8900GTXXX Super Ultra Hyperclocked Special Limited Edition?

Bona Fide

Aug 26, 2005

Is it just me, or are these naming schemes getting a bit tedious? I mean honestly, what brilliant mind in the marketing division of these video card companies actually proposed that adding in words like "ultimate" and "KO" would increase sales? And if it's actually working, that is a horrible reflection upon us as consumers, that we can be so easily persuaded to drop an additional 10-20% on a card with a cool word after the title.

Is this the direction that marketing is going in? Since when did a videocard with a 50MHz bump to the core/memory become "Superclocked"? Since when did "XXX" become a speed grade? This marketing bullsh*t is starting to tick me off.

Any opinions?

You can find Super in alot of the card names already, they have to move to Super Duper now :D

8900GTX XXX Super Duper Extreme Ultra Hyperclocked Special Limited Signature Series Edition is more like it!!
it should be called "insanely-expensive-yet-will-be-obsolete-in-6-months edition"
what i want to know, is why do you want to rant over the name? how does it effect your purchase, how does it effect the speed of the card, how does it effect anything other then what gets plastered on the box?

seriously i see this come up all the time, and i have to ask the question everytime, why is it worth your time to get upset about the name?
haha i just want to know how many people opened this expecting first info on the latest nvidia card! :D
Miami_Fly_Guy said:
haha i just want to know how many people opened this expecting first info on the latest nvidia card! :D

not me.
It's the same effect as putting a "Type-R" sticker on your car to add horsepower.

Bullshit sells to people that believe bullshit. Those of us that actually READ the technical specifications can actually tell those that believe the bullshit that the GT KO Ultimate is actually read as "Bullshit".

I think Penn & Teller should do an episode on it. :p
I understand nVidia's naming scheme. From what I know about acronyms, GT stand for Graphics Terminal. The X means it is over clocked.

The naming makes it sound badass while still making sense.

However, I do understand that some names are getting rediculous. instead of calling it some rediculous name, add numbers. For example: 7800GT becomes 7810GT. Much simpler.

Oh and by the way, rants belong in GenMay. This thread will be locked soon enough.
I completely agree with you. One of the reasons I chose an XT instead of an XTX. Shits getting stupid.

In fact, I'm hoping the new Radeon (if they even call it that, hopefully not) ditches the X##00 moniker for good.
i'm interested to know why this bothers you and why the extra "X" stopped you from buying it?
i would really suggest waiting for hte new ATI X2800XTXXXXXXXXXXXXX as it will be 10times as fast as the x1900xtx
cuz the x1900 has 48 rendering units the ATI X2800XTXXXXXXXXXXXXX will have 480 rendering units and run at 1.2GHz core and 2.4GHz mem

just wait for it, you will be amazed, it is codenamed R620 btw with RV615 and RV630 to follow those being the x2300 and x2600 series
I have just several things to say.

Radeon x800/x800se/x800xt/x800xl/x800gt/x800gto/x800gto2/x800xt-pe/x800pro/x850xt/x850pro/x850xt-pe

(As advertised by a local computer store) GeForce 4 FX 6800 GTX

(I'd actually buy the KO because I like the way the cooling works. even if it's more expensive.
Soparik2 said:
i would really suggest waiting for hte new ATI X2800XTXXXXXXXXXXXXX as it will be 10times as fast as the x1900xtx
cuz the x1900 has 48 rendering units the ATI X2800XTXXXXXXXXXXXXX will have 480 rendering units and run at 1.2GHz core and 2.4GHz mem

just wait for it, you will be amazed, it is codenamed R620 btw with RV615 and RV630 to follow those being the x2300 and x2600 series

Trimlock said:
i'm interested to know why this bothers you and why the extra "X" stopped you from buying it?

It was mainly on principle. I don't tolerate retarded marketing.
Least said:
That, or you're too cheap to buy the extra x :D

That extra X is expensive. Especially when you can buy the cheaper one and OC it to achieve the second X. That is... if you wanted to.
i hear if you buy the ones with the extra "X" you will slowly go insane and end up killing yourself, much like in the movie "the skull"

8900GTX XXX Super Duper Extreme Ultra Hyperclocked Special Limited Signature Series Edition Rev.2 Platinum OC Fatality
i hate seeing the fatal1ty logo on every piece on shit that comes out and costs more than it should and gives no preformence advantage.

i cant wait for the

ATI XX1891834XTXXX Ub0r-fatal1ty 8way sli dual b00bie ultra nUb Pwn0r super special signature edition XXX SuperDup0rHyp0r Clocked FX Crossfire edition quad dvi

