8800GS Issues, Hopefully Solved :D


Jan 22, 2005
I've played 5 maps of Cod4 and Nfsu2 for about an hour so I think I fixed
the issues I was having with my 8800GS.

The solution hopefully was switching "Init display first" in the bios from
PCI to PEG. Has this been an issue for anyone else? Would this be the cause
of freezing and weird graphics corruption? Because it seems like it fixed it.

I was thinking maybe it worked fine like this with my 8600 because that was
only PCI-E 1.x but this 8800 is 2.0...maybe

Happy I fixed it (hopefully)
Well it seems that the freezing and weird stuff is still occuring.

In the event viewer this was the error after cod4 froze.

Hanging application iw3mp.exe, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.

So I guess I'm not getting the Infinite Loop error for my graphics card anymore but I'm still getting some freezing and when I alt tab sometimes it will freeze in random games.

Edit: 8 hours of 3dmark 06 looped so I guess it's not the card.