7800GT SLI compared to 8800GTS

g80 or g92?

I think the g92 will be faster .

but I think the g80 will be pretty similar.
Last time I checked 2 7800GTX SLI were still slower than the 8800GTS 640 (G80),plus they do not have DX10 support...

an 8800Gt would probably be faster...

jeez, thats a close one. the only reason the 8800GTS 320mb would be faster is because of (SLI) driver over head. From the raw numbers the 7800GTs are putting up some pretty awesome stats.

Just so you understand, the 8800s with the strange amount of memory, like 640mb and 320mb, are based on the G80 core which was first showcased in November of 06. The G92 versions are the 8800s with the much more usual amount of memory, like 512mb and 256mb (i know there is no 8800GTS 256mb but there is an 8800GT 256mb). The differances, aside from the ram size, are the G80 (320 and 640) ones only have 96 stream processors and only 24Texture mappers, but have a big 320bit memory bus. The G92 has the full 128 stream processors and a massive 48 texture mappers, but only a smaller, more normal 256bit memory bus. The results always favor the G92.

The G92 is actually the core thats going to be used on the 9800GTX and 9800GX2, which is making the enthusiast arena understandably disapointed. The 9800GTX will be little more then an overclocked 8800GTS 512mb. To really hit home with anyone its going to have to hit an mrsp of $249, but now I'm getting side tracked.

I'm suprised I'm saying this, but I don't think thats worth the upgrade. If you can get an 8800GT 512mb or an 8800GTS 512mb, you'd would see something of an improvement.

edit: mind you something to also consider is that almost every G80 hits 600Mhz core, 950Mhz mem.
Which is better, 2 x 7800GT in SLI, or one 8800GTS?

A 7800 GT SLI setup is slower, than even the old 8800 GTS 640.

If you're talking about the new GTS 512, then the performance difference is even bigger, with the GTS 512 performing at least 50% faster than the SLI setup.
I have sli 7800gtx's and a 8800gtx and the 8800gtx kicks the sli setup in the balls, so I can only imagine sli 78gt's v 88gt/gts would be the same.
Yeah I had the evga 7800GT KO's that were clocked at 470/1100 in SLI on a core 2 E6600 and couldn't pull the same fps in dod:s as my buddy who had a 8800GTS640 and a core 2 E6400. We were running the exact same mobo's and ram as well on XP pro. It wasn't a HUGE diff, but at 1680x1050 it was roughly 5-10fps depending on where you were at on a map.

When I recently upgraded to a P35 board I went 8800GT and have been happy with the small but noticable perf increase. One thing i'm glad to be rid of is the SLI power draw and heat output, along with the extra hassle of the SLI setup in the driver. It seemed like half the time I'd have to reinstall a new driver and reboot a couple times before SLI would really engage and work properly. Whereas with a single card if the driver installed you know you're always getting max performance.
Hmm yeah I will probably hold off on the GTS for now and pick up an 8800GT once the 9800's come out. Maybe the 8800gt will be cheaper. Then I can pick up another 8800GT later on for SLI.

My 7800GT SLI setup works great, never have any driver problems or anything.
One 8800 G92 series. I came from a 7800GT SLI setup to a single 8800GT and I noticed a huge difference in every game I play.
I'd suggest checking out tomshardware.com and click on graphics and displays and then vga charts. Choose one card, then the card you'd like to compare, then for choose benchmark select overall games FPS. The lowest 8800gt scored 1827.8, a normal 7800gt's score in sli is 1584.5. But... If your card performs closer to a 7800gtx, like the 2 evga 7800 gt co's i'm getting, then your score will be more like 1738.3. Hopefully this helps you and many with their comparison questions!
Hmm yeah I will probably hold off on the GTS for now and pick up an 8800GT once the 9800's come out. Maybe the 8800gt will be cheaper. Then I can pick up another 8800GT later on for SLI.

My 7800GT SLI setup works great, never have any driver problems or anything.

graphics card market doesnt work that way. Prices just stagnate until the e-tailer decides to cut their losses and just liquidize. That usually happens years down the road and only in select cases.

you can head into many stoopid retail stores and find a 6800 still selling for upward of $300. Its too bad, according to Infinity ward, the developers of COD4, that really is a problem.
micaknkt said:
What brand of 7800gt's did you own?

model # and such...

eVGA 7800GT CO SE 256-P2-N516-AX
Opteron 170 oc'd to 2.74 GHz
2 GB PC4000 running at rated 250 MHz

When I built my HTPC and installed the 8800GT, I reset all defaults in BIOS and ran the cpu at the stock 2.0 GHz and the memory was at 200 MHz since the uATX mobo I was using wouldn't do PC4000 natively. I ran it all at stock speeds for a few months then I decided to get rid of my 939 platform and go back to a full ATX system (current specs in sig).