86 brand new 2.0ghz laptops sitting Idle till March???.....


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2006
Nov 27, 2004
John (boss' name),

I understand we have a new shipment of laptops that will be sitting idle until march of next year.....
I have found that letting hardware sit idle like that usually reults in multiple requests for said hardware and the need to ultimately order more to compensate for the un-planned deployments.

Further I have found that we bench test our equipment for long periods of time to both block this kind of activity and make sure the units are tested and ready for field use.

Well I have come up with a solution that will meet both 'needs'.
<Insert lengthy description of project here>

I would like permission to run this on all of these laptops until it's time to permanently deploy them to our field staff.




Knock yourself out.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

borgy borgy borgy!!!!!
SCHWEET!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Who has that pic of the chef from sesame street???

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

And in the time you posted this, you could have already borged, 2, 3, maybe more!?!? ;)

Great job and get to work! :p
Specs Specs, we want specs. And you better be adding these to the D to 1000 thread. You n00b! j/k

Great add man, Hopefuly they are blazing Pentium M's and that you'll put three folding under tuxedoedSrhimp. (someone had to say it, might as well be me)

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

thanks guys!

THey're Fujitsu 4020D tablets.
2.0ghz p4m's..... centrino's.
I'm a little behind on my laptop technical knowledge though so the whole p4 / p4m thing sort of goes over my head....a nd WTF is centrino??? a whole big to do over a method of conserving battery life. WHOOP!

We just unpacked the first 36 and I will get to borging them tomorrow as time permits!
oh yeah... and once setup I will get pics posted of the setup.

Funny... I know this will be a big production increase for me for a litte while and it'll be a little boost for the team... but all I can think of is "Boy this is a good day for science!"
how are you going to set them up? stack them one on top another? slightly open and on their sides? do you have room for all these beasts???? :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!


OSUguy98 said:
how are you going to set them up? stack them one on top another? slightly open and on their sides? do you have room for all these beasts???? :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

A question I hadn't considered much but.... I intended on stacking them on the shelving units in our storage room. We occarionally deploy servers in there so it is on our IS cooling system and kept at a balmy 68 degrees. :)
BakedON said:
thanks guys!
and WTF is centrino??? a whole big to do over a method of conserving battery life. WHOOP!

From what I understand. Centrino is just using an Intel Board, Pentium M, and Intel wireless card in one machine. It's a marketing term, you see it and know it's a PM w/ intel wireless. The battery life comes from the PentiumM, not "Centrino". It's kinda like Intel's new VIIV marketing thingy.

But Centrino rocks.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

You sir do indeed own. Hopefully this will help us out.

And yes you are correct, Centrino is not a core revision, it is indeed a standard that has to be met with the above mentioned config to be able to advertise it as a Centrino.
Borgy, Borgy, Borgy!!!!

Sweet. Too bad Stanford is ending the 364 point Gromacs I think from a thread I read on another forum. These things would get ~600 PPD on those. These own't grab QMD's FYI.

What ever you do, enable big packets!!!

FYI- EM3 is not good for monitoring large amonts of boxen. Use FAH MON.
I was about to draw something very similar to Dr. K's...

*sigh* I wish I had your job...

If you have a problem with space, I can help out there. I have room in my apartment and room at my friend's house. He told me to bring as many systems as I can get my hands on over. As long as it doesn't throw any breakers we are good to go. And as long as he doesn't try to run the A/C while doing laundry we are good to go. Besides, it's about 35 degrees outside. No need for the A/C right now.

Say hello to an extra $1000 / month electric bill.

A normal PC consumes about 250-400+W underload with a monitor.

I'm sure a laptop will consume less and I assume the screens will all be off the entire time, so even less there. But lets assume that F@H will cause the CPU's to stay loaded and the laptops each consume $10/month of electricity = $860. Then you consider the heat that the 86 laptops will put out will jack up the A/C cooling bill probably $140+/month.

So you're right about $1000.00?!

All I know.... is right now, the electric company is raping me anally right now b/c of the natural gas energy adjustment bullshit!!!

Not trying to rain on your parade.... but when next month's bill comes in PM me with the estimated "extra" costs. I'll be curious to see it, especially right now with energy costs so HIGH.
Just hope this goes through, I remember when Logikality was going to get another 600 computers......so let's not jinx this one!

I think things are shaping up, a lot of new members, the contests etc, just give 'er eh ;)
chrisf6969 said:
Say hello to an extra $1000 / month electric bill.

A normal PC consumes about 250-400+W underload with a monitor.

I'm sure a laptop will consume less and I assume the screens will all be off the entire time, so even less there. But lets assume that F@H will cause the CPU's to stay loaded and the laptops each consume $10/month of electricity = $860. Then you consider the heat that the 86 laptops will put out will jack up the A/C cooling bill probably $140+/month.

So you're right about $1000.00?!

All I know.... is right now, the electric company is raping me anally right now b/c of the natural gas energy adjustment bullshit!!!

Not trying to rain on your parade.... but when next month's bill comes in PM me with the estimated "extra" costs. I'll be curious to see it, especially right now with energy costs so HIGH.

The laptops will only use a fraction of the juice a desktop will. If you don't believe, find a UPS or something with similar specs to a laptop battery (good luck with that) and then see how long it will power a desktop.

Secondly, this is his at his job, not as his home. The power costs are not going to bother him.

Third, power costs are not the same everywhere. Some places have higher power costs than others so the bill could be almost half of what it is somewhere else. I have a decent size two bedroom/two bathroom apartment. I have a PIII with a bunch of drives and a 17" CRT running full time. When home I have at least a couple of lights on and some of the time I was using A/C, sometimes nothing and sometimes the heater (all in less than a month) and my power bill has been around $38. I have all electric appliances too and I cook every night. So, power doesn't cost the same everywhere.

