5.1 computer speaker advice


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
Hey all, I'm looking to get some new speakers for my computer. I'm pretty set on getting a 5.1 set, and the total cost needs to stay under $200 ($100 would be nicer!). Another problem I have is I live in Hawaii, and shipping here is $$$ for anything heavy. Example: ground shipping for the Logitech G51's from Newegg is $80...

The local Best Buy has the Logitech G51 for $199, and the X-540 for $105. I'm assuming the G51 is better, but is it worth the extra $100? Or does anyone have any better options? If I can order it through amazon directly, I can get free 2-day shipping if I sign up for "Prime", then cancel.

So for now, is the Logitech G51 that much better than the X-540?

Well, you have a good point. If it's so expensive to ship there, then yes, buying at a local store suddenly becomes a good alternative. I just wanted to ask, is Best Buy the only store you have in reach, or can you shop around? So far, Logitech G51 seems like your best choice. Not sure if $100 better, but definitely better from the specs. There's more brands tho', like Altec Lansing, Creative, and some more. However, you can also give a HTIB (home theater in a box) a try, as long as they have 5.1 analog inputs (or digital if your soundcard has it). You can try finding a refurbish one for cheap, and they normally have more watts than PC speakers.

One thing you need to know, is that low budget PC speakers don't sound that great when they're 5.1. There's so little power to each speaker that you are going to crank the volume to hear the back speakers, and make the center stand out. When you raise it too high, distortion kicks in. That's why I would recommend 2.1 because I once had some cheaper 80watt 5.1 setup before my current Z-5500, and they were horrible.

But hey, don't get me wrong. They are great for games and music. I mean, that's what they're made for. Problem is when watching movies, and that's where they lack. So yeah, if you don't plan to run them too high, and you are on a tight budget, then surely they are great.
my gf has the x540 with onboard sound, she says it's great for movies and other stuff she does. For me it was cheap and it replaced some 10year old cambridge speakers. do i think you'd get better sound for 100bucks more? prolly not the x540's are pretty good, your probably better off using that difference for a xfi.
Thanks for the replies! To maybe give some more info, these speakers are for obviously for my PC, which has S/PDIF Out (Coaxial), or analog outs (On-board sound: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131222). I really only use this for listening to music in my office, and for playing games (TF2, fallout3, etc.) I don't really watch movies on my PC. I like quality over loud, but I'm no aficionado. I currently have a ~12-yo 2.1 Boston Acoustics that I have been OK with, but they are starting to short out a bit. I think having the surround would make gaming quite a bit more fun.

is Best Buy the only store you have in reach, or can you shop around?
Pretty much, since CompUSA and Circuit City have left :( I haven't found much for local-owned places.

Am I better off getting a nice 2.1 system, then buying a couple less-expensive 2.0's powered speakers for my rears? If so, any recommendations?

your probably better off using that difference for a xfi
sorry, what is xfi? A total system with an amplifier?
creative x-fi titanium is probably what they're referring to. it's an add-in sound card you put inside your machine. I have an x-fi platinum and honestly i don't hear much difference between it and onboard. I just ordered an asus xonar dx sound card to see if there's any improvement.

another option you could do is get a htib, which I know most audiophiles from on, but if you can find a decent one on sale below $200 it might offer better performance/price over any of the logitech 5.1 systems.
...these speakers are for obviously for my PC, which has S/PDIF Out (Coaxial), or analog outs (On-board sound: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131222)...
That motherboard doesn't seem to have coaxial connectors, so I can assume you have the coaxial in your sound card.

...Pretty much, since CompUSA and Circuit City have left...
Well, have you tried also Sears, Target, Walmart, K-Mart, Costco and all those places? They sell this too, you know. But yeah, try to find if there are any Refurbish or Open-Box HTIBs, they normally have some.
However, if you don't find any, you can take a look at this Samsung HT-Z320. They have it on Best Buy for $229.99, very close to your $200 budget. You can order them online, and ask for store pickup. That way you don't pay shipping. And if they don't have them around your area, you can go to the store and order them. Most stores allow this, so I don't know why Best Buy wouldn't. Those are 5.1 , and supposedly have an optical input for audio. All you need is a Coaxial to Optical converter (this), and Dolby Digital Live encoding in your sound card. But, if your soundcard with coaxial didn't bring a converter (most do), then at this point this might be too much over your budget, and the pc speaker solution might be a cheaper route.

...Am I better off getting a nice 2.1 system, then buying a couple less-expensive 2.0's powered speakers for my rears? If so, any recommendations?
Well, probably, even tho' after you get the 2 surrounds you will end up with 4.1, not 5.1. Also, you need to make sure they sound the same (timbre match). Best way to do that, is to buy the same model, or at least from the same series. So yes, this can potentially sound better, but is gonna be more expensive. Powered speakers tend to cost more.

sorry, what is xfi? A total system with an amplifier
No, X-Fi is a sound chip created by Creative. It supports a bunch of nice features like special effects in games (EAX), virtual surround sound (CMSS-3D), and other stuff. But don't even think about it, since the good sound cards with this chip are not even from Creative, and they cost around the same amount you were gonna spend for the speakers.

Ok my friend, that should give you something to think about. If you can't find anything around your price range where you live, I still say the G51 might be the better choice out of those 2 (going by specs).