** A Picture I Took - 2009 **


EDIT: I keep forgetting I screwed up the copyright date on that image lol.
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You captured a lovely moment! I would have brightened up the scene a bit in the PP, but that's just me nitpicking :p
What the hell... has everyone passed out or something? Where are all your pictures!?

Anyway, I just thought I'd announce that I'm in the works to get my D700. See you soon. Oh, I have a wedding on the 19th, stay tuned.
I've been super busy with life stuffs =(

Can't even say when the next time I might get a chance to shoot will be, and that makes me sad. At least my wife is starting to learn how to use the 5D, she likes that!
Sounds good on paper...but I've gotten shots I couldn't have gotten with primes, due to lack of mobility.

Just something to think about.
I just discovered the firearms forum over in genmay! Inspired me to build a stobist-style macro light-box so I could take pics of all my guns, and took photos of a bunch of them last night. So... I could re-post everything, or just link to the "post my guns" thread. Or maybe a little of both.

On the bright side, I now have a macro light box, so I can make awesome looking product shots of all the junk I own! :D The guns were kindof a chalenge, 'cause they're hard to get at the right angle; so they all ended up with slightly non-desirable shadows underneath. I need to work on a way to stand them up at the right angle, or position the lights better to get rid of those shadows.

Fun Thread!


srsly victor? way to crush my dreams.. lol :)



from my trip to the west, ill put up others later, toomany pictures to find only the great ones
So I got a camera the other week and was playing with gimp today. I was trying to do bracketing stuff but I wasn't holding the camera still enough so I ended up just messing with a random RAW file and tried to fake HDR type look.
My first wedding shoot ever is happening tomorrow. I'll probably at least have some more pics of cake that are worth posting. :p

I'm shooting a golf tournament on Wednesday, so I'll finally have something to share.

Interesting - sounds like fun! Is it a commision job, or you just showing up and shooting?

I shoot a wedding tomorrow!!! pics to come.

Cool - looking forward to seeing these as usual.
Interesting - sounds like fun! Is it a commision job, or you just showing up and shooting?
My day job hosts this tourney every year, and this is the 10th year of doing it. It's a pretty big tourney, and all the proceeds go towards pancreatic cancer research, so I'll be away from my desk and on the course instead. Can't really beat that!

Good luck with your wedding, but I know you'll be fine. Get good angles on the kiss, cake, and rings, and you'll be golden.
My first wedding shoot ever is happening tomorrow. I'll probably at least have some more pics of cake that are worth posting. :p

Interesting - sounds like fun! Is it a commision job, or you just showing up and shooting?

Cool - looking forward to seeing these as usual.

Good luck with the wedding! Can't wait to see them. We got offered to be flown out to Louisiana for a wedding and reception, then shoot the second reception here in Jersey. I haven't figured out what we're going quote them for yet. But, I'm thinking 6k for everything.
I rented a 70-200 f/2.8 for the afformentioned tourney, and it got here 3 days early. Can't wait to play with it! I had the f/4 version but sold it because I needed something faster.
I rented a 70-200 f/2.8 for the afformentioned tourney, and it got here 3 days early. Can't wait to play with it! I had the f/4 version but sold it because I needed something faster.

where can you rent stuff? I'd love to rent a decent SLR with a couple lenses for a week or something.