360 F.E.A.R Demo


Jul 27, 2004
So I downloaded this last night, and either I am retarted or something glitched in the demo but I could not for the life of me get the character to go up ladders. I tired everything I could think of even restarting and still couldnt get up the ladder at the other end of the bunker. Now I havent beaten it on the PC but I do own it and remember going up that ladder, unless there is a trigger I am forgetting about that is required to go up it, I also cant go up the same one that gets you down there in the first place.
There is an "action" button that is needed to be pressed to grab on to ladders. If im not mistaken the game tells you which button to push when you reach your first ladder. I would just walk up to it and try buttons if it doesnt tell you. Or maybe the menu has a button map laid out.
walk up to it, when you see the little hand icon pop up press x...not all that hard really if you paid attention to the little pop up that told you to press x to activate ladders...
Erasmus354 said:
walk up to it, when you see the little hand icon pop up press x...not all that hard really if you paid attention to the little pop up that told you to press x to activate ladders...

thanks for the smart ass comment!
It's actually almost just like the PC one...right down to the level in the demo being a pseudo hybrid of a few different levels in the full game. It's essentially the same.
The look is a little different and it's a little more "dark and gritty" looking, but that might just be a slight difference in the textures.
I found the default aiming to be a little tough. In a way, it's like Far Cry 360 as the aiming seems to "skip" a little unless your thumb movement is really smooth. You might be able to adjust it, but I didn't really mess with it for long.
One other thing I noticed - damage has been adjusted a LOT in the demo. In the PC version, it's pretty easy to die if you don't use slow-mo all the time. In this one, the enemy fire doesn't hurt very much by comparison.
One nice thing - the framerate's very steady...unlike the PC version which is one of the most "up and down" games ever.
Domingo said:
It's actually almost just like the PC one...right down to the level in the demo being a pseudo hybrid of a few different levels in the full game. It's essentially the same.
The look is a little different and it's a little more "dark and gritty" looking, but that might just be a slight difference in the textures.
I found the default aiming to be a little tough. In a way, it's like Far Cry 360 as the aiming seems to "skip" a little unless your thumb movement is really smooth. You might be able to adjust it, but I didn't really mess with it for long.
One other thing I noticed - damage has been adjusted a LOT in the demo. In the PC version, it's pretty easy to die if you don't use slow-mo all the time. In this one, the enemy fire doesn't hurt very much by comparison.
One nice thing - the framerate's very steady...unlike the PC version which is one of the most "up and down" games ever.

I too noticed the slowness of the aiming, but IMO nothing is as bad as Far Cry for the 360. Now that my dumb ass knows how to get out of the bunker area I will play the whole demo.
Blauman said:
I too noticed the slowness of the aiming, but IMO nothing is as bad as Far Cry for the 360. Now that my dumb ass knows how to get out of the bunker area I will play the whole demo.

Ha ha ha. It's strange because by default the sensitivity's pretty low...but when you go into slow motion, when I start nudging the stick a little to aim, it jumps a little.
I didn't really mess with it much (I just got the PC one 2 weeks ago, so I just figured I'd compare 'em), but it might be fixable.
Far Cry 360, on the other hand, seems to permanently skippy. No matter what you do, the aiming just isn't smooth. It's sad because the PC Far Cry has some of the smoothest aiming of all time.
guitarguy316 said:
so this is available for download on the marketplace? or just the demo from magazines?

It's in Marketplace. It showed up yesterday I think.
If you don't have the PC one, it seems like a dandy conversion based on the demo.
Apparently this demo is what they already had working pre-E3, so the textures are low-res in a lot of places and it doesn't have the lighting and AA done right. They did say however that the final version will be pretty much indistinguishable from the PC in terms of how it looks.

Having said that, the aiming is a little bit jumpy, but overall, it's FEAR, no arguing with that. I'm excited for this as I enjoyed it on the PC.
they're gonna have to work harder to get me to want this on 360 when i played through it on high end PC last year
I have a 360 and quite honestly I don't know how you all can play a FPS on 'em. Gamepad is great for the sports games and some other genres but not FPS.
Greenwit said:
I have a 360 and quite honestly I don't know how you all can play a FPS on 'em. Gamepad is great for the sports games and some other genres but not FPS.

it took me quite some time to get used to it. Chronicles of Riddick and Halo 2 is what got me good at using the gamepad. I still prefer the mouse/keyboard combo though.
Think back to Doom. You used up, down, left, right, spacebar, alt, and sometimes shift. Now think about how hard it was to switch from that to using a keyboard AND a mouse. It took me a week or two to get used to it. And that was from playing nonstop. Once I got used to it, it was like riding a bike.

Same thing with a gamepad. If you set it up to your liking and play with it a lot, you'll get good at it. Granted, it's not as accurate as a keyboard/mouse, but it's totally doable.
Greenwit said:
I have a 360 and quite honestly I don't know how you all can play a FPS on 'em.
I know what you mean...

I've spent half an hour playing an X360. And in that half an hour, I gave up on Perfect Dark, then Call of Duty, then Quake, then Far Cry, then Ghost Recon, then just switched the fucking thing off, because the controls are just so god damn horrendous.

MasterShredder said:
Now think about how hard it was to switch from that to using a keyboard AND a mouse. It took me a week or two to get used to it.
Maybe a week or two until it's comfortable, but it only took an hour or so to get a decent grasp of it. Even after five minutes it was at least playable. I found the learning curve for N64 shooters to be about the same - a couple of hours to get a feel for it, but at least walking in a straight line and turning left and right is a trivial exercise.

MasterShredder said:
Once I got used to it, it was like riding a bike.
Yeah, like riding this bike.

Definitely doable with practice, but definitely more of a fuckaround than it needs to be.
some FPS's on consoles are better than others though IMO. Far Cry absolutely sucked, I took the game back specifically because of the controls, Halo 2 is great as was Call of Duty. At the end of the day thought I wish MS could come out with a wireless KB/Mouse for the 360, becuase it is much much easier.
For me I'm much BETTER aiming with a mouse, but I'm functional with an analog stick.
I've got a friend that never played any FPS games on the PC, so his first experience was aiming with analogs in the N64 Quake 2 and in Halo.
After all of these years, he's now as good as any "normal" (no professional) mouse player I've ever seen.
I think it a lot of cases, for many of us it's tougher because we already have a method we like and wish we could use. If you don't know any better or different - you pick it up.
For me, the game that helped me the most was Oblivion. Because it's not so twitchy, it helped me get used to doing things slower and more naturally. After dropping 200+ hours in that game, I'm perfectly comfy using the pad for FPS games. Admittedly I'm MUCH better with a mouse, but then again...I've been using one since Doom 2.
If you want to know FPS games that are better on the 360 vs. the PC, my vote goes to Call of Duty.