5850 fan dying. what to do?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 6, 2004
It's rattling against the shroud. bang on it and it'll stop making noise for a short time then start again. turn it to high speed and it absolutely screams.

It doesn't look like the 6950 is much of an improvement over it =(. Don't wanna spend 300+ either for a real upgrade.

Anyone got an spare cooler for a 5850?
Take the shroud off, zip tie a couple of 120mm fans on it. That's what I did.
a 6950 will beat out 5870's on LOTS of things, so I would think it would be a decent improvement over the 5850

there are a few air coolers for the 5850 though, accelero has two and 3 fan variants, I think the shaman fits them as well

I will have a 5870 cooler, but its got light fan rattle at low RPM when it first starts up, and I doubt its compatible
Get a replacement or get an aftermarket cooler.

The accelero cooler are nice and very quiet too.
Someone has already offered to buy my 5850. that would take the sting out of buying a 6950.
I just found a CHEAP solution. Lay my case on it's side.

This won't work for the long term but it will until I find a replacement cooler/new card.
The HD6950 is 15-25% faster than the HD5850, and has more memory - it's a slightly better card.
So far this is looking like a winner.

After looking at lots of benchmarks (thanks for the link magoo - I was having a hard time finding direct comparisons)) I don't think the 6950 is worth the money to upgrade to it especially when the 7xxx series should be out within a few months


Sometimes its on sale with free shipping but if you can't wait still a decent price.

The HD6950 is 15-25% faster than the HD5850, and has more memory - it's a slightly better card.
I dont think thats entirely true or representative.

on some newer games its 50-100% faster......

i get better framerates by 10-15% on avg in BC2 with my 6950 than my 5870 at 1080p with everything turned way up, and still more with some candy turned down for playing competitve mp
dont forget the 69xx's are getting more optimizations than the 58xx's nowadays as well.
on some newer games its 50-100% faster......

i haven't seen any benchmarks to show better than 15-20% - which in most cases is only 8-12 fps. got any links? If me and the potential buyer comes to an agreement I'll be picking one up.
I dont think thats entirely true or representative.

on some newer games its 50-100% faster......

i get better framerates by 10-15% on avg in BC2 with my 6950 than my 5870 at 1080p with everything turned way up, and still more with some candy turned down for playing competitve mp
dont forget the 69xx's are getting more optimizations than the 58xx's nowadays as well.

It will show a large difference in tessellation workload though not extreme tessellation (crysis2). Otherwise the gains are usually only 10%-15% as in case of BC2 dx11:


Also either something is wrong with your 5870 as well or its just placebo effect you are experiencing. Every review I see shows 5870 outperforming the 6950 in BC2.
take the shround off, pull the sticker covering the fan bearing off, put a couple drops of lightweight synthetic motor oil or ATF in it and put it back together. Should last another year or two.
take the shround off, pull the sticker covering the fan bearing off, put a couple drops of lightweight synthetic motor oil or ATF in it and put it back together. Should last another year or two.

it's not as simple as the bearing freezing up. the blades actually are hitting the shroud as the fan pulls away from the base too far.

I now have a buyer for the card who doesn't need the stock cooler. I'm going to order a 6950 tonight.
RMA It and Beg for a free upgrade for the trouble its causing your business by having downtime :)

cough:free upgrade:cough (do it all the time when products break)
I dont think thats entirely true or representative.

on some newer games its 50-100% faster......

i get better framerates by 10-15% on avg in BC2 with my 6950 than my 5870 at 1080p with everything turned way up, and still more with some candy turned down for playing competitve mp
dont forget the 69xx's are getting more optimizations than the 58xx's nowadays as well.

At 1080p the HD5870 and HD6950 perform identically in Battlefield 3 - in Bad Company 2 they will be fairly similar as well.
The only "game" I've seen tesselation affect things majorly is Unigine.
You have 3 options
Opportunity to sell the gpu for an upgrade
Upgrade to aftermarket cooler
Watercool the gpu

Either method works, But watercooling require deep pockets. Goodluck
my 5870 fan just started making crazy noise too, XFX doesn't have 5870s in stock anymore and may give me a 6950 instead. I have to fill out the RMA stuff and send it in first.