2 of these in quadfire............just imagine...
8900GTX XXX Super Duper Extreme Ultra Hyperclocked Special Limited Signature Series Edition Rev.2 Platinum OC Fatality

I LOL'ed at the Fatality part :p
yea, I'd rather have the model number then a little monnicker that shows what the version is.
Like a Geforce 6800 is the low basic one, 6800 GT is the medium version, and the Ultra is the fast version. It gets annoying like the x800se/xt/gto... I DONT KNOW WHICH ONE IS FASTER :D
The new ATi lineup is going to be called the Radeator series, due to the amount of heat it puts out.
This just in:

Typesetters everywhere are raising their prices as they increasingly chew through "X" blocks and keys - the worldwide shortage has now pushed the letter "X"'s price far beyond the original print-cost of 0.000006c per letter standard to around $600 per "X". The move has prompted allegations of price fixing by "X"-cartels in China who have been blocking shipments of "X"'s to the rest of the world by replacing them with much-maligned "N"'s instead. Some believe that the newly vogue marketing strategy of "Barraging with X" is to blame, with the graphics card industry in particular to blame. Several groups have been unable to continue normal business operations, including Xerox, Xgames organisation and, surprisingly, Intel (a spokesperson comments: "we just need them, OK? It's got nothing to do with our unannounced product list next year.").

nVidia and ATi have yet to comment on the price and availability of "X"'s but an anonymous source has advised us that their marketing departments are searching for appropriate substitutes. Apparently onomatapoeia such as "ecks" have been ruled out for lack of impact, but ASCII substitution such as "><" or "}{" and even "V^" are on the table.

This publication will now file for bankruptcy after wearing out our "X" key.
-=ABUSIVE-69=- said:
ATI XX1891834XTXXX Ub0r-fatal1ty 8way sli dual b00bie ultra nUb Pwn0r super special signature edition XXX SuperDup0rHyp0r Clocked FX Crossfire edition quad dvi
ooh where do I preorder ?!!!!

MrNasty said:
Apparently onomatapoeia such as "ecks" have been ruled out for lack of impact [/I]
lol. I would buy it if it said 'ecks' on it!
This is no joke.....did you see the eVGA website with their new 7900 GT "special signature edition".....no X's or KO's just a fancy black box, for a premium price. :eek:
KO = Knock Out or Killer Output?

btw, they should make a "S.S. More Powerful Than Superman, Batman, Spiderman, And The Incredible Hulk Put Together edition"
8900GTX XXX Super Duper Extreme Ultra Hyperclocked Special Limited Signature Series Edition Rev.2 Platinum OC Fatality

I cant believe I forgot the Fatality part :D

The XFX cards are going to be Fatality sadly enough. Cant belive XFX signed a deal with that douchebag.
So uh, in between all the joking and witty remarks, I think we've all come to the general consensus that these naming schemes are nothing short of retarded marketing ploys designed to trick the unwary buyer into dropping additional money on something he'll see little improvement with. And to think that it works...sigh.

To the people wondering why I'm ranting - I think it's absolutely ridiculous that a company would resort to such things as "Superclocked" and "XXX Edition" to market their product. In my opinion, your product should be able to speak for itself, without all that crap. It's like slapping vinyls on your car and removing your exhaust, and then calling yourself a street racer. More like street ricer. Oh, and furthermore, it pisses me off to no end that people actually BUY these things.
I would have to agree that the naming schemes for vid. cards are getting out of hand.

However to lump eVGA and BFG in with the crowd is kinda wrong. BFG simply adds OC to the versions it overclocks, and with eVGA the ko and co and superclocks are all faster than nvidia reference design. Of course my opinion is slightly bias.:D I happen to own a 7900gt CO Superclock currently running at 560/1720 on stock voltage..
I'm still waiting for the X31337XT edition.
This thread is getting as ridiculous as the marketing ploy in the first place
Well I won't touch those overclocked 7900s, not based on what I heard about them. You get pissed at the extra money you shell out if you buy a factory OCed card, then you get even more pissed when the card dies....
From my understanding the name extensions always mean somthing. Like faster memory then the recomended specs or a better cooler. I just find it retarded when all they do is raise the clocks on a standard card and add a bunch of name extensions. And also i find ATI's system makes more sense then nvidias partners as far as name extensions go.

Then again no matter the name if the card was good i would buy it. Its the LED's, and window cases that disturb me. :)