4850 for 1920x1200 ? or need 4870 ? to replace 9800gt...


May 4, 2007
Just wanted to get opinions on single card solution - going in a cheap XPS rig I grabbed with E8400 and 6GB RAM - want to upgrade the 9800gt that came with it as seems from most reviews that the 4850 and 70 are better than it ?

This is going to be 90% for playing Warhammer Online at 1920x1200 - maybe Spore/Fallout 3

Not too worried about cranking AA just want smooth rates at that res

Can the 4850 handle that ok ? Or worth it to shell out for the 4870 ?

Thanks a lot in advance

EDIT - also should a 260 be considered ? I'll be going single card either way - just wondered if was going to run into issues with a Radeon going into an Nforce board -
Doesn't seem worth it for the 4850, the difference is quite small. Actually I think 9800GT (which is just a new name for the 8800GT) should be good enough. I have a 8800GTS (which is just a little bit better) which I play at 1920x1200 and I can max out pretty much every game except Crysis. If you're going to upgrade then you should at least go for 4870.

From what I've seen the 4850 is about as good as 9800GTX and that isn't that much better than 9800GT, certainly not enough to buy a new card for.

EDIT: I saw your edit. I wouldn't recommend 260 since it's about the same price as 4870 but not as good.

EDIT2: In my country the 4870 is cheaper than the GTX260, but it seems the GTX260 is slightly cheaper than the 4870 in the US so you might get that. Also the GTX 260 is about as good (depends on the game) according to HardOCP (I saw that the 4870 was much better on another site, but don't remember which one and might as well trust HardOCP) Still it might be better to wait for the 55nm version since it will be better.
Really no difference between the 9800gt and 4850 ?

Just know will be RvRing with lots on screen at time and wanted to give best shot at zero major slowdowns fps wise - saw could get one of those around 160 and seemed like reviews put it decently above the 8800gt/9800gt at higher res like the 1920

But if no difference maybe not worth it or have to go the 4870 route
HD4850 is faster than 9800GTX from what I've seen so it should be better than a 9800GT which is basically a 8800GT. If you like AA I think HD4850 is a good buy. It is also faster in Crysis if you even plan on playing it. If not then it is probably not that worth it. But you can get a HD4850 for roughly the same price as a 9800GT so I would probably do the trade.
Really no difference between the 9800gt and 4850 ?

Just know will be RvRing with lots on screen at time and wanted to give best shot at zero major slowdowns fps wise - saw could get one of those around 160 and seemed like reviews put it decently above the 8800gt/9800gt at higher res like the 1920

But if no difference maybe not worth it or have to go the 4870 route

I only get server lag in Beta (and only with latest patch, needs some work)with an 8800 GTS 512 @ 1920x1200. Should be even more polished at launch.
The 4850 is better than your current card, but not enough IMO to justify an upgrade, it would be too minimal. I got a 4850 for free which replaced my 8800GT, yes it was faster, but no I would not have made the upgrade if I had to buy the card. I say go for the 4870.
Well leaning towards the 4870 now , guess about a hundred bucks more if its a more noticeable jump I dont mind

Any issues dropping just one ATI on the nvidia motherboard ? And I guess I should consider a slot cooler positioned above it to exhaust more heat out ? I keep hearing they really get up there temp wise

Sorry for the basic ?'s , just will be first ATI card since the 9800 on the Windows side - have ha 7900thru8800 and so on since -

I could I know get another 9800gt and sli it but I just rather stay away from SLI overall as I always seemed to have better overall smoothness with just one high powered card vs SLI
Slot coolers are a waste IMO. If you want the card to run cooler (which shouldn't be necessary unless you're overclocking) then adjust the fan speed or get an aftermarket cooler.
actualy check the hot deal forum, you can get a 4870 for ~200.
Replaced it with a 4870 - Warhammer Beta was noticeablely better than the 9800gt - it didnt do bad but had moments of hitching when huge crowds came into view - the 4870 has none
1920 needs a 4870. Now, some games are great (COD4, Unreal 3 engine games...Bioshock etc. etc.) but honestly, Mass Effect, HL2:Ep2, Crysis........mmmmmmmm not so much.........and thats with a Quad @ 3.4. I am playing on my crt @ 1800x1440 (slightly tougher than 1920x1200) and I already want to order the second 4870. Of course I'm not happy unless max settings with 12x edge detect AA and 16x AF is on also in addition to being at that resolution. :D

I am playing HL2 with cinematic mod v8.2 @ 1800x1440 and I had to turn off edge detect and go with normal box 4x AA and sometimes, especially when theres a lot of fire it gets down in the 40s.....
I would have kept the 9800GT, new cards are coming early 2009, 9800GT should have been good till then.
I would have kept the 9800GT, new cards are coming early 2009, 9800GT should have been good till then.

problem is there are always new cards coming out in the near future, 4870 from what I have read about them is a great choice. I just ordered a 4870x2 myself today.
^ Yeah but his 9800GT was sufficient for what hes running, could have held off a purchase for a while.
I agree that the 4850 wouldn't be enough of an upgrade to be worth the trouble, unless you can break even selling your current card and picking up the 4850.
9800GT still sufficient in op's requirement :
This is going to be 90% for playing Warhammer Online at 1920x1200 - maybe Spore/Fallout 3

Not too worried about cranking AA just want smooth rates at that res

so it might be wise to wait, but if the new cards really ever coming on early 2009, it is still months away, personally, i can't wait that long, maybe a month or two, but not 5-6 months.

if you insist to upgrade now, imo, 4870 well worth it, gtx260 should also be considered.
again, if you prefer AA, then 4870 probably the better one.
I would have waited for the 4850X2 ;) but whatever, lol.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda?
As long as the OP is happy with his purchase, I think thats good enough.
Actually no the original card was NOT good enough for my requirements , as I said I wanted zero , ZERO slowdowns even if running up on 50 other players in enemy RvR or in the city with tons of detail around ,

The 9800gt was "good" but still had noticeable slowdowns if you had tons on screen firing off spells and lots going on , the 4870 immediately got rid of this - I have had zero slowdowns since

So why would I have wanted to play for months waiting for another card when there was one out now that did do what I wanted , I'll now use this card till next summer , sell this rig then get another , and this one will allow me to do what I want in the meantime

Again , there wasn't a little difference , if I had seen very small difference I would have just returned it , but I pushed into specific areas in the elder servers and the normal beta servers where before I knew I would get a sec or two of loading lag when things came into view or if in a battle with 50 players plus the 9800gt would dip below 20fps for brief moments because of all the spell effects going off ,the 4870 stays in high 30's at the very lowest in the same places

dips to 15fps compared to dips to 39fps is a big , big difference for me and this is well worth it to me to not have those kind of frame rates until 2009 sometime
I'm glad you're happy with your purchase. I wasn't saying wait months for the next generation in 2009, I was just saying until the 4850x2 came out, which should be in the next couple of weeks.

But if you're happy that's all that matters ;) even if you want to upgrade to the 4850x2, the 4870 wont drop in price much before it comes out and you'll be able to trade it without much of a loss.