4x1G OCZ Plat 8500 or 2x2G Corsair XMS DHX 6400?


Limp Gawd
Jul 13, 2004
OCZ Platinum XTC 8500 4X1GB CL5
Corsair XMS2 DHX 6400 C5 DHX 2X2GB CL5

4G of RAM to go on a P35 Gigabyte board. Which one will be better to overclock a Penryn Quad Core?

I have seen many posts stating 4x1G RAM will be unstable and can cause all sorts of problems.

Will 4x1G be as stable as 2x2G because it is rated at a higher speed?

4G of either RAM will be about the same price.
RAM is guarenteed to be stable to their rated speeds. So if your question is 'Which one will overclock better' the higher rated one since it clocks higher out of the box. Granted, you might be able to get the slower rated one to clocker higher then the higher rated RAM, but there are no promises.
Most of the reports I've seen have said that the P35 boards handle 4 sticks of RAM well.
Most of the reports I've seen have said that the P35 boards handle 4 sticks of RAM well.

I agree. If it can take it, why not get the better performing 1GB sticks. Unless, of course, you plan on having 8GB of RAM anytime soon.
Most of the reports I've seen have said that the P35 boards handle 4 sticks of RAM well.

Actually, I have been hearing that as well. Intel has been improving the 4 DIMM capability of their chipsets steadily since the 875P/865 days. In this case, the quad CPU may be the most limiting factor of FSB speed with either 2 or 4 slots filled.
I just tried 4x1gbs in my rig last week (I had a few extra sticks before I returned them to fry's, they were my interm sticks while I was waiting for RMA :eek: ) All OCZ-8500's, they seems to OC up to ~DDR1000 @ 4-4-4-10, but that was about as far as they went. I'm sure with some more tweaking they could go higher. Just sharing my results heh. This was on the 965 p board too :eek: