9th Annual BOINC Pentathlon 2018 Strategy & Preparation

TC is sneaking up on us for 3rd spot. See their last 12 and 24hrs output....

Yeah, they've increased their production the last 48 hours.

The good news is it doesn't seem like they are bunkering which is good. If they over take us it will be because of a bunker drop.

Maybe Fastgeek should put half his systems back on NF?
Fastgeek was averaging around 1M+ PPD when he was running mostly NF and some Universe. So ~500k PPD with half his army?
I put my ryzen and my 8320 back on NF after rosetta finished. I have my two weakest systems on asteroids and i still have an asteroids GPU bunker to drop at some point. I am bunkering NF though
I just don't get how we were doing so well in the first 3 projects and then suddenly we fell off the face of the earth it seems

I mean I get we aren't GPU heavy, but we aren't that light either. Atp not running 100% is surely hurting us, but 9th place hurt? And I don't even know asteroids.

Maybe we should all just push for NF.
I am thinking we will do better in Prime in the next few days if validation improves. My pending validation has gotten worse but i am hoping that will even out in a few days. I suspect ATP is building up alot of pending as he got things back online today. As long as we don't completely tank asteroids we will have a respectable overall, but I think we should mostly move back to NF with about half bunkered at least to confuse them. No reason not to bunker due to lack of wingman. @CV no it can't . they have a setting but abandoned it years ago apparently
I have 8 cores on Asteroids. 3 1080TIs on PrimeGrid.

Edit: The thing with the PrimeGrid points is everyones daily totals will improve as the validations start coming in. I got 3.5 million today. It think I will top out around 4 million per day. Really we probably should have jumped on primegrid as soon as it was announced. Live and learn.
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On my 2695v2 and 4669v3 running 2.9 Ghz (Win 7), the average NF tasks is about 11+ hours, give or take at 100% CPU. It will be too late to catch-up on the last day due to long task time, so I'm bunkering one rig for NF first and move some later. There are quite a number of last minute/hour bunker drop in these events, so I'm expecting to see more for the remainder three events.
NF website is currently down. Hopefully temporarily. Some stats not being updated. TC is slowly gaining on us.

It appears that asteroids well has run dry. Just attempted to put my home box online and it's getting zero WU's; this is confirmed at the project server status page. Do have 4,489 WU's in progress and 419 pending, which is a "whopping" 2,355,840 if all validate in time.

Unless others feel strongly about this, I'm going to focus on NF to the best of my abilities. I can leave asteroids online, too, just in case... but I rather like and agree with what Christian said...

I really think we should defend our #3 in NF... If we want to write history:NF it is

We might not make the the top three overall; but for us to keep third in the Marathon would be quite the accomplishment.
I highly recommend focusing on Numberfields right now. Asteroids may not validate. Team China is aggressively hitting us. NumberFields went down for a little while earlier but is now back up. The only way Asteroids would be worth it is if we can hold NF 3rd position and still get a ton of validations. That would mean people loading up on 4-5 days worth of work on Asteroids and letting it run. Even then, you may not get them all validated. Numberfields is pretty much a guarantee validation. And the way people are bunkering with trickery...I personally would rather get some metal in one event then risking just getting an Attaboy for the attempt.
Fully agree with applejacks, gilthanis and fastgeek. I've two rigs on NumberFields now.

I've some asteroid tasks that I downloaded a few hours after it was first announced, so I want to finish most of these tasks as they have a higher chance of being validated.

Our concern should be for the last hours of big bunker drop from TC or other teams. This pentathlon has being full of big bunker drops.

Would love to see us finishing with one medal.
Well I got a asteroids bunker, one from last week and one from the day it started.

Most my rigs are in NF though.
Happy to go whichever way the team decides. I've got significant amounts of Asteroids and Primegrid bunkering though. I was planning a bomb drop on Tuesday or Wednesday but I can change course.
phoenicis, if you can join us in NumberFields or at least spare a rig or two at your convenience. Oh, you can do big bunker drop. Love these big bunker drops from you. (y)
phoenicis, if you can join us in NumberFields or at least spare a rig or two at your convenience. Oh, you can do big bunker drop. Love these big bunker drops from you. (y)

Seems we're decided :cool:

My asteroid tasks were grabbed before the event started and, if I just let them run, wouldn't complete for a couple of days.

I'll drop early with whatever is completed by tomorrow and then focus on NF to the finish.

This is great fun!
Seems we're decided :cool:

My asteroid tasks were grabbed before the event started and, if I just let them run, wouldn't complete for a couple of days.

I'll drop early with whatever is completed by tomorrow and then focus on NF to the finish.

This is great fun!
What UTC time are you planning to drop your asteroid bunker tomorrow?
So here's the thing, one of my boxes has 1,028 Asteroid WUs. My estimate is ~71 hours for it to complete all of those (E5-4640 Ivy Bridge w/ 80 threads). Am figuring about 5.5hrs for group of 80 units completed.

Now I'd really like to move some of those WUs to another system for processing, then return them to this system for reporting to maximize the chances of them getting validated. Hence the thread in the main forum.

Also have boxes with 258, 335, 348, 438 and 600 Asteroids WUs as well. Think those should be OK; but sure would be nice to spread the load around a bit with some of the boxes that have zero. Then the Asteroids stuff would be done and sole focus would be on NF.
Personally, I would focus on FIFO to increase validation rate. I still have two more rigs to convert to NF. Two rigs already on NF. I can convert one more to NF by tomorrow morning or late night. The other may take 2 days.
So here's the thing, one of my boxes has 1,028 Asteroid WUs. My estimate is ~71 hours for it to complete all of those (E5-4640 Ivy Bridge w/ 80 threads). Am figuring about 5.5hrs for group of 80 units completed

My instinct would be to not mess with this mate. You'll probably end up pulling your hair out. I'd choose a time to cut off with them all then focus on NF.

What UTC time are you planning to drop your asteroid bunker tomorrow?

Not sure, possibly late afternoon UK time. I'll look for an adequate gap between meetings and then explain to the client that I need some 'executive time' to think things over.

Teamviewer may be heavily involved in said executive time, lol.
Alright i will drop my asteroids mini bunker tomorrow! Its not alot but points in the project are small enough for a dent to be seen. :D wonder about the 0 showing on last hourly update for TC in NF? are they bunkering everything or is it a stats issues? they must be pretty coordinated if the whole team all of a sudden went silent.
NF had server issue this morning. Seems like showing up again. Maybe too many updates or someone doing DDoS.

yeah its a stats issue in general. both SUSA and us are showing 0 for last hour in Primgrid now

Current stats for my prime progress:
State: All 5609 | In progress 1057 | Pending 1371 | Inconclusive | Valid 2174 | Aborted 1007 | Invalid | Error

4.6 million points stuck in validation....
Welcome back atp1916 . With you back we're reeling them in on PrimeGrid now. As long as the project doesn't run dry and the validation stays decent we'll get some better positions soon.

fastgeek is killing it in Numberfields, too. Nice!
Wooo. Window take #2 seems to be working. This time around, i pushed the rigs all the way up to the screen - definitely seems to be expelling the heat out past the screen. Not entirely sure how the first attempt failed so badly, but a different story this time around.

That being said, still need to get a rig up (8 cards) + make another card work in another rig. Stuff is very throttled at the moment, but i'll open it all up wide here soon.
So Asteroids now has over 300K WUs available as of 1715 PST. No idea how many of those are for GPU; but my CPU boxes are pulling them in like mad. I'm planning on leaving a few of the higher end machines on Asteroids and moving everything else to NF.
So i guess on the last day GPU's can go on asteroids. I am gonna pull whatever tasks i can get tomorrow after i bunker drop for asteroids GPU and then let them upload as they finish. I can't get any more now till i drop the ones i have

So my brain is mush... but is the following math correct? (birthday + being sick + dune buggies at Pismo beach Saturday + getting little drunk that night + getting seemingly sicker = unhappy head)

3-4hrs to do one Asteroids WU * 128-threads = 768-1024wu/day. (368,640 to 491,520 PPD)

1070GTX takes ~20M per/WU, or 3-per hour, = ~72/day. Make it like one of atp's insane rigs, so 576wu/day or roughly 276,480 PPD.

Of course the former costs 8+x as much as the latter. :p

*edit* Original fuzzy brain numbers below in interest of honesty... as somehow my fatigued noodle thought we lived on a different planet with 100m/hour. Oi!
1070GTX takes ~20M per/WU, or 5-per hour, = ~120/day. Make it like one of atp's insane rigs, so 960wu/day or roughly 460,800 PPD.
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So my brain is mush... but is the following math correct? (birthday + being sick + dune buggies at Pismo beach Saturday + getting little drunk that + getting seemingly sicker = unhappy head)

3-4hrs to do one Asteroids WU * 128-threads = 768-1024wu/day. (368,640 to 491,520 PPD)

1070GTX takes ~20M per/WU, or 5-per hour, = ~120/day. Make it like one of atp's insane rigs, so 960wu/day or roughly 460,800 PPD.

Of course the former costs 8+x as much as the latter. :p

Not sure what planet your math comes from but 20m per WU =/= 5 per hour, its 3 per hour or 72 per day :D

State: All (2039) · In progress (1232) · Validation pending (652) · Validation inconclusive (0) · Valid (147) · Invalid (0) · Error (8)

I’m overcommitted with that bunker; I can make 2GPU each 15 min = 8 WU/hour = 192 WU per day ... 3 to 4 days more loaded

Q: should I abort those or keep them ?

While you guys might get some reassigned so also the others ...

I tend to abort 500 WU later when coming home