5850 doesn't support DX11?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 17, 2004
I just got a 5850 and wanted to try out the directx 11 demo on my Windows7 but it won't run. I keep getting an error message that says i either don't have Windows7, don't have an ATI card or don't have DX11.

I downloaded the latest directx from microsoft and dxdiag says i have DirectX11
My Win7 has the latest updates according to the updater.
I have a 5850 ATI card

The mecha and the ladybug demo doesn't want to run. And when i tried the heaven demo, there's no tesselation.

Is the 5850 really a DX11 card? Or is the text on their side just a marketing gimmick?
Yeah, after several pages worth of google, apparently, the 5800 series really doesn't support DX11 :mad:

It's a huge marketing gimmick.

I havent played Dirt2 or BC2 in Dx11.

All a fad
I can't tell if he's trolling or serious... he's good.

Probably because i'm serious. Try googling if anyone's actually managed to get their 5850 running the DX11 AMD and the heaven demos. I've been continious looking for a way to get them to run, but all the search results basically say the card doesn't support it.
Unfortunately, that article doesn't apply anymore. Go ahead, try looking for someone that actually has a 5850 that can run the DX11 demos.
I'm still looking for a solution. Unfortunately, the closest thing i can come up with is to find last years catalyst drivers coz the new ones simply doesn't work.
ok, this thread is now officially funny.

Not funny when you've just plunked down $300+ for a new card and getting error messages when you put it through its paces. Heck, i haven't even put it through it's paces coz it doesn't run DX11 demos.

Now i have to check if there's some sort of archive site where i can download the old drivers.
They took out DX11 support after 9.11. You have to go to the link posted by SicKlown42012 and get last years 9.11 drivers.
They took out DX11 support after 9.11. You have to go to the link posted by SicKlown42012 and get last years 9.11 drivers.

I've had DX11 support with every driver. Stop spouting bullshit. They did not remove DX11, you're just having issues with some kind of software conflict. Not being able to run 1 demo doesn't mean they've removed it.
They took out DX11 support after 9.11. You have to go to the link posted by SicKlown42012 and get last years 9.11 drivers.

You seem to have a long posting history at hardforum, so I'm not going to call you a troll yet, but where the fuck are you getting your information? I am running Heaven in DX11 mode with Tesselation RIGHT NOW on 10.1 drivers on a 5870. Works great.

So where did you get your info that it only works on 9.11 drivers? Also, where did you get info that says it's not DX11? You realize that right here on HardOCP they tested it extensively in DX11 mode. You think they are lying?

You've got one of five things going on near as I can tell:

1) You are running Windows XP. XP supports DirectX 9.0c ONLY, so there will be no 11 support. Upgrade to Windows 7.

2) You are running Vista, and haven't updated it. Vista does support DX11, but you need to update it, it only shipped with 10. You need the Platform Update to make it work.

3) You've got Windows 7 and have done something to screw up your system. What I can't say, but you can try things like uninstalling the drivers and using driver cleaner and the like. Something is clearly wrong in the software since supports DX11 (or you've got a beta copy).

4) You are extremely confused, and DX11 is working fine and you just don't know it for some reason.

5) You are lying/trolling for some reason, and have no idea at all. Your sig somewhat supports this, as it lists a 9800, not a 5850.

Whatever the case, you need to figure it out and stop spreading misinformation. The 5800 series ARE DX11 cards. This has been confirmed by countless sites, including HardOCP. Further, the 10.1 drivers work just fine in DX11 mode. ATi did not remove the feature, and indeed wouldn't do so as it is the main reason to buy the things.

9.11 fixed the errors, the one i was using before was the 10.1

1. I have two OSes on separate drives. I swap harddrives when switching OSes. The XP one is getting the driver errors. The Windows7 one doesn't have errors, but the DX11 demos didn't work until i downgraded to the 9.11 ones.

2. I'm running Windows 7, latest updates, freshly reformatted. Same goes for the XP reinstall. That took me an entire day to reinstall everyhing.

3. Freshly reformatted, latest updates.

4. I got it to work after downgrading to 9.11. I know what it looked like and knew it wasn't working because of this guy


Doesn't get any more clearer than that.

5. Updated my sig. 160GB=Windows7, 80GB=WindowsXP, 250GB=Data drive.
Doesn't change the fact that it is still your stuff that is broken. Works just fine on my system with 10.1.
Yep, i guess i should have expected this from ATI.

I've had DX11 support with every driver. Stop spouting bullshit. They did not remove DX11, you're just having issues with some kind of software conflict. Not being able to run 1 demo doesn't mean they've removed it.

What software conflict? There's *nothing* else installed yet!

That's three DX11 demos from two different companies with three different engines. Which is pretty much 100% of the DX11 demos out there.
Yep, i guess i should have expected this from ATI.

What software conflict? There's *nothing* else installed yet!

That's three DX11 demos from two different companies with three different engines. Which is pretty much 100% of the DX11 demos out there.

Why dont you try a Game?

Dirt2? Bad Company 2?....They have DX11 and they work?

every think that maybe it's your system?...Maybe you installed DX11 wrong? Or maybe you got bad benchmarks?

Play a real game to see if its working.
Yep, i guess i should have expected this from ATI.

Yup, they know you're downtalking them so they took away dx 11 from you only in the whole wide world.

Seriously, stop BS, update motherboard bios. Make a reformat and a fresh install with updated chipset drivers.
You probably have windows 7 rc1 which has problems with dx11 after 9.11 for alot of people (my self included).

I upgraded to retail and 10.1 catalyst and tesselation works fine.

Maybe microsoft asked amd to stop dx11 for win7 rc1 ? seeing as it will reboot in 1 month and then become completely useless in june they want people to buy their new OS ?
Bios update, make sure your not running RC1, motherboard chipset update. Make sure your not trying to force 32-bit drivers into a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or vice-versa by accident. That would explain a lot about why downgrading made it work if say you downgraded from a newer 32-bit driver when using a 64-bit os to a older 64-bit driver when using a 64-bit os.

DX11 works fine on the 5850 with any version of Catalyst. Your statement they removed DX11 is untrue. DX11 literately works for hundreds of thousands of people with a 5850. You must be uniquely skilled with google to have found dx11 has been removed from 5850. Did you accidentally add website: www.nvidia.com to your search parameters in google? :)
your card does not support dx11, pm me and i will give you my address,you can send this fraudulant pos to me.
Probably because i'm serious. Try googling if anyone's actually managed to get their 5850 running the DX11 AMD and the heaven demos. I've been continious looking for a way to get them to run, but all the search results basically say the card doesn't support it.

Um, I don't know about you, but my card runs DX11 just fine.
The Only time I've had the computer tell me I couldn't run Dx11 with my 5870 is when I was still running W7 RC1.
Not being able to run a DX11 demo does not mean the card lacks DX11 support, as there are thousands of more likely answers. Maybe you should start a thread asking for help getting the demo to run, minus the stupid.
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