2TB Seagate Hard Drive (Frys.com) $174.99


[H]F Junkie
Feb 16, 2003


Not a bad deal. Prices on these have been coming down some.
And those of you that say these are not good deals on 2TB and that it's cheaper to just buy 2x 1TB drives, don't post.

There are benefits to having a single drive that does what 2 drives do. Allowing you to have few drives, less power consumption and ideally more storage.
1TB drives are still typically in the $88 bracket.

Power savings over the life of it will pay the difference (as you said).
Hrmmm this is very tempting... 5 year warranty too
I have been drooling over these for the past 3 months and just never pull the trigger, I might have to today...
Nice try laddie, but I think I would rather pay an extra $21 and get an additional 1TB of storage...........................................................................


Again, you really don't understand. This is for ONE singular drive. This is for people that want the next step up. Quit your thread crapping BS with posting "Cheaper but smaller drives"
Quick question about these. Do they use a slower spindle due to the density of the platter? I havent read up much on the 2tb drives, but i'm about due to replace the 750s in my media rig.