64bit gaming...

Farcry, UT-2004, Dreadnought, and Half-Life:2 (along with Lost Coast), WWII Tank Commander and Shadow Ops:Red Mercury.

A list is here.
Does 64-bit gaming have anything over 32-bit gaming? Just asking.

the [H] did a review on it with FarCry, one thing they noticed was the ability to see further, some other things were listed as well, it wasn't ground breaking in anyway
The18thLetter said:
Does 64-bit gaming have anything over 32-bit gaming? Just asking.
A 64-bit processor should run a 64-bit game faster than the 32-bit version (I think Far Cry is an exception, as the 64-bit version contains higher resolution textures, higher draw distances etc.).

BTW, I think Chronicles of Riddick is 64-bit as well.
Dunno about that. I've seen the comparison video and all it was was basically FarCry at minimum settings vs FarCry at max settings. The 64bit video actually showed nothing over the regular farcry at all :confused:
Sly said:
Dunno about that. I've seen the comparison video and all it was was basically FarCry at minimum settings vs FarCry at max settings. The 64bit video actually showed nothing over the regular farcry at all :confused:

Beg to differ


This has both before and after pics

you can see they have stepped up the bumpmapping and the view distance in some shots, it generally looks nicer
Nice. But how are they processor related? Higher textures and draw distances are limitations of the video card.
yeah you can still run any old 32 bit programs, and they run just as well as they would on a 32-bit processor...no worries :D
i guess im reliving the 16->32bit switch years ago...

i scrambled and searched for 32bit apps. :D
inotocracy said:
Has anyone here really screamed at their monitor in excitement like that?

is it just me, or does that thing on the monitor look sorta like a close up of some girl bending over, id scream too if i saw porn in 64bit graphx lol
The Far Cry screenshots seems to show extreme examples of the improvements they made. I'm running the 64 bit version, and it looks a little better is some places, but for the most part you don't really notice it during play. Chronicles of Riddick runs extremely well on x64, though I'm not sure they included any additional content. It does perform better though. I haven't had any problems at all running games on x64 either. The only thing I have to worry about is occasionally setting processor affinity because of my dual cores. System Shock 2 even runs perfectly on x64. (it's old, and can be rather picky at times) Seems that drivers are nice and stable on x64 too these days.