325 cfm with and 0dBA iconic cooling

:eek: That is a great custom silent cooling solution. Maybe eventually i will do something similar to that which would be interesting.

Of note, might want to revise your ICONIC title.
<spread FUD>
Who knows what effect ionized air would have on your PC components or its user's health?!
</spread FUD>
drizzt81 said:
<spread FUD>
Who knows what effect ionized air would have on your PC components or its user's health?!
</spread FUD>
static electricity ftw!

edit, this makes me mad
"The main reason we chose the Intel CPU is if for some reason there was a thermal issue it will self-protect the CPU unlike AMD's"

you've gotta be fucking kidding me. K8 has had built in thermal protection since launch, and K7 was protected by any reasonably new and half decent motherboard. and on top of that, he goes out and gets one of the hotter cpus intel ever made :rolleyes:

/stops reading :p
on a more serious note: Did I miss it, or was there not a single test of the actual CFM? Considering that most electrostatic precipitator are used in an very open environment and therefore unlikely to requires any/ much back pressure, I'd be interested to see some TESTS.

neat idea nonetheless.
Well he did sress the fact that your components MUST be grounded properly. But outta the artical, best thing i saw that was cool as all get out was the gigabyte I-RAM. Untill now i never knew those existed. I had seen them before, and thought they might be addon cards for server systems or something like that. Boy was i wrong. That thing is SWEET. Wish i had one with 4 gig ram and BF2 and other games loaded on it.

Although i have to wonder even with 2 of them how the ell do you load install an operating system on an 8 gig array? Every install i've ver done on xp was 10 gigs or more.
In traditional CPU heatsinks large blocks of metal are combined with high RPM fans to keep the CPU happy and cool. The new breed of fanless heatsinks and even the newer high performance heatsinks use a technology that has become more popular in recent years. Heat pipes use hollow tubes filled with a blend of unique chemicals to help pull away and dissipate heat from the CPU.


What's a good brand name for the above, so called hollow Heat pipes rather than heat sink for your CPU.
That was an awesome read....until the end. Am I the only one that thought the article ended too soon? He goes into great detail about the assembly but then fails to post any idle/load temps and the cfm that contraption puts out.....getting it to post and installing windows is one thing, reliable daily operation is another. The ram drives are awesome though...can't wait for that technology to progress. :cool:

edit- where does the "325 cfm" come from? :confused:
Conano said:
Although i have to wonder even with 2 of them how the ell do you load install an operating system on an 8 gig array? Every install i've ver done on xp was 10 gigs or more.

Back when XP first came out I had it on a 10 GB hard drive with plenty of room for an antivirus, word processor and a couple games.
Thats really sweet, i gotta see how to make one of those so that i can make my own...

::thinks about how his school has a very nice pool of smart electrical engineers he can ask to help::
Well, I only see a few bad things about this setup. Ionic air purifiers use high voltage to ionize the air, which generates ozone, which is bad for your health. Ozone is also not good for the components inside the computer either. Since the air is ionized you end up with parts that buildup charge which is the reason they had to ground the heatsink. As was mentioned in another post, those purifiers are made for open air use and not in enclosed spaces. They work by the fact that like charges repell and opposites attract and so have little force behind them. And thru the whole review........not ONE temp was given.
I'm wondering why he didn't avoid the charge buildup problem by making it an exhaust fan, thereby sucking normal air through the case, instead of blowing ionized air into it.

Other than that, awesome project!
(cf)Eclipse said:
static electricity ftw!

edit, this makes me mad
"The main reason we chose the Intel CPU is if for some reason there was a thermal issue it will self-protect the CPU unlike AMD's"

you've gotta be fucking kidding me. K8 has had built in thermal protection since launch, and K7 was protected by any reasonably new and half decent motherboard. and on top of that, he goes out and gets one of the hotter cpus intel ever made :rolleyes:

/stops reading :p
My friends AM2 bracket broke, heatsink fell RIGHT off and hit the divider of his v2000, we will know on wednesday whether AMD has perfect overheat protection or not :p
Sick. The ionization could cause problems though, I wouldn't use something like that in my main machine.