8800GTS 640MB for 180 worth it?


May 28, 2006
Someone is selling me one for $180 and I can SLi up again. Is it worth the money or is the GT200 around the corner to destroy my setup?
But this is in canada.

You're still paying too much money for what performance that 640MB 8800GTS delivers - 180 Canadian Dollars equals a whopping 179.02 US Dollars. It is based on the now-outdated G80 technology.
Yeah but, I already have a 8800GTS 640MB, and I want to SLi up again.

The thing is, you cant guarantee that your games will necessarily take the full ability of SLi and one card is usually better than two, plus you can always get another GT since they are cheaper. ;)
its a little pricey considering you can probably find new gts g92 for that price. but if you have one, and want to go sli, go for it. it may have less sp's than a gt or a g92 gts but it has more memory and a wider data path. and $180 isnt really much money. i had g80 gts sli and gts g92 sli and there wasnt any difference that would matter, maybe 5 percent.
That is definitely a cold cold deal, you can get an 8800GT or 8800GTS (512) for that price.
If you want to SLI then go for it. It's only money. 180 is not that bad for a card that was 500 bucks when they first released. I just recently sold my G80 GTS 640 for 200.
If you want to SLI then go for it. It's only money. 180 is not that bad for a card that was 500 bucks when they first released. I just recently sold my G80 GTS 640 for 200.

Really? Then I have a voodoo2 12mb I can give you a great deal on. I'll throw in the SLI cable to sweeten the deal.
Really? Then I have a voodoo2 12mb I can give you a great deal on. I'll throw in the SLI cable to sweeten the deal.

Actually that Voodoo would be sweet if I had a rig to put it in. Play a little GL Quake and Descent..... Yes the op can get an 8800 GT G92 cheap (they are great bang for the buck). However if he wants to do SLI his options are getting a G80 GTS 640 or spending even more money for two 8800 GT's.
Someone is selling me one for $180 and I can SLi up again. Is it worth the money or is the GT200 around the corner to destroy my setup?

If you're really want to do SLI then make an offer to the guy. Start it low. Two of this cards almost the same as one of GX2 for less than $200 and if you wait for the next gen card, it's probably going to cost your from $300 and up for a good one.

You can pair two GTS for now until the GT200 released with price drop then upgrade it again.