6 Multiclient IM Apps to Chat About

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you are tired of running multiple IM programs you should dump them all in favor of a single multiclient instant messaging app. But, the question is, which one should you go with? Well, this article will help. I recently switched to Digsby (#2 on this list) and I am happy so far.

After installing Digsby on my Windows PC (Mac and Linux versions are reportedly on the way), I was able to log in to my accounts on AIM, Yahoo Mail, Facebook, and others. Digsby's app is designed well, with a more attractive interface than Adium's default skin. Digsby also gives you the option of sending an SMS text message from the application. Overall, I liked Digsby.
Digsby ftw! I used Trillian for a couple years until a friend of mien introduced me to Digsby around 5 months ago. I love how customizable it is in events and popups, the menu styles are clean, there are some nice contact list and conversation window themes. It's pretty cool how it also integrates social networks, too. (Myspace, facebook, twitter, etc), if you're into those things, of course.

I think Digsby is the best IM client by far.
I wish Digsby supports voice chat through AIM. Overall, it's a good IM app.
Trillian Astra. Digsby doesn't support IRC. Also, it would seem that the OP is a mac user, as the first one he mentions is ONLY available for the mac.

I really wish either Digsby or Trillian would support QQ. Yes, I know there's Pidgin, but it's just way too ugly for my tastes.
Wow, a news link that points to the actual page rather than the article at hardocp again.

Trillian at work, need to change at home to something though.
Adium on OS X, Pidgin on Windows. I really hope they port Adium to Windows at some point, it is hands down the best IM client I've used.
I think I might try the Trillian Astra program, I have been running an old ass version of Trillian from 2003/4, it worked so never bothered to update and didn't want to wreck the UI or lose contacts.
Pidgin portable, until digsby can do group chats via jabber its out for me. We use jabber at work with group channels for management, support etc
I'm not entirely sold on Digsby ... yet.

Until then I am Pidgining my way through things.
I have been happy with Pidgin, even back when it was called Gaim. Might have to try out the others on that list though...
Gmail chat!! =)

I used to use Pidgin for my IMing needs, but I decided to get a head start on the imminent cloud bandwagon. I'm using gmail chat for the time being, but I could easily see meebo or buddy.im taking over soon (or Google wave!).

I do have to give a shout out to digsby, but my only qualm with it was that it has a huge memory footprint and it often froze after coming back from hibernation on my laptops.
Pidgin here! Takes care of my Yahoo/AIM just fine. Very light weight, no BS.

Only gripes:

No webcam support.
Very finicky when sending files... only likes sending to certain versions of other Pidgin clients, hit or miss when sending to other AIM/YIM clients.

Other then that, love it.
I know easier said than done, but I can't wait for the day a multi-protocol client encompasses Steam Friends :)
Facts to back this up? You have tested it vs. Pidgin and Digsby extensively?

Do any of them offer a nice interface? Nope. Only Trillian. I used Pidgin once... came on Fedora Core... just a basic app. It was nice, but Trillian is better.
Been using Pidgin, nothing unnecessary. Trillian has been good also in the past.
I have Adium on OSX and Pidgin on my windows machines. The best way to roll.

I use Trillian for a long time and played with astra but its just too much, I like the simple programs that I have now.
I've used trillian for a while but I tried the new Astra beta and I think I will be leaving trillian behind. I don't like the new bitmap to simulate 3d interface, there are too many things cluttered around everywhere and its just too much not the mention the dangle the carrot automatic trial of Astra Pro. I tried Digsby and its really nice, I'm starting to think its a based off of firefox's chrome display but I haven't checked that out yet. It does not support Myspace IM or ICQ yet but I'll give it time. In the mean time I've been giving Pidgen a try and while the interface defaultly is bland it does what it says.
I'd love to see a replacement for the completely dreadful Office Communicator 2007. It's like a White 1963 Ford Falcon with blackwall tires, vynil bench seats, three-on-the-tree and 6-cyl engine.

In other words, very plain and featureless.

Of course it would have to work with Exchange.
as clunky the GTK UI is for pidgin, it worx. my fav. part of pidgin is the plugins. while there is only 1 package that has most of what you need, i'd luv to see even more extension/development for this open source application.

if only open source programmers knew how to design graphics like Mac designers (hence the luv for Adium).

i luv that Pidgin does fulfill all of my IRC needs. not completely, but 99% there. an example is i need to /msg a bot a unique invite so i can join the channel, i have automated that... but then i'd still have to physically click on 'accept' to actually join.

that and replicating ALL other protocols. i think it is still missing a some protocols (like facebook).

other than that, it's fine piece of IM software.
I've got Astra... And Digsby. I like Digsby more by far. Just seems alot more simple to me.