Now hush so we can enjoy the folding goodness.

yeah we would have run the machines on teh bench for quite a while anyways... at least this way we can donate some wasted cycles for a little while.
And the AC gets run year round in our server room / stoarge area. Without it the temps get up to 106 in the winter and god only knows what in the summer. LOTS of stuff going on in there. :)
On the brighter side of all of this (logistics will be the darker side) I brought the FIRST unit online just a few minutes ago. Brought some work home with me. :D
I'll have 10 borged here shortly and back in the closet at work by morning.

chrisf6969 said:
Say hello to an extra $1000 / month electric bill.

A normal PC consumes about 250-400+W underload with a monitor.

I'm sure a laptop will consume less and I assume the screens will all be off the entire time, so even less there. But lets assume that F@H will cause the CPU's to stay loaded and the laptops each consume $10/month of electricity = $860. Then you consider the heat that the 86 laptops will put out will jack up the A/C cooling bill probably $140+/month.

Laptops consume a lot less power than a desktop, especially the PM CPU based ones. The 2 GHz PM processor uses 27 watts max, so his laptops will consume <40 watts total. My old Thinkpad P3 1.13 GHz consumes a whopping 24 watts under full load with F@H going full throttle, whereas a similiar desktop would take at least 4-5 times that much :)

I'm the laptop technician for the company I work for, and I have racks of busted laptops with mostly just dead LCD's, if I could get away with it I'd have a few hundred b0rgs doing my bidding :D
tdg said:
Laptops consume a lot less power than a desktop, especially the PM CPU based ones. The 2 GHz PM processor uses 27 watts max, so his laptops will consume <40 watts total. My old Thinkpad P3 1.13 GHz consumes a whopping 24 watts under full load with F@H going full throttle, whereas a similiar desktop would take at least 4-5 times that much :)

I'm the laptop technician for the company I work for, and I have racks of busted laptops with mostly just dead LCD's, if I could get away with it I'd have a few hundred b0rgs doing my bidding :D

My Pentium M laptop(1.86GHz) pulls 35 watts under full load(folding) with the screen closed according to my kill-a-watt meter. I calculated the electric rate to be ~$3 a month if I remember right. The 2GHz model will only pull a couple watts more, and make little difference in overall power usage.
Imitation said:
Baked do we have a weekend update on the borg count yet?
I have 16 borged that I won't have running until monday when I get back tot the office.... Installed the console client as a service and downloaded the core.... come monday they'll be neatly racked in my office. :)

Hopefully by wed or thurs I'll have that many more as well... 32 - 35 total by the end of the week.
I may run out of room in or around that number though so I may have to hold off on afew till i find space.
BakedON said:
I have 16 borged that I won't have running until monday when I get back tot the office.... Installed the console client as a service and downloaded the core.... come monday they'll be neatly racked in my office. :)

Hopefully by wed or thurs I'll have that many more as well... 32 - 35 total by the end of the week.
I may run out of room in or around that number though so I may have to hold off on afew till i find space.

As I said, I have plenty of space and free electricity. Well, free electricity as far as my pocketbook is concerned. ;) Hell, I'll pay to run a few at my apartment if you let me borg a few under my name. ;) :D

That is outstanding! 172GHz! The Dothan cores are pretty speedy as well (which is what those would be).

Great job on that one. :)
SmokeRngs said:
As I said, I have plenty of space and free electricity. Well, free electricity as far as my pocketbook is concerned. ;) Hell, I'll pay to run a few at my apartment if you let me borg a few under my name. ;) :D

If these weren't corporate borgs I would definately rather have you take them and run them under your ID then have them sit idle. THey're a little anal about their inventory here though so I have to keep them all together and ready to be deployed at a moments notice. :(

Thanks for the offer though!
First group back in the office and crunching!
Baked, do you have the rest of these guys folding yet? It doesn't look like you're ramping any yet :confused:
Imitation said:
Baked, do you have the rest of these guys folding yet? It doesn't look like you're ramping any yet :confused:
I borged 20, got my storage room cleaned out and then we got a shipment of PC's in. :(
Lost my space.
After the massive loss of power the other day all my other borgs went down for two days since I was out in the field instead of there to bring them back online.
SO not only did I NOT ramp up my daily production DROPPED for a day or two.
Yesterday I traversed the building bringing all my boxen back online and I had a meeting with our Property Management people at which they gave me free reign over a small space in one of their storage rooms.
Our building manager is placing shelving units for me today or tomorrow and I can FINALLY get the little corporate garden of lappy's in place.
Pisses me off though cause half of them were already half done crunching their first WU when I had to shut them down.

I'll get it going here soon..... small boost for the team I hope. Just have to get people to leave me be long enough to set it all up with a switch n stuff for an hour or two.

The GOOD news is that I have to beg for permission when it comes to laptops.... I don't have to ask anyone about the new PC's we're getting. :)

Sorry for the delay... and hell the loss of points there for a few days.... but I'll be rolling along nicely here shortly. Keep watching the score board.
sorry to hear about the delay.... but good news about the real estate for future growth!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Just out of curiosity for those of you who actually know mobile computing better, but wouldn't running all these on AC power 24/7 for several months kill their battery life?
pixelbaker said:
Just out of curiosity for those of you who actually know mobile computing better, but wouldn't running all these on AC power 24/7 for several months kill their battery life?

I seriously doubt it. My understanding is that lithium-ion batteries suffer most when run through a complete discharged, I don't believe there'd be any harm in letting them sit at 100% charge.

And if that's a concern, most (all?) laptops can run with the battery disconnected... so you can run them straight from AC power and not even bring the batteries into the question.