7870 not faster than a gtx 480 on blizzard software?


Feb 16, 2003
So i decided to replace my space heater with a 7870 due to the deals. After boxing with the blizards settings to not get it to error out and only play 30fps, its still no faster than my 480. I got only of those 2560x1440 monitors. At that rez i can max out everything but shadow detail, and run AA game enabled with edge detect (override settings just makes the game run at 30fps) with 1 tick of AF.

Id like to be able to enable transparent shadows in SCII HOS. At least now i can see clouds in D3, i had the nvidia bug before where i couldnt see like fart clouds.
13.5 betas from april 25th i believe. Should i roll back to 12? Im running win8 with 16gb ram a quad core 3rd gen i5 with a h77 mobo.

Blizzard does work very closely with Nvidia, but still something has to be wrong for that performance or you are forcing some very massive AA, seeing as how that resolution 11% bigger performs over twice as fast even though it is without AA.

Heck, seeing that hard cap it seems obvious that there are instructions that are run on the cpu only when the card isn't nvidia and that doesn't make much sense, so you may be cpu bottlenecked and didn't know it.
yeh, Nvidia is an a**hole when they optimize for their own titles, it usually means that they intentionally screw over performance for Radeon in any number of ways.

If you use edge detect that's one thing, but I would advise against edge detect+enhance as this will definitely soak up performance.

AA 4x max, af 8x max for performance reasons, I myself use cat 12.8 for performance reasons, cat 12.8 with cap from 12.7 beta 3.
yeh, Nvidia is an a**hole when they optimize for their own titles, it usually means that they intentionally screw over performance for Radeon in any number of ways.

If you use edge detect that's one thing, but I would advise against edge detect+enhance as this will definitely soak up performance.

AA 4x max, af 8x max for performance reasons, I myself use cat 12.8 for performance reasons, cat 12.8 with cap from 12.7 beta 3.

In fact not only NVIDIA do that... If you check any game with the "AMD gaming evolved" you will see thay AMD have far way better performance than NVIDIA cards... In example tom raider 3 or hitman absolution...

Also on the topic... Definetly something its wrong in the configuration with that gaames... That games are really low specs... Diablo3 with Vsync off in my 660ti its over 250fps@1080p in closed zones over 300fps.. Even at 2560x1440 you should be playing in the 130-160fps... About Starcraft really idk. I dn't have it... But first of all you should try with all the CCC in stock configuration and try with the game options.. To discard any wrong change on the CCC..
Based on your sig you're still using a Core2 chip. Expecting the performance of a GPU with a 6 year old CPU is probably the problem --your CPU is bottle necking you. A modern quad, clock for clock, is probably about 50% faster. Plus, not all shadow technologies are GPU based, a lot still uses the CPU for calculations.
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Based on your sig you're still using a Core2 chip. Expecting the performance of a GPU with a 6 year old CPU is probably the problem --your CPU is bottle necking you.

Except for the part where he mentions using a 3rd gen quad core i5 with an H77 motherboard.
Did you run something like driver cleaner to completely remove all your old nvidia drivers?
top right of CCC restore factory default, you should do a clean sweep of drivers between changes and before using, reset to factory default, driver sweeper and or ati remove driver thingy they now have, works wonders.

The difference between AMD and Nvidia, look at the vast majority of titles that are TWIMTBP, they generally screw AMD radeon performance on purpose, this is no simple act of not being optimized for AMD, it has been time and time again proven in the base code to hobble on purpose any gpu except for Nvidia, again, no problem with something being optimized to use something more effectively, but to go the length Nvidia has gone time and time again is not acceptable in my books.

Ok, so you brought up 2 titles, the 1 of them with Tress FX is one thing, but even then there was a bug in kepler architecture not allowing the cards to perform as expected, Hitman I am unsure, either way, point being, out of the 1000s of titles, I bet you 10 cookies that Nvidia has downright screwed AMD far far more then AMD ever will or has done to Nvidia, 2 games even 10 is just rewards my good sir. They even go so far as disabling their crowing feature PhysX if anything but Nvidia is dedicated, how is that right to anyone? Is there workarounds, can be but users should not have to do workarounds for the devs trying to lock them out of enjoying things as best as possible given their hardware.

Again, difference of not being optimized, and intentionally screwed, big difference. Try different drivers as well, I really do not like performance of drivers beyond 12.11 at this point and even then there is a lot of "bugs" and anything but stable performance, Cat 12.8 still the best in my books for every game I play, and bitcoin.
They even go so far as disabling their crowing feature PhysX if anything but Nvidia is dedicated, how is that right to anyone? Is there workarounds, can be but users should not have to do workarounds for the devs trying to lock them out of enjoying things as best as possible given their hardware.

I suppose you did not read this line.

and in some cases they go so far as other "tricks" to make it look better, and deny it of course

thing is, should folks get "free" features, be nice, don't expect it, but be nice if intentionally screwing competition would not be done, just show up the the game and be better is what matters most.
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I will just say that there is one thing to optimize code to use something that is faster on your own card, and a different is that "if it isn't Nvidia, do it with the cpu", and honestly all the amd cards hitting the exact same performance plateau mean just that, they are being cpu bottlenecked.
not sure I follow on the performance plateau part. More often then not Nvidia cards generally get more oomph from a high clocked cpu then AMD cards do, different architecture/design, different results.

Going with what you are saying, Radeon 4870-5870-6870-7870 and 6970-7970 would all be getting more or less identical performance levels, and that is just not the case, well not unless you are severely bottlenecked in any number of ways. You need to be able to use its power effectively, this means a high enough resolution a good level of eye candy without overdoing it, this is no different then any GPU ever released, though it definitely is hard to tell what is what, though some games as an example like BF3 have in-built code to show a graph of potential bottlenecks or if you`re system is sufficiently balanced.

Nvidia does have issues as far as not getting the performance they should, driver issues and the like as much as AMD does in many different ways, they do tend to fix the issues faster, but not always, some bugs have been present in their driver coding for many number of years and were not fixed cause folks moved onto new OS or new parts so the conflicts were gone, it happens, nothing is perfect.


the 480 and 7870 are neck and neck in a lot of things btw, I like reading various user comments it puts things in perspective, well as long as you have a basic understanding of things.
I wasn't discussing with you, i meant what i said, look at the starcraft expansion performance benchmarks that i posted from TPU, with the 7870 ~= 7850 ~= 7950

Only way for those gpu's to achieve around the exact same of performance is to be bottlenecked by the same limit, the cpu, and that is exactly nvidia being quite a bit shadier than just optimizing the code for themselves, kinda like Batman AA but worse.
So i decided to replace my space heater with a 7870 due to the deals. After boxing with the blizards settings to not get it to error out and only play 30fps, its still no faster than my 480. I got only of those 2560x1440 monitors. At that rez i can max out everything but shadow detail, and run AA game enabled with edge detect (override settings just makes the game run at 30fps) with 1 tick of AF.

Id like to be able to enable transparent shadows in SCII HOS. At least now i can see clouds in D3, i had the nvidia bug before where i couldnt see like fart clouds.

They're pretty much the same speed. You sidegraded, not upgraded.
seems sidegrade would be best way to call it. Massive reduction in power/heat, once clocked up the 7870 is faster by all means which is very easily done of course.