreengamingforum.com, but it is well worth it.
seniorpaul said:
however, i have heard from VERY reliable sources that the 2407 will be released on/by June 15, 2009.

You know I was pretty disappointed until the year dawned on me. :p