A Picture I Took - 2006

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Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2000
A new thread for every one to post their new pics. Lets see 'em!
Just got my dsc-r1 so havent had much time to "perfect" its usage (plus im a complete noob when it comes to photography).

Took this one in Ueno Park zoo, slightly blurred since I had to rush to take it (lots of people around me).

Zxcs said:
Just got my dsc-r1 so havent had much time to "perfect" its usage (plus im a complete noob when it comes to photography).

Took this one in Ueno Park zoo, slightly blurred since I had to rush to take it (lots of people around me).



You call that BLURRED?! LOL! Nice pic! :)

EDIT, lol, now I see what ya mean. The rocks in the background do look blurry... but the birds look phenomenal. I kind of like it like that, brings the focus even more on what it should be! The birds!
All pics taken with my family's Canon A85 (w00t). Gonna get a Nikon D50 as soon as possible :D:D can't wait.

My girlfriend and I went on an adventure to a neighboring island.

And the most beautiful of all ;)

Here is my first attempt candid portraits:

My niece Allison


My wife's cousin Elaina


Nikon D50
18-55mm ED

:eek: truly amazing love them all wish I could get some great sites like that here and n64man120 very nice work dude , everyone here brilliant work truely mind blowing
crappiest pictures in this thread but:


taken with an olympus camedia C-3000 ZOOM
Took this one with my new FZ5 in a capitalistically challenged neighborhood....

On a cold winter day I noticed heat radiating from a pond heater, so I couldn't help to see if I could capture it.
Got bored from studying tonite and took some shots.

University of Toronto @ Mississauga campus..


abandoned place in birmingham


i'd appreciate some tips on post processing jpg's in CS2 regarding that sunset pic.
17-40L on Canon 20D, its a better lens than I ama photographer so far...



Self-Portrait in NYC... oh yeah, I'm bad... ;-)


My backyard view, the obligatory sunset photo.


Okay, so I took these pics in 2005, but I haven't posted them here 'til now :-D This is a candid I took of a little girl on her daddy's shoulders at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC.
I know I said this before somwhere in this thread but i just have to say it again, these pictures are amazing guys Im just speechless everytime I see a new one. *Claps* ;)
First T & Co purchace ever, and playing around with my camera, I should have
used something for the background so there isn't such a crappy reflection in it...








At the edmonton car and bike shows respectively, holy shit car shows are so hard to shoot, the reflections just fuck with your camera's meter, such a PITA. Camera is the 10d with the 17-40L.
Was driving to my daughter's volleyball tournament in the wee hours of the morning in Kitsap County on the Olympic Peninsula when we realized we were watching a beautiful moonset behind the Olympic mountains.

Unfortunately by the time I found a spot to pull over WITH a view of the mountains and wrestled my camera gear from its bags and got it set up with the appropriate settings (well - almost, left the iso too high at 400, and it was grainier than I'd like) - the moon had disappeared and I was left with the pic below. Still a nice pic, but nothing like if the moon was still up.

Dang! :)


BTW - don't ever get the Sigma 24-135 f2.8-F4.5 - its soft as hell. Saving up for a new mid-zoom walkaround lens, but dunno what I'm gonna get yet.

A fun one from the snow storm yesterday.. its almost impossible to keep Monty inside- he just loves jumping through the snow.

BB, the grain adds to that pic rather than detracts from it I think. Check out the Tamron 28-75 2.8 for a great walkaround, if only it had IS it would be the perfect lens. As it is it's a great bargain imo.

MarkLT1, great shot )

My favorite mountain as the sun set, the sunlight was soft yet brought out a lot of detail at that angle
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