A good case?


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2006
I'm probably gong to be buying a new case to future proof my rig and allow for upgrades. I want it to big enough for the hugest graphics cards. Good cooling is a must (or good cooling possibility, IE spots for fans to go). I also need it to be under 200$, preferably under 150$

The problem is I only have 20.5" inches of vertical space that a case can fit in to. Any more than that and the case will be touching the bottom of the shelves on my desk. Space is very limited and this is the only place the computer can go, really. As for length I have pretty much unlimited space, 29 inches, and for width I have about 11", so not a problem there. But it's the height that has to be limited. I know there have to be cases out there that fit my needs, but I need recommendations from people who have worked with the case and have an opinion on it.

So, [H], help a fellow geek out?
A Lian Li pc-v1000B would work its just under 20" in height and a bit shorter than 29". I haven't heard of any problems with video cards fitting, only fitting a large PSU that is non modular. A quick search should find you a couple places at or right near $200 USD.

Of course Lian Li has several other cases under 200, but mostly older models. It depends on if you want sleek and smooth, or more 'modded' looking with odd grills, fans, lights, etc. I'm a fan of the Silverstone/Lian Li look, obviously.

One last question (for now) is the price including shipping or not? My last case came from California to TX and shipping was around $35, so consider that.
One last question (for now) is the price including shipping or not? My last case came from California to TX and shipping was around $35, so consider that.

Yeah I forgot about shipping... But still, the most I really want to spend is 200, but if I got a bit over it shouldn't be a problem. Just a bit, though. BTW, is the pc-v1000B on Newegg? Can't seem to find it.
my V1000B is 18 & 1/8" with these feet:


and no modding is required to install them instead of the hideous casters.


Then there's also these wich I like and my back up pc is in a six year old PC-60. The quality is superb and a great investment.


That one has provisions for cooling hard drives vga cards and cpu. I good case, IMO.

Of course there's silver variants of the same cases if you browse that site. If you do decide to order from them (I have and had great service), make sure you call to verify what you're getting. There pictures can be dated and you may get a current model if the manufacturer has made any changes.

The v1000 also offers decent cable management.


/end pointless case whoring:cool:
Nice feet, I was just going to chuck the wheels up in the lathe and turn them down... but hell for 8 bucks I may just do that.. or would that be too easy?

IMO, those wheels are disgusting.

Nice feet, I was just going to chuck the wheels up in the lathe and turn them down... but hell for 8 bucks I may just do that.. or would that be too easy?
I really like the look of the v1000b

And what about this case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119137
It seems to fit my needs quite well and one reviewer says he fit a 4870x2 in it. Anyone own it?

All right I suppose... I lost my love for the coolermaster cases after they quit making the ATC cases a while back. Think lian li quality with more 'standard' (if that's possible) chassis. I can't find an ATC-201 anywhere. Probably my faavorrite case I've owned... just in it's 'classiness'


I've got two full length cards in mine, so it's not really an issue with the V1000.
I used to buy the sub $100 cases until my PC-60 and there's been no turning back. I'm to the point I wouldn't even consider anything else... though the TJ-09 looks very tempting if I'm in the market any time soon, to go next to the v1000.:cool: