3dmark score goes down with another 512 megabytes of ram


Mar 30, 2005
Yes, your 3dmark score will probably go down, but in the end your goal was to get your games to play smoother and you accomplished that.

If you'd rather work your way up the CAL or TWL 3dMark05 ladder then I guess you'd better take that other 512 stick out.
Or put another 512 stick in. Which hopefully gets the score back up and helps with the smoothness. The improvement it gave you in BF was probably more than the performance hit of going out of dual channel which is why you only see it in 3dmark etc. Either way it's probably not going to kill you but the dual channel can be a nice benefit to have working again.
i would go out and buy another stick of 512, but then i would have all 4 dims filled. it is to my understanding that the a64 line doesnt like that very much and clocks down to 133, which is quite a hit from running at around 220
its that the a64 line doesnt like more the n 2 and your at 3, it already lowered ur timings or didnt, if your not overclcocking like crazy or running your memeory faster then 220mhz its not a prob i run 4 sticks in dual channel at 210mhz fine :)
you score is going down because your memory is indeed not in dual channel mode any more, with the 3rd ram stick in there... so yes, you will take a performance hit because that changes the communication from the cpu to the memory a bit. one way to put it would be that it only has one access channel to your total 1.5gb memory vs. with dual channel it has two access channels to 1gb.. anyways, it halves your memory bus <--> cpu communicaiton ...but if your game feels "smoother" and better when you play it, with the extra memory, that's all which really matters, right? If you want to get tue dual channel operation back and you have four memory slots, and your mobo allows 4 chip dual channel mode, you can get a 4th memory chip of equal make/build/size to get that going again.. but it will be fussier about how fast you can take it.. You're URLs for the 3dmark scores are not working, use the "compare URLs" posted in the project details, NOT the URL in the location bar in your browser.. that's a common mistake with posting those scores.. but as I said, if BF2 if your game, and it feels smoother and good, I would just keep what you have an enjoy it. :)

EDIT: doing some quick googling, I found this: http://www.tcmagazine.info/articles.php?action=show&showarticle=128
which shows some more single vs dual channel results with games.. it shows up more on the benches and cpu bound games, like HL2.. but on doom3 almost no change.. Anyways, I wouldn't worry about it until you really notice performance issues with your games. good luck!