32 Bit IE / Outlook 2007 Not Working, Vista 64


Feb 12, 2007
64 Bit IE works great. 32 bit IE acts like it is not connected. All of Vista's "self-diagnose" tools say it is connected (and it IS- I am writing this post with it!).

However both my Outlook and IE 32 bit don't see I have any connectivity. Any ideas?

I've tried reboots, repairs on the connection, reset the connection, Disable/Enable the connection, I even ran sfc /scannow.

Edit- No Trillian connectivity, either.
Edit2- I am able get to it from LogMeIn as well.
That worked beautifully.

Not only did it crash when I tried to close it (as well as Trillian), it seemed I got "phantom" error messages of it needing to restart- when I hadn't tried to run it for a good deal of time.

The only thing I am thinking: Why?
I cannot think of why this happened, honestly... I cannot recall anything that I did when this started happening.
when this happened to me, i remember it was around the time i

1) downloaded that MS memory patch for more than 3gb
2) installed steam

more than likely 1 caused it.
I didn't do either of those at that time...

Although looking back at Windows Update it appears there was a Windows Defender update, then there are two failed NIC updates, and one sucessful. However the one sucessfull update was AFTER I noticed this happening (I'm betting it may have had something to do with it though)...

I just don't have any idea what was changed at that time period.

Just interesting, is all... I just don't see why it would get corrupted like that, for no obvious reason that I can see.
I got a blue screen for locked pages, it restarted and when I came back into windows it was like that. Happened to me twice.

Not sure whats causing exactly.
It's natures way of telling you that you should move into using a proper client such as Thunderbird.